Selena can feel the warm morning sunlight bath her legs. She moan at how cool the air was but with the sunlight, it was the best of both worlds.
A perfect combination of cold win ensuring her comforter and a little sunlight to balance out the room's current temperature feels divine. No to mention how soft the comforter was and how good it smells in the morning. or was the little thing like this that starts her dress well.
She had used berries scented shower cream. The sweet fruit scent basking from every squeeze she places on her palm calms her, a sweet therapy she actually enjoys with how her arms were near to her nose. Nevertheless, in the very bed, she was in, there was a scent she finds unusually peculiar.
It was not foreign to her. She knew it very well, faintly at some point but recognising it deep, DEEP, in her soul yet, she can't put a name on how what or where?
Nevertheless, it felt good for her body and soul. It was calming.