Colluding With The Enemy


My lips covered into a smile as I saw the cloud cross the Queen's face. She looked more like a ghost as she began pale.

"Let her loose, now!", She ordered as the servants untied me quickly.

I stood up and drew myself to my full size. Vera was staring fire but I didn't give notice to her as I faced the Queen.

"You made the right decision, mother", I breathed trying to provoke her and it did.

Her hands were raised as she made to slap me but I held it right before it touched my cheeks.

Her teeth gnashed together as she stared at me.

"Have you reconsidered so quickly, mother? The press would be happy to write a catching headline about you. Like Her grace the Queen, violent as ever? ",

"You! ", she exclaimed as I let go of her hands.

She was fuming in anger but who cares. It's time for them to have a cup of their own medicine!

"I won't be considerate to stop you next time. The news would ", I stated as the servants' mouths dropped.