Chapter 6

"An adult should not be forced into marriage as a child is forced to eat his peas. Peas are only part of a meal. Marriage is a life's work."

-Loretta Chase-


Karina has been looking at herself in the mirror for nearly two hours as the makeup artist and hairstylist worked their magic on her and she knew as soon as they were done with their job, it was time for her to put on her dress, which required two people’s help since it was so large and had many intricate designs and embroidery on them.

Once she was done, she stared at herself in a full-length mirror and was speechless by how different she looked from her normal, casual self. She did not even know that side of her existed and was possible to channel out.

“You look so beautiful, Miss. I think your husband is the luckiest man in the world.” One of the stylist complimented. She could only give her a small smile. Clearly, nobody in the room knew the real story behind her wedding.