
Floating in the pristine waters of the lake, Blade's focus seemed to be toward the skies yet it was actually toward the screen that displayed almost everything about himself.

[Host: Blade]

[System: Level 3]

[System Perk: Interdimensional Space Level 2]

[System Perk: Appraisal Level 1]

[Experience points: 430/2,500]

[Title: Unregistered]

[Race: High Human (? Sealed)]

[Lifespan: 16/150]

[Gender: Male]

[Body Cultivation: High-Level Body Forging. Comparable To High-level Body Forging]

[Soul Cultivation: Null]

Seeing this, Blade smirked as he then muttered what he understood from the system.

"Level 1 appraisal allows for me to see the status screen of all those who are weaker than me. Hmm, but, it's time for me to enter the Meridian Opening realm."

Blade said as he casually rose to his feet and exited the lake where he then entered the depths of the cave. When one wants to enter the Meridian Opening realm, one must first sense their Meridians and then will for the Life Energy outside their bodies to enter their bodies and unclog the clogged Meridians.

Since Blade had the experience of a Meridian Opening expert, even though everyone's meridians are in totally different places, he was easily able to sense where his meridians were. The only problem keeping him from instantly unclogging all his Meridians was, of course, unclogging them...!

For the past few days, Blade had been gathering Life Energy into one of his meridians to unclog it in one burst. Before doing such an action though, he clarified from his system if it was safe to unclog his meridians in one push.

{Under normal circumstances, one must slowly unclog their meridians. For a genius-level talent, to unclog one meridian may take up to a month, and for people with talent comparable to Latin, well, even after reaching his forties, he still hasn't unclogged more than three.

But for you, since you have cultivated using the Chaotic Body Supreme Art, your meridians are multiple times stronger than Latin, and any genius. So the answer is yes, you can unclog your meridians in one go}

When hearing this, Blade was incredibly happy. With this beautiful news, along with the event with the pond, Blade felt his luck had risen by quite a few notches.

"Creatures can express only a part of their strength. Unclogging a meridian gives a creature some of their strength, and eventually, after reaching the peak of the meridian opening realm, one will be able to utilize all 100% of their this correct, system?!" Blade asked out loud.

{Yes, this is why one can't determine how strong a Meridian Opening cultivator is. Some would receive an incredible boost of power that is levels higher than others of the same realm}

Hearing this, Blade was incredibly interested in how much would his strength increase. After all, he was already incredibly strong as a Body Forging cultivator. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he was one of the strongest Body Forging cultivators on this planet.

Closing his eyes and clearing his mind, Blade sensed the gathering of a gaseous substance that he seemed to have complete control over. The gas was clustered together and blocked from moving forward by what seemed to be a wall.

It didn't take much time and was pretty anti-climatic. Blade simply willed for it, and the Life Energy that was previously blocked began shrinking in size yet the energy it radiated kept rising and becoming more potent.


Suddenly, an explosion reverberated throughout the depths of the cave where Blade was located.

A black gas exited Blade's pores as his body mysteriously became more toned and whatever internal injuries he still had instantly healed. His already lean body became even leaner and his muscles were even more toned.

Blade stood up to his feet and leisurely walked toward the walls of the cave.


The walls of the cave received an attack that was so powerful that spider cracks formed all over and soon, the cave ceiling began breaking apart. Before long, Blade realized that he had used too much power as his cave abode was destroyed.

The green sun shone its light on his naked body, and his long white hair had a noticeably brighter shine to them than before.

"Is this the doing of the Chaotic Supreme Body Art?!" Blade asked out loud while gazing at his palms. The power he felt was way too unreal compared to when he was still in the Body Forging realm.

{Yes, of course. The Chaotic Supreme Body Art is after all a Universal level technique. The users of such a technique would always be stronger than others in the same realm inside of a universe}

Hearing his system's words, Blade couldn't help but let out a dashing smile. With the strength his body currently held, he had confidence. Of course, he didn't feel he was at a level where he could destroy mountains but, he didn't need such a level of strength to get his revenge.

With the strength coursing through him, Blade was confident he would be successful in getting his revenge!

With this in mind, Blade used his newfound strength and jumped over the pond. Appearing on the trail, Blade followed it and walked past the bushes that lead to the abode of the dead ape and also the mist.

He wasn't interested in going into that mist once more, according to the system, there was someone present in that mist that was way out of his league of strength, and Blade wasn't interested in testing the validity of the system's claim.

Blade's current focus was to of course reach the city. A city that didn't have his presence for almost a month.

A city that was the abode of almost 500 people, and the residence of Latin, and his family that once tortured Blade for a whole week...

It's been slightly more than a month since Blade entered this world, and in such a short time, Blade's mentality underwent such a drastic change that he was currently intending to cause mass slaughter.

While walking, the city walls soon came into view as Blade's eyes turned utterly cold and ruthless as he muttered under his breath.

"This city, it matters not if you're a man, woman, old or young, only death awaits...!"




In a dark room, sitting in front of a stash of papers, one can see the figure of the city lord who seemed quite focused on his work.

As a city lord, even though he was rather talented, and was able to reach the Mid-Level Meridian Opening realm before 30 years of age, he had little time to cultivate since he has been supervising the city most of his time.


The doors for the office room were slammed open as the figure of his advisor, Latin suddenly appeared in his office.

"How many times do I need to tell you that you shouldn't suddenly slam my doors. One must understand, that you aren't the one who will be paying the merchant when I want wood.

And you are also not the one to pay the workers who'll transform that wood into a door." The city lord said without raising his eyes from the papers on the desk.

Latin ignored his words and said. "Five days... Those wastes haven't sent a message from the forest in five days.

If I didn't know that there aren't any Meridian Opening creatures in that forest, then I would have thought that they died." Latin stated with clear wrath written on his face.

Its been almost a month since the person who had ruthlessly raped and killed his daughter had escaped his grasp, yet he was still unable to get his revenge.

The soldiers he sent to get the bastard back somehow had ended up in a situation where they failed to send word back to him using the crows that were personally trained to do things like carrying letters.

Latin was enraged since learning of Blade's escape. His rage continued growing for weeks and in the past five days, Latin's anger had surpassed anything that should be considered healthy for one's mental health.


Once more, the doors of the city lord's office room were slammed open. Such actions caused an already enraged Latin to spin his head around in anger as he intended to lash out at the person who came in, yet the city lord had beaten him to the chase as he shouted in anger.

"For fuck sake, I said stop slamming my doors open you fucking piece of shit!!!"

Immediately, an awkward silence enshrouded the room. The city lord's expression froze when realizing his uncalled outburst as he calmed himself and adorned a calm smile. The person who came in bowed in fear as he said while stuttering.

"I-I'm s-sorry my L-Lord but...the c-city seems t-to be under a-attack...!" The bald man with this city's city guard armor said with cold sweat dripping down his spine.


"How many?!" The city lord asked in a calm tone, shocking the city guard.