33 Fishing for information
Zara was relieved when she woke up the next morning to find a note waiting for her on the bed. Andrew had left it. A part of her was anxious about reading the note, fearing that Andrew had written hurtful words in it. However, a bigger part of her was excited. This was the first note she’d be getting after he’d turned silent mode on her.
She took it and read through it, alert. It wasn’t a bad note—not by a stretch. “Good morning,” the note said. “Be sure to have breakfast and plenty of rest. You cried much yesterday and I wasn’t sure how to take that. I might get you a gift today when I come back. Say, what do you like most? Text me.”
Zara smiled, feeling all the burden and worries evaporate like ice cream to the sun. It was amazing just how much those words meant to her. She stretched and folded the note again, shoving it under her pillow. She had it in mind to text Andrew later.