LUKE: The Enlightenment that is Mace

I woke up to the sound of my mom calling from downstairs, telling me that breakfast is ready and that I’d better get up as it’s rude to keep food waiting. I yawned, stretched my legs and reached for the alarm clock at the desk beside my bed. It read 9:00 AM.

SHOOT! I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Had Mace arrived home already?

I wanted to call her immediately but figured that she’s probably asleep right now, given that she arrived way past 2:00 AM already. I decided to wait until around 11:00 AM to call her.

Meanwhile, my mom was still calling me for breakfast and the irritated tone of her voice can already be detected. I hurriedly got up from bed and made my way downstairs. She was seated at the table with my sister, Kate, beside her. Both were looking at me expectantly.

“What?” I asked nonchalantly as I sat down at my usual seat.

“What do you mean, ‘what’?” Kate asked while spreading some butter on her bread. “How did the election go yesterday? I was already asleep when you arrived home so it’d be nice to know if you had a good volunteering experience.” She looked at me pointedly. “Did you learn something? Anything?"

I stifled a groan. My sister can be so serious.

“Yes, I’d say it was a good experience,” I answered as I mixed myself a myself a cup of hot chocolate. “Enlightening to say the least.”

Kate’s eyes widened. “Wow, big word!” She leaned forward. “And what would this enlightenment be?”

I gave Kate an innocent smile and held out my fingers one by one. “First, the oldies in charge of ballot counting hardly smiled and often barked at us, volunteers. Second, I’ve proven and tested the saying, ‘Share a Seat and Win a Friend’ to be true.” I paused for some dramatic effect. “And last but not the least, holding a chair for practically two hours to keep someone from falling while counting ballots can be pretty exhausting.”

Kate gave me a blank look then turned to mom. “What the heck is he saying Ma?” she remarked.

“Who knows?” Mom said shrugging her shoulders. “Either way, at least you had some insights.”

“I wouldn’t call those insights Ma,” Kate said indignantly. She turned to me with a frown on her face. “Really Luke, couldn’t you come up with something more serious?”

“Geez, lighten up Kate!” I said with a laugh. “Anyway, what I said were all true and they did happen especially the first so called enlightenment.”

Kate was not amused at my joke, which was expected. What I didn’t expect though was Mom’s comment thereafter. “What I want to know Luke, is who have you been calling three times upon arriving last night?”

As usual, she said it out simply and directly. She seldom gives comments or observations but when she does, her words are just like arrows piercing you right to your heart.

I cleared my throat and gave a forced smile. “Oh that?” I began. “It was nothing ---”

“Huh?” Kate interrupted. “Really Ma?” The excitement in her voice was unmistakable.

My mom looked at me in the eye and gave a mischievous smile. “Care to give us some enlightenment?”

“Calling someone at a very late hour is not exactly normal between friends but let’s just say your worry was what led you to call…” Kate paused in between her rationalizing mode. “Still, calling three times is just too much,” came her wise conclusion.

“Hold on,” I said raising my hands. “In the first place Ma, when did you hear me make the phone call? I was alone in the living room.”

“I was waiting for you to arrive,” my mom explained. “What mother wouldn’t wait for her son to arrive at such a late hour right? I was relieved when I heard the front door open but then I wondered why I didn’t hear your bedroom door close soon after. I got up and saw you just sitting at the couch by the phone, as if waiting for a call or rather, debating to make a call.”

I looked at my mom quite shocked at her revelation. “You were spying on me?” I asked incredulously.

“No, more like curious of your behavior,” she answered sweetly. “You did seem worried that the girl you were calling hasn’t arrived yet!”

Ahhhh, my mom did spy on me! I can’t believe this!

Kate laughed at my mom’s answer. “C’mon Luke, spill the beans!” She wagged a finger at me. “Who was the girl you called?”

“No one you know,” I answered curtly. “She’s not someone you guys know.”

“Well, she’s sure to be from your youth group and since you called during an unholy hour, she was with you during the elections right?” Kate was really on the go now.

“How perceptive of you sister dear,” I said sarcastically.

As Kate’s teasing droned on and on, I looked at my mom helplessly. She gave me a smile and reached out to take my hand. “You must really like her huh?”

I looked down feeling my cheeks getting hot. “Well, I didn’t really see her that way at first,” I answered self-consciously. “It was only during the elections that I started to feel this way. It was like seeing her for the first time.”

Mom patted my hand. “That’s good then,” she said with a smile. “Do your best to win her… and then make sure to introduce us to her okay?”

I nodded and smiled back sheepishly. “It’s Mace Ma,” I said softly. “Her name is Mace.”

Across from me, I could practically see Kate’s ears growing big. “I caught her name,” she said triumphantly. “Just you wait Luke, I’ll find out who this Mace is!”