Missing Piece

Tasha sat back on her seat in her office and fanned her face to try to get rid of the heat. Tasha was an outspoken young woman that one could even refer to as a femme fatale, but she was only that in physique and outward appearances only. Tasha was as innocent as the day she came into the world when it came to matters of love and sex or anything remotely relating to it at all.

She had been able to use that outlook to fool many men to stop pursuing her as they did not like woman who were too forward and flimsy things of that sort, but it looked like she had her work cut out for her when it came to Teddy. For starters, it had been barely a full day since she had met the man, but she still could not control herself around him and he wasn't doing much to help at all. All he did was sit and watch her with that annoying smug of a smile on his face.

She stopped fanning herself and glanced his way, "Can you stop staring at me please? I want to work!" she snapped at him.