Is this a new way to kill dogs?

"Yurou, although I promised to give you face, I still want to ask you, what do you like about him?" After agreeing to give Jiang Yurou face and not talk nonsense, Zhang Xin asked Jiang Yurou again: "A boy who is just handsome, has no family background and no ability, how can you like him? Is it because he is honest? Yurou, I can persuade you, that the most unbelievable person in this world is honest people because honest people are only forced by the situation."

Zhang Xin went on to say: "A person who seems to be honest now may not be honest when he becomes rich in the future. If that's the case, why not find someone who is rich and capable in the beginning, at least rich."

"Uh…you really misunderstood. Brother Ye Liang is not an honest person. I really hate him." Jiang Yurou was speechless. However, thinking that Ye Liang was on the way with a displeased face, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips and smile.

"Uh..." Seeing Jiang Yurou like this, her two best friends were dumbfounded. If you have the ability to put away the smile on your face and say this again, maybe we will believe you. You are clearly in love. Moreover, it's a silly love, and it's a fool for love! My God, what kind of ability does that man have, to play Jiang Yurou by playing hard-to-find?

At this moment, the other two women began to imagine the boy's appearance. What kind of man could make Jiang Yurou say such things. Obviously, he has no money, no money, no family background, and he is not honest, but Jiang Yurou shouted disgust from his mouth, but there was an expression on his face, "Let him come over quickly". The glamorous woman who had not spoken for a long time finally couldn't help but speak.

She said: "Yurou, Xinxin's thoughts may be a little contemptuous, but if it's really like what you said, and he has no money, no ability, and is not honest, what do you like about such a person?"

"I… I really don't like him, you misunderstood." Jiang Yurou said: "I just want to see him upset."



The two women looked at each other. It's over, it doesn't help. What time is it, how could anyone still fall in love with a man who is truly incompetent, has no money, has no family background, and is not honest? Looking at the expressions of the two girls, Jiang Yurou didn't understand what they were thinking. At this moment, she really wanted to cry without tears.

When Ye Liang arrived at the location, he saw Jiang Yurou sitting with two girls. The three girls were all good-looking, especially Jiang Yurou and the tall girl next to her, who were even more outstanding. Here, they look so outstanding, as if standing out from the crowd, attracting attention.

"Sister Yurou." He walked over, smiled, and greeted Jiang Yurou and the others. At the same time, he glanced at the two people beside him. A tall girl with a very hot body was looking at the scenery outside the window as if she didn't see Ye Liang. Another girl was looking at Ye Liang with disgusting eyes.

"Brother Ye Liang, you are here." Jiang Yurou stood up obediently and said to Ye Liang: "Sit down."

"Um." Ye Liang sat down under Jiang Yurou's arrangement.

Seeing Jiang Yurou's attentive look, the glamorous beauty, and Zhang Xin on the side could not help but twitch. Jiang Yurou, is this what you mean by hate? The way you hate people is really special! Also, didn't you say he'd be mad when he was with you? Good guy, the way he looked at you almost spoiled you. You said he would be angry when he saw you? I believe in ghosts! You are simply showing off your love in a fancy way!

"Sister Yurou, you're welcome, sit down." Ye Liang smiled at Jiang Yurou: "I'm just a protector today. You can ignore my existence and do whatever you want."

[Smelly woman, what are you doing so diligently, just ignore me, can't you just leave me alone? Weird,…wait, these two women, not…heh, that's what happened. ]

Jiang Yurou, who was sitting obediently beside Ye Liang with an attentive face, twitched on the spot. I'm good to you, what am I doing wrong?! Also, what are these two women, do you know them? If you have the ability, come up with it! Sneering at me, sneering f*ck! Jiang Yurou felt that her whole person was not well at this moment. Ye Liang, what did this bastard have to do with her two best friends? She's thinking about it!

At this moment, she was staring at Ye Liang with a serious face, waiting for Ye Liang to figure out what he wanted to say next. But no more, it's gone, why did he think 'these two women, that's what happened? And why is it a clear look and sneered JPG? I sneered with a bang!

On the other side, Zhang Xin and the glamorous beauty were stunned when they looked at Jiang Yurou's expression. We know you like him and we know he's nice to you, but can you please stop this? Now, is this scene when you are insane? This is so embarrassing for the two of us! It was clear, that the two of them heard Jiang Yurou say that Ye Liang was a dishonest man with no money, no ability, and no family background. But now, as soon as Ye Liang sat down, Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang played eye contact? It is too much?! First pretend that you have met a man who is dishonest and incompetent, deceive yourself into the atmosphere, and then show your affection and kill the dog?!

At this moment, Ye Liang is a little embarrassed. What's happening here? You all sat down, and the three of you didn't speak, which was a little bad. It's a bit chilly. Helpless, he could only say: "Then what, sister Yurou, can you introduce these two beauties to me?"

"…Ah, um." Jiang Yurou responded with a sweet smile and said to Ye Liang: "Brother Ye Liang, this is my best friend, Zhang Xin. Today is her birthday."

"Brother Ye Liang, younger sister Yurou, you two are so sweet..." Zhang Xin couldn't help shivering on the side at the moment, what time was it, and the goosebumps arose when the elder brother and sister talked.

"Uh, sorry, Miss Zhang Xin, I think you misunderstood." Ye Liang says: "My sister Yurou and I are just brothers and sisters, and we don't have the relationship you imagined."

[Ugh, brother and sister, bah, me and her? It's disgusting to think about, and you, Zhang Xin, really think I don't know what you're thinking now? ]

Ye Liang: ..., Xiuxian voice pack, don't make trouble, I can't help laughing. Although he knows that the Xiuxian voice pack is full of disgust for some girls, it is too much?! If Jiang Yurou heard this, she might not be able to resist killing me, right?!

Jiang Yurou: ..., Damn it, stinky man, you're disgusting, vomit!