"Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient."
-Jordan B. Peterson-
“What is this?” Karina was taking a walk in front of her house when a guard approached her with a letter in his hand.
“This is an invitation from Madam Libel.” He told her. Eden was at work that morning so he thought it was best to give the letter to Karina instead. She took it and thanked the guard before going back inside the house to see what the letter was all about.
“Dear Eden and Karina,
Leo has been requesting to meet you again since you parted. Therefore, as a good mother, I would like to fulfill my son’s wish. I would like to invite you over to my place for dinner tomorrow evening. Please inform me if you are available.
With love and kisses, Lobelia Libel.” The letter was incredibly short and she could easily send the message over through a phone call. Instead, she chose to do it the old fashioned way by sending a letter. That woman was truly something special.