Chapter Three

It was around eight pm when I got home. After the school incident, we chose Ice cream,something the twins said about calming nerves.

I couldn't deny that I was shaken, maybe I should actually stop targeting my mother's killer, at least for Nessa if not for me, I could do that, couldn't I?

I also couldn't help but think Trevor knew about it and he was part of them,the shadows that had been hunting my conscience.

I pulled my shirt over my head replaying how he had saved my life. I knew I should be thankful and impressed, but the hate I had for his family was numbing all my other senses.

My pants followed suit and I entered the bathroom. The hot water stung a little as it hit my skin. I closed my eyes and all I could see was blood. All I could feel was pain. I knew I had been broken beyond repair but it didn't really matter. As long as I was here to prevent Nessa from losing it...


Where the hell was she anyway?!

I could feel my heartbeat pick up pace but I had to look calm otherwise I'd freak out Miranda. Wearing my robe I went downstairs to check if she had arrived home.

"Katherine! How are you? " Miranda asked walking towards me giving me a full body scan.

Oh! She knew..

" yeah I'm good.. Uumh. Where's Nessa? "

"you didn't come home with her? "

My heart stopped.

" no.. I came with the girls cause I thought she came ahead of me. Dammit! I should've checked! "

I hurried out of the house with Miranda trailing behind me trying to calm me down. I couldn't lose Nessa. Oh God!

Why had I been so reckless anyway?! Aah!

She must be scared wherever she was. Stop thinking! My imagination wasn't helping anyway.

I had mastered all the streets of this place and the tunnels underneath. Where the secret society held it's meetings and the victims. The way their minds worked. But I didn't find a link between my family and them. Why exactly they were after us. All I knew was if they lay a single finger on Nessa I would..

" Katy?! "

It was her..

That was her voice. Or was my mind playing tricks on me?

No sooner had I stopped than her figure jumped on me almost landing us both on the ground. Almost.

Returning her embrace my composure relaxed and I could hear Miranda yell a thank the heavens or daddy yankees behind us.. Whatever she said.

Many questions flowed to my head but her smile and jolliness that never left her features assured me she was OK and the questions could wait.

Four figures appeared behind her and my hold tightened around her. " It's ok Katy.. They brought me home. " she said excitedly..

Oh God! Like that was actually a good thing! What if the had removed her spleen?! My mind really needed to stop doing that.

" why are you in a robe Taurus? " I could feel the grin in his voice.

Oh shit! The robe! I mentally face palmed myself and ignored the question..

I mean.. People walk naked right?!

At least I didn't leave the shower with just soap on me. The guys with him weren't that clear in the dark but I could tell one of them was blonde.. That stood out.

They were all technically the Same height and had almost the same body features. Why was I analyzing them anyway? What if that was his serial killer team?! OK I needed to calm down.

" You know for someone who doesn't need me you sure keep drawing my attention."

" Maybe if you just.. "

" Not tonight Taurus. And not with me , save those comebacks for the real bad guys. See you around. "

Then they walked away. I couldn't trace any person who got on my nerves like Trevor Kingston! His name was irritating in itself!

" They're cool aren't they?! " Nessa asked excitedly as she skipped over to also hold Miranda's arm.

This wasn't good!

"GET CHANGED! " the coached shouted at the poor souls scrambling out of the pool.

"Do I really have to do this?.. I mean swimming can remain as a hobby to me get? " I told the girls trying to bat my eyelashes and what not.

Cian's face wasn't budging and the twins just looked at me apologetically.

I could do this..

I could do this..

I tried to calm my nerves as I wore my costume.

I was a badass spy. A swimming audition was nothing. Right?

I came out of the changing rooms and registered. Thank God almost all the swim team members were leaving... Yay ! I could embarrass myself in peace.

" you good? " Cian asked and I just gave her the finger..

She smiled .


OK... Nothing worse could possibly happen.. Right?!

" There you are! Get changed! We need to audition! " the couch shouted looking past me.

I turned my head to see Trevor walk In with his pack.

Karma seriously needed to stop doing that! I turned to the girls and they were all amused. So I was not getting any help from them.. Great!

To my relief only one of them entered the changing rooms and it wasn't Trevor , maybe karma wasn't that bad after all.

The coach briefed me that the guy was Liam Strafford, the captain of the team and auditions are done with him to range capability.

No. I. Was. Not. Going. To. Embarrass. Myself.

I excused myself from the coach bit he didn't budge. Liam appeared seconds later not giving me enough time to explain why I didn't want try outs anymore.

We took our mark which made me see the smug look on his face.

Were all the boys in this school that proud?!

" Enjoy the view from behind. Katherine. " he said as the coach blew the whistle.

Maybe it wasn't too late to not embarrass myself . Don't get me wrong not that I didn't know how to swim.. Just that..

No need lying I didn't have an excuse why I was terr....

"KATHERINE! " the girls shouted.

Wait !oh yeah! The pool..

I dived in and did my favorite stroke.. Butterfly..

I actually didn't bother trying. Liam was already ahead of me, I didn't stand a chance.

After very many ages I finished my heat. Deadbeat! And lay my forehead on the wall. I didn't want to look at some guy's victory face.

"Well done miss Petrova ! You have just broken the captain's own record! " the couch shouted walking towards me.

It couldn't be..

I looked up seeing Liam finish just in time for me to process what I had been told.

Huh! Meet your new Captain