Chapter 8

"A married couple are well-suited when both partners usually feel the need for a quarrel at the same time."

-Jean Rostand-


“Tell me, Karina, who were you before you came to me?” He asked as they were driving to the town. He hated complete silence and the music was not helping either. Eden thought it was a great opportunity to get her talking so he could understand her better.

“Why do you want to know? I thought you said you knew everything about me. Also, I didn’t come to you, you kidnapped me.” She protested.

“Yes, I do, from an external perspective, but I couldn’t get down to the very detail, you know. About your hobby, what you like, dislike, the things you’re passionate about. I could easily hack into your browser history to find out but I would rather discover it directly from you.” He reasoned.

“Just who are you exactly, Eden? Are you in the mafia?” She asked.