Wearing A Green Hat...

A potential Holy Child!...

Potential Holy Child!...

Holy Child!!...

The eyes of the core disciple widened in shock.

"By Holy Child... you mean...-!" Before the shocked core disciple could finish speaking, "Yes, I mean someone permitted to become a member of 'that' place!!"

Her master only nodded, silently agreeing to her words.



Some minutes had passed and a hooded silhouette appeared on the podium, followed by an Elder of the Battle Arena. The faces of the spectators and Khan changed. Seeing the hooded figure, he was able to tell who it was since Blade's pitch-black eyes met his.


Khan, angered by the rumors, upon seeing Blade, Khan felt nothing but hatred. The elder and disciple approached Khan, who sat in the center of the arena.

The whole Arena was silent as they awaited the face reveal of the so-called alluring junior. And while they waited, suddenly, Blade's voice entered the ears of the spectators.

"I'll like to thank you oh, Khan Chad." Due to how quiet it was, his voice was easily heard by the spectators. "Thank you for offering me Spirit Stones for nothing in return, and also thank you for using yourself as a sacrifice. Now, after this battle, there shouldn't be any fools looking to start a fight with me... hopefully!"

For Blade, there were many benefits to this battle. Not only was he going to get some of this world's currency but, depending on how this battle went, it could work as a deterrence to prevent unnecessary conflict.

It wasn't that he was afraid of any type of conflict but, if there were to be conflicts with stupid fools who thought by fighting him, they'll prove their strength to some vixen, then wouldn't there be no time for him to cultivate?

It wasn't like before, now, he had felt how troublesome it was to improve his cultivation. He couldn't handle the recurring cycle of battle.

He understood that, if he was to be challenged by some fool, after beating the fellow, this person's older sibling would come to seek trouble, then it'll be this older sibling's parents after would be the grandparents, then the ancestors, and finally, it would be the person whose to strong to be in the lower world so he's suppressed.

After defeating this person, the actual person would be in the higher realm, and even after defeating him, one would realize he was a mere servant of some supreme clan whose out for revenge. The cycle wouldn't end.

As for how he knew all this, before appearing in this world, he did read his fair share of fantasy books and it was due to this, he was able to easily acclimatize with this world. So, what he had planned to do was show this Sect a display of utter dominance from start to finish.

He'll humiliate the fellow and show the Sect what type of unbelievable talent they held in their possession. As for the poor fellow named Khan Chad, he definitely wouldn't be any type of chad in this story.

As for those that heard his words, they felt a slight tinge of annoyance at his arrogance. It was normal for cultivators to have arrogance, especially the talented ones but...

"He's just come in the Sect. Still a little brat wet behind his ears yet he doesn't place even Senior Chad in his eyes!"

"Humph! Simply another one who has not yet comprehended the immensity between the heavens and earth."

The spectators, especially the males, couldn't help but let out curses. As for Khan Chad, the one who Blade had spoken to, he was beaming with waves of anger. Only the presence of the Elder had stopped him from slicing Blade apart with the spear in his hand.

"Okay, good good, it seems I'll need to teach you a lesson. Don't blame me for being a little ruthless as it was you who had signed the contract knowing full well this was a death match that prevented nothing besides demonic arts."

Khan could feel the flames of anger clouding his mind. As if each heartbeat caused his rage to multiply, Khan's eyes were bloodshot. The rumors he needed to endure, the conceited expression on Blade's covered face that only he was able to see, and Blade's arrogant words, all angered him to no end.

"It seems your disciple isn't monstrously talented in cultivation alone. He also has a talent for leaving one fuming upon being close to his presence." Aurel's voice entered Jin's ears as he gazed at the battle platform with interest in his eyes.

"Hehe, my disciple is naturally gifted in terms of appearance. He got this ability to attract females from this one here, as for his talent, this one here personally taught him everything. As this one's disciple, how can he not be such an attention seeker? What is the use of talent if others aren't aware of it?!"

The duo was situated in a room only for Elders and their disciples, as Dolion, or Andra also entered soon after, only to hear Jin's shameless boasting. Upon her entry, the eyes of both masters darted toward Andra's figure, analyzing every nook and cranny, perceiving her way of walking... limping.

"It seems my disciple didn't go easy on you... well, it also seemed at the time that you were enjoying it."


Right after saying that, he received a powerful slap to his face from Aurel. Andra remained with flushed red cheeks, unable to think clearly.


Resting her body on a seat, the view of the battle platform entered her vision. The three figures down below, especially the hooded figure, took up her attention. The elder had already started the fight and Blade's opponent, with a spear in hand, rushed toward him.

"Why hasn't he taken out his weapon yet..!" Jin shouted. Andra rose from her seat as the fight started. Andra, Aurel, and even Jin, who had previously boasted utmost confidence, had worry written on their faces.

But, the next sequence of events, what took place shocked them greatly, and not just them but, everyone present in the battle arena.


Perceiving the attack rushing toward him, Blade felt like laughing. Although Khan Chad could be considered a good talent, capable of reaching the Martial Disciple realm before he turned thirty years of age, compared to the current Blade, someone who had entered the Martial Master realm due to the Cosmic Will, such an attack was uncomfortably slow.

'What can I compare this to?' Blade thought, 'Oh, it's like a toddler trying to fight a full-grown adult. There isn't any comparison whatsoever!'


Blade let out a sigh as he outstretched his hand. Seeing this many spectators wondered what he was planning to do. Seeing the spear approaching, he decided to stretch out his hand...?

"Is he mad? Senior Brother Chad's spear would pierce his hand like a hot knife piercing butter!"

"Oh, it seems the pressure has one to his head. Maybe, he was simply not worth mentioning from the start."


"Dammit, those bloody Elders..! They always thief our Spirit Stones one way or another!.."

But, while the spectators saw the battle coming to an end even before it started, Blade merely smirked at the expected reaction. He pointed his index finger toward the incoming point of the spear.

'In the Body Forging realm, one is simply strengthening their body. Unable to do anything, even using a Battle Art is a strain on their body hence, when they use it, their body turns red. This can even cause death!'

'In the Meridian Opening realm, opening one's eight meridians, one's body is strengthened to the utmost naturally, and one can use 100% of one's hidden potential. Those like me, with true talent, would gain unimaginable power compared to normal humans.'

'Then, there is the Martial Disciple realm. Forming one's Dantian, the place where one stores Life Energy. Martial Disciples are capable of strengthening their bodies with Life Energy and can also somewhat use Battle Arts.'

Just like Blade thought, Martial Disciples were able to use Battle Arts as they could also infuse their weapons with Life Energy, strengthening them. But, then there were Martial Masters, a realm that Blade had entered recently.

In the Martial Master realm, the Life Energy would be gaseous. By constantly condensing and refining it, Life Energy becomes a strand of unimaginably pure Life Energy. What takes place after is...


Exiting Blade's index fingertip, a white mysterious strand of what radiated with Life Energy rushed toward the incoming spear.


This strand of white Life Energy shot through Khan's glabella as moments later, his body fell face first into the ground, skidding across the ground till it kissed Blade's feet. Suddenly, Blade slammed his right fist into his left palm while his mouth formed an O shape.

"Oh shit?! He was actually soo weak. Dammit, I was supposed to embarrass him first!"

While saying this, the white strand of energy, noticeably radiating slightly less energy, returned to Blade's body. At the same time...


The whole stadium remained silent, speechless, shocked, and confused as Blade kicked Khan's dead body in what seemed to be anger. He repeated.

"Your soo weak! Too weak! How dare you challenge me!!"