Casually Faster Than Sound

"Damn!" Andra's eyes shot open. "Maybe I shouldn't have told you everything about me... I could have seen you despair in rage today... Ah! What a missed opportunity!" She said while her face inched closer toward Blade, ready to connect with his lips but, a finger stopped her.

But, Blade's expression froze, turning from calmness to wrath as he proclaimed..."Who told you I'm not filled with rage? No, my heart is pure... Purely rage alone... Despair, yes, that Chu Peng will feel despair!"

Instantly, Blade's aura skyrocketed...!


Shock... Those with the ability to hear from miles away heard Andra's words. What they felt was utter shock.

So, this young holy child acted dead all this while...? Commendable!

But, how was this possible? Such a thought entered their minds. Andra was different from these humans though. They didn't understand how she concealed her breathing but, as a Demon, Andra didn't even need to breathe.

Hearing Blade's words, Andra beamed as her silvery eyes lit up. She wanted to forcefully kiss Blade but her actions stopped completely in an instant.

It wasn't due to Chu Peng suddenly reappearing though. At this moment, silence had descended in the surroundings as two eyes met with each other. Athena and Andra crossed eyes.

"Dolion..." Hearing this, Blade jumped in, "It's Andra." And Athena complied. She didn't care as she said with an emotionless voice. "Andra!" With Andra replying.

"Athena..." The two stared coldly at each other. Andra's wounds healed at a visible rate before she resisted Blade's embrace and stood up to her feet.

Several meters away, two dual blades trembled.

Xiu! Xiu!

Whizzing through the air, they appeared already gripped in Andra's hands. Sheathing them, Andra approached Athena. Seeing this, Blade was about to interrupt when...

"It's good to see you." Andra stretched out her hand. Athena smirked under the veil and replied. "Yes, it's nice to see that you're fine."


"This..." Blade uttered. "This isn't how it's supposed to be?" Confused, Blade mumbled. Seeing this, Andra released a breathtaking smile.

"We women aren't like you men. There is a time and place for everything. The most important thing is Chu Peng." As she said this, a booming sound entered the trio's ears. Chu Peng blasted out of the rubble that covered his body.

"We'll deal with him first, and then I'll deal with this woman. Setting some rules is important." Andra said before turning her gaze to the incoming Chu Peng.

"Do you need our help...?" Andra asked. Athena smiled once more and said to Andra... "More like, does he need my help? You got owned by this weakling. You'll be useless in this fight."


"Just as I said that we females are more mature too! Damn despicable woman." Andra grumbled under her breath. Seeing this, Blade released a giggle.

"Help is not needed." He said while turning his back and facing the incoming Chu Peng. "The both of us have something personal to discuss, why don't you two create some distance."

Hearing this, Athena placed her hand on Andra's arm as they both disappeared. Glancing at them, Chu Peng's face was ugly as he refocused on Blade's figure.

"Stop!" Stretching out his hand, Blade's left palm faced the incoming Chu Peng. Almost amused as to what Blade was trying to do just before a world-shaking battle, Chu Peng listened and halted his movements for a moment.

"Seeing as you have no fear, you probably think that I use some type of treasure to communicate just like those Mortal Sages, right?" Saying this, Blade didn't give Chu Peng time to respond.

"It doesn't matter anyway. If you're soo confident in defeating me, why don't you stop with the several defensive treasures and throw them away? For this battle, it'll be you and your weapon vs myself and my weapon!" He said smiling.

Hearing this, Chu Peng revealed a grin too. "Humph! Do you think I even place half-baked trash like you in my eyes? If it was before, I'll still be a little cautious but after fighting that Dolion, hehe, if that weakling could be arrogant, I don't believe you can be anything close to my match."

Right after saying this, Chu Peng removed the space ring from his finger and was about to crush it but, just before he did, his actions stopped.

"Are you trying to make a fool of me?" Chu Peng scowled. Seeing Blade's arched brows, Chu Peng pointed toward the sword mark between Blade's brows as he continued. "I look down on your strength but not your master's. If his full-powered strike lands on my unprotected body, my body and my Origin core containing my soul will be annihilated."

