Friends help out when needed

A few moments after the dinner had come to a halt in Mitch's residence and everyone had left, Ella sat alone at the table which had no food at this time, as her daddy had 'cleaned up' the table in his anger. She had been also furious about many things that she did not want to dwell upon.

From the presence of Amanda to her loving and annoying husband, Kelvin, Tasha, even her mother had gotten on her nerves that evening. "Why couldn't she be a normal mother for once and take her side when her daddy pushed her into a corner?" She had asked herself. But sadly, Yvonne had her own demons that her daughter either did not know or had pretended not to know over their years as mother and daughter, given their unconventional circumstances.

The one that had made her angry the most was of course, her new fiancé, the man that she thought she loved but was unsure now of her emotions relating to him.