Increased Strength

Blade got to his feet on the recommendation of the system as he once more began doing the weird movements of the Chaotic Supreme Body Art.

Another three hours passed by as Blade spat another mouthful of such a substance as it was only five hours later, he spat out the substance for the last time.


Blade fainted in exhaustion due to the constant activities. One must know that for some unknown reason, every time Blade followed the movements ingrained into his mind and body, he is left in an exhausted state. Even when his strength increased a substantial amount over the past week, Blade still had not been able to finish the movements without being left in an exhausted state.




(Four Hours Later...)


An annoyed growl escaped Blade's lips as he slowly and groggily got up. Slowly because the power he felt may be enough to cause a great ruckus inside the cave if not carefully controlled!

Reaching to his feet, Blade gazed toward his palms and clenched his fist. Feeling the power gushing through his veins, Blade walked toward the wall of the cave, and similar to the last time he tested his strength, Blade punched the wall casually.


An explosion caused the cave to vibrate. Blade smiled after sensing the destructiveness of his hands as he then decided to exit the darkness because of the incredible hunger gripping his stomach. Because of the excitement that he had felt after hearing the news from the system, Blade hadn't eaten food even till now.

"Two weeks...I'm hungry..." Blade grumbled while approaching the cave's entrance. Since he knew he did not have an opponent who could harm him in his vicinity, Blade ordered his system to show him his status. Immediately after, interesting contents were shown to him.

[Host: Blade]

[System: Level 2]

[System Perk: Interdimensional Space Level 1]

[Experience points: 0/500]

[Title: Unregistered]

[Race: High Human (? Sealed)]

[Lifespan: 16/150]

[Gender: Male]

[Body Cultivation: High-Level Body Forging. Comparable To High-level Body Forging]

[Soul Cultivation: Null]

There were multiple words written on the status screen that Blade was completely oblivious to. But, there wasn't any reason to worry since the system was here, so Blade asked his multiple questions, the first being...

"Interdimensional space, what the hell is that?..." Blade muttered under his breath. His confusion was obvious even from his eyes while the system that was slowly amalgamating with Blade's soul, answered in but a mere instant after the question was made. As if it had already known what Blade was going to ask...

{The simple explanation is that an interdimensional space is what you can call an inventory. The space is five meters cube and will continuously grow bigger the more times that I level up.

Not only that but, whatever you store inside the space, will be left frozen in time. For example, if you store recently cooked food, it'll remain hot and preserved throughout many cycles, until you're ready to eat it.}

Blade carefully listened to the system's words while he entered the pond contaminated with alligator blood.

Even though he could have previously eaten such creatures, something about the fact that one of them ate his left leg, left a bad taste to the thought of actually eating them. He felt that he was doing an act of cannibalism in some way or form.

Anyway, he had a bright smile on his face when hearing the words of his system. Words that now made it easy to carry around items such as weapons that he knew will be in his possession soon in the future.

"It's obvious that it'll take more experience points to upgrade the system to the next level, so it'll make no sense to question it..." Blade said, as he then asked.

"Why is my strength though in the realm of a High-Level Body Forging cultivator, still comparable to a High-Level Body Forging cultivator? Wasn't it comparable to a High-Level Body Forging cultivator when I still was a Mid-Level Body Forging cultivator?"

The system then replied.

{Obviously, there is a difference between a Body Forging cultivator and a Meridian Opening Cultivator hence the names of the realms are different.

Instead of raising your strength by a minor realm like from a Mid-Level to a High-Level Body Forging cultivator, you'll be raising your strength by a whole major realm when reaching the Low-Level of Meridian Opening.

The mysteries of the Meridian Opening realm are soo deep that even the strongest Body Forging realm cultivator is not necessarily the opponent of even the weakest Low-Level Meridian Opening cultivator}


The words of the system reverberated in Blade's mind while he simultaneously appeared on the other side of the pond. His shock not being little as he now knew that the only way for him to get his revenge on the people from the city, was to enter the Meridian Opening Realm, and quickly.

So, with this in mind, Blade began his journey to find a meal, and also hunt down some beasts so that he could store them in his inventory.




Following the path he previously took, Blade eventually passed by the dead bodies of the snakes he had previously killed. Thereafter, Blade continued his walk for some time until something caught his attention.

It was the scene of the dirt trail he has been walking on parted into two sections, with one traveling straight ahead, while there was another that was on his left side. The path was covered by leaves and bushes, making it hard to discern.

It was so camouflaged, especially if one was heading from the other side, that it wasn't surprising that Blade did not see it when he was running away with his life on the line.

Blade, who was still getting accustomed to the workings of this world, wasn't as cautious as those who had lived in this world all their life, hence the reason that even without inspecting the other side, he jumped into the bushes without any sort of visible hesitation.

What appeared in his view was an empty plot of land that spanned 10 meters squared. Well, it would have been empty if not for the 3-meter big ape-like creature that was sleeping in the middle of the field.

Not being able to sense the strength of his opponent, Blade saw this ape as another low-level body-forging creature. Blade was after all new to this world, and even if he had undergone what one can call a traumatic experience, Blade still hadn't yet adapted to living on the edge at all times.

Walking up to the creature hoping not to make too much noise to startle it, Blade got his body ready to pump an incredible amount of strength into his hand to instantly one-shot his enemy.


But, sometimes things don't go as one suspects. The ape-like creature was immediately able to sense the intent to kill that escaped Blade's eyes, even when in a sleeping state, and it instinctively reacted by sending its long and massive black-furred hand toward Blade's location.

It was at such a quick speed, that even though Blade perceived the attack, he was still unable to get out of harm's way in time, as he was only able to block it by crossing his arms, hoping to somehow cushion the impact.


Blade's body was sent skidding a few meters back. While this happened, his legs tried to get a grip on the forest floors.

Blade's face contained evident surprise when sensing the power of the ape-like creature since he was able to discern that the creature was obviously on the level of a High-Level body forging cultivator.

On the other hand, the eyes of the creature showed visible interest when it also realized the fact that Blade was slightly different from all of its other foes. Unlike the other times, this weirdly shaped creature in front of him was not left dead after one strike.

The two foes now adopted serious expressions as they realized their enemy wasn't a pushover. They both began closing in on each other as they readied themselves for an exhausting and bloody fight.

As they drew closer to one another, there was a sudden drop in the surrounding temperature caused by the focused killing intent in both opponents' eyes. Their figures disappeared in the eyes of a normal mortal as they appeared in front of each other...only inches away.


Both punched with their full power toward each other. Their right fists connected as the burst of wild power contained in their fists caused them both to be pushed back a meter or so before they once more jumped toward each other.




"Why are we still here, even though it's highly likely that the boy is already eaten?..." The deep voice of a perverted and disgusting middle-aged man resounded in between some leaves. Their group, who had been searching for Blade for a week, finally started to doubt Blade was alive.