Chapter 18

"I know now it is children who accept life. Grown people cover it up and pretend it is different with drinks."

-Rumer Godden-


“Eden, this is Aunt Libel’s son, Leonardo. However, he usually goes by Leo.” She introduced the boy to Eden who still looked pissed by his existence. The boy refused to let go of Karina’s clothing and continued to hide behind her.

“Leo, don’t be afraid. This is my husband, Eden. He’s your distant cousin. Why don’t you come here and greet him?” Karina suggested with a gentle voice. Leo looked terrified of Eden but still decided to take a step forward and greeted him with a simple ‘Hello’.

Eden who did not really like an outsider taking all of Karina’s attention planned on scaring the boy but when Karina stared at him with a hopeful gaze, he decided to reply to the boy’s greeting.