Over the Threshold

Afterwards, they went to a restaurant and had a celebratory wedding dinner that was long past due. It was indeed a blissful night as they talked and laughed in the restaurant without a care for anything. They retired late and tired that night.

The next day, Kelvin woke up as early as he usually does and finalized the moving of Amanda's belongings mostly, to #201, since his, was just one duffle bag. He finished arranging everything in the new apartment close to midday.

When Amanda tried to assist him, he firmly declined, so the girls just watched him move things back and forth until he was done.

"I guess this is it then," Tasha said. They were all seated in #202 and had also just finished cleaning up after moving all the things. Not surprisingly, Kelvin had done 98% of the work while he made 'his girls' sit and sip lemonades throughout.

"Yes, this is it! We will officially move into our new home today." Amanda replied with a wide and infectious smile.