Understanding where he came from, Blade replied. "Okay, fine. As the Young Holy Child of the Limitless Sky Sect, I represent their face as I swear with the cosmos as the witness that, if you somehow reduce me to a state of near death, and if this sword intent is to be released, those Heavenly Demon people hiding like rats can step in and stop it...!"


Those nearby had their pupils dilate in shock. The ones from the Limitless Sky Sect were the most shocked and even frightened... Especially Astral Fabel... But, his thoughts buzzed with countless thoughts and conclusions before he calmed down once again. As for what he thought of that could make him calm down soo quickly, was unknown.

Hearing this oath, Chu Peng smiled. The Space ring in his hand was instantly crushed right after and as for the several life-saving and special treasures inside of it, Chu Peng didn't care.

It was important to make it seem like his Heavenly Demon Sect was filled with special treasures and those inside his space ring, though important, weren't uncommon inside the sect...

"Oh?" Confused, Blade asked. "You aren't using a weapon?" He asked seeing as Chu Peng didn't equip with a weapon to battle him.

Upon his voice landing, Chu Peng replied with arrogance oozing from his words. "Weapon? Hehe, not for a weakling like you..!"

Pfft! Hahaha... Hohohohohoho!

With his hands originally on his waist, Blade's body trembled as he closed his eyes. Placing his hands on his stomach, Blade chuckled lightly before falling into straight insane laughter that resounded throughout his surroundings.

"Okay, good good, I like that arrogance. When your mind and body are broken, it'll be all the more satisfying. And since you refuse to, I'll also not use any weapons." Blade said. Simultaneously, he removed the space ring in his hand and crushed it into powder...!

Chu Peng's mood recovered when seeing this. "It seems that you sneaked attack me and you think that you're powerful. Today you'll learn that even when labeled as a genius, both of us live in different worlds!"

Proudly stating this for everyone present to hear, Chu Peng's figure blurred as he rushed toward Blade whose aura was still perfectly kept within his body. Until now, it seemed like he hadn't revealed his strength but just like Blade, Chu Peng's aura was within his body.

Even after all these battles, Chu Peng hadn't revealed anything close to his true strength!

The distance between the two was about several tens of meters. Such a distance was easily crossed with merely a single step by Chu Peng as he appeared inches away from Blade in the blink of an eye.


Sending a punch with his right fist, it was empowered by the wind and traveled even faster than it would normally have.

'Oh, he turned out to be a mere wind user... I expected him to have at least been a lightning user to be a little special. Disappointing.' Blade thought. At the same time, his head tilted a few inches, dodging the incoming fist by centimeters.

Chu Peng didn't stop, he sent another punch, this time with his left fist. Dodged once again! The next was a kick, then a punch, and another one! Punch, kick, jab, knee, elbow, everything was dodged with minimal movements.

As if Blade was seeing his actions in slow motion and had enough time to position his body a few centimeters away from his attacks.

Chu Peng grew increasingly annoyed, and eventually, he jumped away, creating a distance of hundreds of meters.

"When you destroyed this city, I thought you may have been at least a Pinnacle Martial King, it seems you're a Martial Emperor!"


As Chu Peng's voice landed, those hidden between the space and the void grew more and more shocked by Chu Peng's words.

While the others were shocked by Blade's speed. From the time they got the news that Limitless Sky Sect had two new young holy children to now, Blade had already become a Martial Emperor!

What speed was this?

Anyway, the Overseers and the Sect Leader were shocked by Chu Peng's statement about destroying this city...

"But, are you planning to dodge alone?" Chu Peng proclaimed. He continued. "If you want to be a puss-!"


His words were interrupted though. Before he could finish, Blade's muscles trembled slightly as his figure turned into countless afterimages.

One would not be capable of blinking before Blade already reached inches away from Chu Peng, catching him off-guard and sending a powerful punch to Chu Peng's face!

"Okay, you wanted me to stop dodging, well here I come!" Blade's voice casually resounded in the area but Chu Peng had already been sent flying thousands of meters.

It had taken a while for the sound to travel... this was how fast Blade moved.