Why do I feel this way?

Kelvin slowly turned Amanda to face him, and she buried her face in his chest while she cried bitterly. Amanda cried because she felt wronged to the bone! How many times had she gone through similar situations? She was not sure herself.

As the tears rolled down her cheeks and soaked his shirt, she thought to herself, "W-hy – wh-y am I cr-r-ying? He do-e-es not des-s-e-erve my te-e-ars!" But these thoughts were sadly not enough to help the tears stop their journey. She was just tired of being at the receiving end all the time. "Why do I always have to bear the blunt end of my father's fury? We are two sisters, but it sometimes feels like I am not part of the family. If I did not look like the spitting image of my mother, I would have thought that I was adopted."