Your car has a Diesel engine, right?

"Come and look, it's so fun to travel in a luxury car."

"Luxury car? How luxurious? Damn, it's a Cayenne."

"Why doesn't this sound right? It feels like the sound of a tractor."

"Hahahaha, isn't it, I laughed so hard, just now I saw this guy get out of the car with a look on his face, and he deliberately arranged for that pretty boy to walk."

"I thought he had a car maliciously and didn't let others ride. It turned out that he was really worried that his car wouldn't be able to ride…"

"Looking at this speed, it is estimated that it takes a lot of effort to go up the small slope. Can it go forward if you sit alone?"

Because Yang Ting's speed was too slow and his voice was too arrogant. The passers-by all cast their curious eyes here. Some even laughed outright.

"F*CK!!!" At this moment, Yang Ting naturally noticed the sarcastic expressions of those people outside. Especially the voices of some people are really loud. Just like the grocery store mom. All at once, everyone knew what he had just done. Geez, so pretentious. I thought it was really cool, but it turned out to be an idiot.

At this time, Yang Ting was so depressed that he vomited blood. He really didn't know that his car was so rubbish at a critical moment. Today is my girlfriend's birthday. I drove her for a drive-by myself and had fun all the way to the end. But now, this bang-bang sound is like a slap on his face.

Zhang Xin, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help but blush. She turned her head and cursed at Yang Ting: "Yang Ting, what the hell are you doing, this car is broken like this, you don't have the money to change it, and you don't know how to fix it?!!!"

"I…I don't know, it just happened suddenly." Yang Ting was embarrassed. Today, he is going to take the lead in pulling the wind. Now, let alone pulling the wind, it is difficult not to lose face! Why is a good car suddenly like this?!

At this moment, Yang Liuyan, who was sitting in the back of the car, couldn't help but blush. At this moment, she was regretting it. If she knew earlier, she would have gone down and walked with Jiang Yurou and the others just now. Sitting in this car is a real shame than walking. Now that I think about it, it's hard to say, so I can only sit here. Forget it, pretend you don't know them.

However, something more embarrassing than that is yet to come. Ye Liang, who was already walking in front, actually walked towards this side at this time. He knocked on the car window lightly, and after letting Yang Ting slide the car window down, with a smile on his face, he said to him: "Brother, your car… It seems to be a little worn out. Did it not start? Or, let me push it for you?"

"…" At this moment, Yang Ting only felt that he wanted to find a hole to burrow into. Embarrassing, so f*cking embarrassing!

"Yo, is your car equipped with a diesel engine? Why does that sound bang bang? It sounds so domineering." Ye Liang said to Yang Ting again: "I've never seen in my life, a face-saving person who puts the shell of a luxury car on a diesel engine, brother, you can't be such a person, right? It doesn't look like it. No, no, no? You are not really such a person are you. Brother, I believe you are not, right? "

The yin and yang strange words, without the same sarcastic words, directly smashed Yang Ting to the point of splitting the whole person.

"!!!!" At this moment, Yang Ting felt as if he saw Ye Liang's infinitely mocking eyes. He was so angry he wanted to vomit blood. Go f*ck your diesel engine, your whole family uses diesel engines!

His knuckles were turning white from too much force, and he held the steering wheel so tightly that he could not wait to slap the steering wheel hard. I've never been so humiliated in my life. And Jiang Yurou followed behind Ye Liang, looking at the car that was still running towards the front, her face twitched involuntarily. Could this really be what Brother Ye Liang did? How did he do that? He didn't seem to have touched the car at all just now.

Bang bang bang bang!!!

The car sound was still ringing, and the arrogant and domineering voice made the passersby around him smile. Everyone looked at Yang Ting with a clear expression. With that look, he seemed to be saying, "Oh, I once had a broken car like this. I'm looking for girls. If I don't have money, I have to rent a few broken cars to fill the scene."

At this moment, Yang Ting had 10,000 things in his heart that he wanted to talk about. Looking at Ye Liang who seemed to be caring about the condition of his car in front of him, he forced a confident smile and said: "Hehe, my Cayenne is a million-dollar car, no matter how good the car is, there are times when something goes wrong, it doesn't matter, Xinxin, Yang Liuyan, let's go take my brothers' car, throw this broken car here, I'll let someone from my dad's company handle it." He turned his head and said to Zhang Xin and Yang Liuyan.

"Yes, what's wrong with a million-dollar car? If it's broken, you don't want it." Zhang Xin also said aloud, as if she was talking to someone.

"Liu Yan, let's go, let's take someone else's car. My Cayenne is not good, but there are a lot of brothers, and there are still a lot of cars."

"Uh… you go and sit, I'll go with Yurou." At this moment, Yang Liuyan finally couldn't sit still. She opened the car door, her originally cold temperament turned into embarrassment at this moment. She walked directly towards Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou. At this moment, she would rather walk than squeeze other people's cars with these two guys. Because she also felt that Zhang Xin had done too much today. No matter what, Ye Liang was also the one Jiang Yurou called over, and she had done it. Just now, she got down because of her bad face. Now that she has a chance to get down, why would she stay in the car?

"…" Seeing that Yang Liuyan ran over to stand with Jiang Yurou so shamelessly, Zhang Xin's face was ugly for a while. She glared at Yang Ting. Blame this guy, the car is not broken early, or late, it has to be broken at this time.

Ye Liang originally thought that all these guys' cars would break down. But when you think about it, it seems a bit too coincidental to let all their cars fail. He withdrew his aura and changed his mind.

[I, Ye Liangchen, never say empty words, you can bring all your brothers with you, you have to have one person who can save face, I, Ye Liangchen, will commit sui*ide on the spot. ]

At this time, Ye Liang's Xiuxian voice package actually coincided with his mood again. At this moment, Ye Liang realized that the plots that pretended to be slapped in the face were not just mindless, but also really cool.

If he is just an ordinary person, no matter how much he thinks about it in his heart, no matter how much he improves himself, it cannot change the fact that he is looked down upon by others. People who are incompetent are arrogant will only be regarded as fools. Those who are capable of self-improvement are really strong.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the extra reward of cultivating immortals, and use Qi to control things."

The next moment, the voice of the system reward sounded in Ye Liang's mind.

To control things with air? This method must be much more effective than the method of using spiritual energy that he has figured out by himself.

[I, Ye Liangchen, never say empty words, you can bring all your brothers with you, and if you have one person who can save face, I, Ye Liangchen, will commit sui*ide on the spot. ]

Just when Ye Liang was excited about his harvest, Jiang Yurou was also secretly shocked by his "heart". She couldn't figure out if it was a coincidence or if Ye Liang really did it. If Ye Liang did it, how did he do it? Anyway, this is too pretentious. So cool!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou finally realized that she might have long been uncomfortable seeing people like Zhang Xin. It's just that it's a friendship from childhood to adulthood, so it's hard to say anything about her. However, when she saw that Zhang Xin and the others were embarrassed, her heart was actually somber.

Unfortunately, she still couldn't do what Ye Liang thought. Don't want this kind of friend. Because everyone has circles, even she knows that if you want to get along, the necessary emptiness and guilt are essential.

Zhang Xin, since she doesn't consider me Jiang Yurou as a friend, does Jiang Yurou lack people her as a friend?!