What do you like about him?

The inner strength and heart method, this thing is naturally very useful to Ye Liang. After all, he now only has the basic ability to perceive and use spiritual energy. Although the system rewards Wing Chun, and Sword Qi Art is all very good, without the exercises, the speed of cultivation is still a bit slower.

Even if it is a martial arts mental method, it is better than nothing. In this way, he can be regarded as having a real way of cultivation, unlike before, like a blind man crossing a river, unable to move. Unexpectedly, this trip to the door actually triggered so many rewards.

At this moment, Ye Liang was somewhat grateful to these guys. It seems that the more realistic the situational voice simulation of the Xiuxian voice pack is, the greater the chance of giving good rewards. In order to thank these guys, Ye Liang felt that he could be a bit heavier when he waited to start! At this moment, he thought to himself.

"?" Suddenly, he noticed Jiang Yurou beside him staring at him. He turned his eyes in confusion and asked, "Sister Yurou, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yurou blushed, thinking of what she heard just now, she scolded Ye Liang in her heart, but she smiled and said: "No…nothing, I just suddenly felt…Brother Ye Liang, why are you so handsome?"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Ye Liang was stunned. This girl doesn't really like him, does she? Your own charm is just two points added, how big is it? "Thank you, sister Yurou, you compliment me too much."

[Hmph, at first glance, I know it's not sincere, you despise me in your heart, and I'm so sick of you, vomit, disgusting. ]

Jiang Yurou: Gan!!!

Then you really guessed right, the old lady just dislikes you in her heart. Are you embarrassed to think the old lady is disgusting? The old lady thinks you are disgusting, disgusting, vomit, disgusting, I don't let people know my thoughts, you have the nerve to put your thoughts into my heart! If you have the ability, you can say what you think in your heart. If this old lady does not scold you to death, then this old lady will take your surname! She had a smile on her face and a sweet expression on her face: "Brother Ye Liang, do people really think you are handsome. Brother Ye Liang, you must be… ugh… you must be the most handsome person I have ever met."

"cough..." Ye Liang coughed lightly. Think about it carefully, this girl exaggerated herself, it's better not to take it seriously.

"Vomit–!!!" At this moment, Yang Liuyan on the side couldn't help but vomit. "You two, consider how I feel, okay?" She shouted to Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou.

Especially Jiang Yurou, this girl said in private how much she hated Ye Liang, so much that she almost believed it. Good guy, it turns out that this is just malicious dog abuse. She thought that Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang's way of getting along must be that they despised each other, but it was only because of arrangements at home that they had to try to get in touch. Dude, is this the so-called mutual dislike? It's so sweet that it's nauseating!

"Do you spread dog food like this? Don't ask the dog's opinion?!!!" She said to the two.

"Liu Yan, you misunderstood, brother Ye Liang and I…" Jiang Yurou answered quickly.

But, it was too late, Ye Liang had already spoken: "Miss Liu Yan, I'm so sorry, Yurou and I are really not what you think."

[Hmph, stinky woman, want to get involved with me and make Yang Liuyan misunderstand me? I finally know where your vicious mind is. ]

Ye Liang: ..., Xiuxian voice pack, you have started again. Wait, the Xiuxian voice package actually has a good impression on a woman, which surprised me.

At this time, Ye Liang thought of a question. The Xiuxian voice package didn't like Jiang Yurou at all, it was the kind of voice that Jiang Yurou would definitely get angry on the spot if she heard it. But the Xiuxian voice pack was really good for Liu Yan, It turns out that not only people but also the voice packs like big ones?!

Jiang Yurou: Your mother?! I have a vicious mind? fart! Obviously, it's your own thoughts that are wretched in your heart. To the girl you met for the first time, you said that you had some stories from YY. If you speak out your thoughts, believe it or not, the law enforcement team will come to arrest you! You don't dare, you don't dare at all, hum! The old lady has really been out of luck for eight lifetimes, and I can actually hear your heart. She thought so, but she still said to Yang Liuyan: "Liu Yan, you heard that too. Brother Ye Liang, he is not a pair with me now."

Endure it, can't I endure it? Seeing Jiang Yurou's face twitching with anger, but she still felt wronged, she forced a smile to echo Ye Liang's words. Yang Liuyan couldn't help but have a headache at the moment.

When Zhang Xin and Yang Ting were together, she already knew that the relationship between her and Zhang Xin would never go back to the past. Because Yang Ting looks like a sunny and handsome rich second-generation, but in fact, he is just a condescending person. Zhang Xin was with him, and she was really spoiled. Although Zhang Xin was a little arrogant at first, but not so exaggerated now.

Now, another good sister of oneself has taken a fancy to a scumbag who has no money, no ability, and is not honest?! Even the blind can see the relationship between him and Jiang Yurou, but he still doesn't admit it? What, do you have an idea for the old lady?! God, what kind of people are my sisters looking at. Yurou, open your eyes a little bit, this guy is not a good person! How can a boy who can make a girl endure everything for him is a good person? I'm numb, I don't love it anymore. Hope she doesn't regret it later.

At this moment, Yang Liuyan really didn't know what to do. If it's just a good impression stage, she can persuade her sisters. But what does Jiang Yurou look like now that she is crazy? Even if she was joking with herself, her eyes had been secretly glancing at Ye Liang. Do you really think I can't see it? She really didn't understand, what kind of charm can this guy Ye Liang have to make his good sister infatuated like this. Looking at her appearance, it seemed that she wished her eyes would grow on Ye Liang.

If Jiang Yurou knew what Yang Liuyan was thinking, she would definitely be wronged. She really didn't fall in love with Ye Liang, and she couldn't have any nympho behavior towards this bastard. She was just paying attention to Ye Liang's voice. She just pretended, for fear of being seen by Ye Liang. How many lives did she have to live to love Ye Liang? Is it bad to live?