Limitless City

Teleportation Circles were the names of these platforms that numbered in the hundreds. Each of these teleportation circles required Spirit Stones to launch, and with one, a person would be capable of traveling large distances.

The circles that numbered in the hundreds were all connected to different cities in the Limitless Continent while the several massive circles that surrounded one particularly smaller circle were a connection to the capital cities of the main continents in this world.

Due to this, those wearing silver armor acted like guards just in case those from the other continents came with bad intentions. These guards were of course very strong, with each being at least in the Martial King realm.


Suddenly, the center circle began releasing waves of light. The faces of each guard changed greatly. As influential figures of the Limitless City that was connected to the Limitless Sky Sect, they understood what this meant.

"The circle is linked to the Limitless Sky Sect, so this lighting up indicates that someone from the Limitless Sky Sect will appear. Outer disciples cannot use this and must rely on flying treasures to leave the Sect. Most inner disciples would not bother because they would have to pay to use the circle. The figure here is either a Core disciple or a very wealthy Inner disciple...!"

Maybe in terms of strength, they were equal to Core disciples but, these figures had much more influence than them, so if they were to anger someone of this stature, their life would be immensely troublesome.

"Someone, contact the City Lord!" One of the guards shouted to his compatriots. Even if the City Lord wouldn't come to greet this figure in person, the City Lord needed to know that someone of this influence had entered his city.

The light was almost blinding but, after a few seconds, it died down as a silhouette suddenly appeared. In that second, upon locking eyes with the figure, the guards suddenly found their heartbeat quicken.

The newly appearing figure had a white martial art style hanfu decorated with golden roaring dragons. His long purple hair reached his calves and the two black and white-colored bangs reached his chin as an arrogant, aloof aura surrounded him.

His purple and black pupil seemed to contain a level of mystery. At the same time, the demonic aura radiating from the sword symbol on his glabella sent shivers up the spines of all present.



Sitting next to a window, he watched the outside. The city was bustling with countless figures going about doing whatever they can to continue struggling to survive in this world. Seeing them from this point of view, Blade suddenly felt something grip his heart.

"Poor fellows..." He said to himself, "If I were them, I'm not sure what I'd have done. To live in a world where one angered person would wipe you from the living world with a flip of his hand..."


"Truly poor fellows." Blade took a sip of tea as he thought. 'Now that I used that teleportation circle reserved for only Limitless Sky Sect disciples, the City Lord has no choice but to treat me with a certain level of respect.'

At this moment, Blade's thoughts churned. By the time he had finished pondering on everything that happened in the past few days, his eyes contained a cold and calculative look with little difference from when he had just entered the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The only difference between then and now was the fact that the current Blade not only had some strength and life-saving means to walk around this world without too much trouble, but he also had immense knowledge regarding this world and some knowledge of what was located 'Outside' this world too.

Not only that but, unlike his unnaturally black pupil, the left eye had a dark purple color and seemed to give off a mysterious sensation. It seemed to contain a kind of arrogance yet at the same time, a type of cruelty that would normally go unnoticed by anyone. Something about it would make someone who was paying attention to this eye, in particular, feel much too uncomfortable.

"It's a pity that the system isn't functioning. But, not everything is bad. With my performances, I've gained the full trust of Andra. Even if I want to harm her, she'll most likely not resist. As for that so-called master of mind, he's too cautious."

Surprisingly, it seemed that the past few months had been all within his plans. Or maybe not, this was just something that occurred after his little transformation. If it was truly something that he had in mind since appearing in Limitless Sky Sect, it'll be too crazy.

Where would he have gotten such a mind if this was truly the case?

"It'll take some time but, time is omnipotent and can destroy or fix anything, and with it, no matter how long it takes, I'll soon have the trust of that man too." Bade paused for a moment. Gazing over the city and the many humans, he had a wide grin on his exquisitely carved face.

"Having a True Holy Son in the palm of my hand, on top of the fact that he is much more than a mere talented and influential figure but also someone most likely with a system or some type of golden finger, it makes this pawn just as incredible as Andra. Oh, how good would this be..!"

The left pupil emitted a mysterious glow as he licked his lips. A sound reverberated throughout his dark and quiet room at the same time.


A compass-like object vibrated on the table in front of Blade, emitting a light hum in its surroundings. Immediately, Blade's attention honed in on the treasure given to him by his master.


Slightly confused, he picked it up. From the words of his master, once he was near a treasure of Profound Grade or higher, the thing was bound to get restless.

What truly confused Blade wasn't this though. He had been in the city for a few hours now so it stood to reason that if a treasure was present, it would have gotten restless since then.

"Oh, maybe it's like this!..." A devilish smirk appeared. Thinking of a certain conclusion, Blade couldn't help but smile with meaning, his eyes showing a trace of hidden and mysterious intent.




At the same time, back in the Teleportation zone, the guards had begun to settle once more.

It was a rare occurrence when Core disciples appeared through the use of the circles so it had taken them some time to calm down.

The status of this Core disciple in particular seemed high even among Core disciples. His bearing and the mysterious aura radiating from the symbol between his brows were dead giveaways.

But, before these figures could retain a certain calm, another bright light enveloped the guards' surroundings. This time though, their reactions were much different.

Starting from the light that was released, one would understand that it was much different than when Blade had appeared in the city using the teleportation circle.

For a moment, the visions of these guards were left completely in a bright red light. Understanding right away what this meant, they couldn't help but take equipment with their weapons as their attention honed in on one of the several platforms that circled the center platform.

On this platform was the figure of an otherworldly Goddess. She was adorned in a white martial art sleeveless hanfu, showcasing her rather mature muscles even for a female.

Her physique was incredibly aesthetic even with her gender as her cold crimson eyes met with the eyes of the guards who cautiously gazed at her.

In front of her was a red barrier that separated her from the outside of the teleportation circle. This was the protection in the case of the appearance of someone from the other continents who carried ill intentions.

Of course, one could argue that those from other continents could sneakily enter this continent and take control of the cities before using the teleportation circles but...

Even if they could, the teleportation circles for these small cities could only be used by five at a time. The limitless city guards that number in the tens and close to hundreds would surely be able to take on five figures.

As for the several continental teleportation circles, each could carry thirty figures.

Yet, the barrier that now appeared to be blocking the newly appeared woman, was something that could easily ward off attacks from even Martial Ancestors for a certain amount of time.

"I didn't come here with ill intentions..!" The white-haired woman proclaimed. Seeing the distrusting looks though.

"Come on. It's just me, so why would I come looking for death? Plus, I'm from the Heavenly Celestial Sect, I didn't think that you of the Limitless Sky Sect would not put me in your eyes...?!"

Upon saying this, the woman showed the group of guards an ancient-looking plaque. Immediately, the expressions of these guards relaxed a little.

Heavenly Celestial Sect, though the Limitless Sky Sect didn't have the best relationship with them among the supreme powers, it was still friendly.