The time to pretend is here again

"What do I do now? There's no car…" At this moment, all the rich second-generation present were extremely depressed. Unexpectedly, today's carnival turned out to be unfavorable. As soon as I went out, I was about to pretend to be a fool, and I became a fool. If today's matter spreads out, all of them are afraid that they will be laughed to death.

"There's no car, it's time to play." As the host was present, Yang Ting said: "Just throw this car here, don't care."

He spoke loudly, for fear that no one would hear him. I have to say, once it comes out, it still works. Those who were mocking them at first could not help but shut their mouths depressed. These luxury cars have crashed into such a pile, and they don't care. Is this a rich man?

"Why didn't you kill yourself, let's see if you can get it." Someone thought unhappily. Obviously, for the rich, most of the poor are still quite hostile. Especially these kinds of rich people who like to show off.

"Let's take a taxi first." After pretending to be coercive, Yang Ting proudly raised his brows towards Ye Liang. It's like saying, 'Rich people have more attitude than you even in taxis'.

At this moment, Ye Ziqian, who was far on the other side, was watching the live broadcast on the screen. In a hidden corner, there is a person taking a picture of this place with a mobile phone. Seeing that Ye Liang was in the middle of a group of rich second-generation, he was neither humble nor arrogant, and he even slapped the faces of this group of rich second-generation. Moreover, Jiang Yurou is very good to her son. Not bad, The girl with a good figure is also good.

"Hahaha, as expected of my son!" She was a little worried that Ye Liang would be wronged, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all. Her son's performance is very good, but no money is no money, and no money is looked down upon by others, which is a fact in this world. This fact will not change because of your own thoughts. In the past, the children did not understand these things, but now, I have to let the children understand.

She took out the phone and said to the other side: "Yan Qing, you can go out now, don't tell my son my identity, just say that you are his distant cousin, just help me improve a little bit."


At this moment, Yan Qing, who was already driving not far from Ye Liang and the others, could not help but sigh. Really I'm convinced of the mother and son. In order to pretend to be coercive in front of her son, she actually sent me here.

At this moment, Yan Qingzheng is driving a Maserati, the latest limited edition, worth tens of millions. She came here specially to support Ye Liang. In fact, she was sent here long ago, the original arrangement was that at the moment when Ye Liang needed it most, she would drive out and take Ye Liang for a ride, so that Ye Liang could be beautiful and pretend to be coercive. But unfortunately, she was about to act just now, everything that happened after that was the same as the movie.

The guy who looked down on her young master originally, his car was rubbish, and the car accident happened, and it almost went to heaven. This made her wonder if her young master had descended from the heavens. People who are disrespectful to the young master will encounter bad things. Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence? But no matter what, now is the time to put yourself out there. There is no doubt that the president's arrangement will make his young master the most beautiful boy among all the people present. No one can resist the aura of Maserati's limited edition.

However, just as she was about to set off, suddenly, a car overtook her in an instant, like a phantom, and she only felt a flash in front of her. Soon, the car was already parked beside Ye Liang and the others. With the sound of the brakes, everyone's eyes turned to the car.

"Fuck, Maserati 2021 limited edition?"

"This... in Jiangzhou, there is still such a car?"

"Too domineering?"

"Oh my God!!!"

The appearance of this car immediately attracted everyone's attention. Especially when someone called out the model of this car, they were all stunned. Even people who don't understand cars know the weight of the words Maserati. What's more, it's a 2021 limited edition! This, this is a car that real rich people can drive. Ordinary people, who can afford this kind of car? Even those rich second-generations couldn't help swallowing. The real god has appeared?

And Yan Qing, who was about to act, couldn't help but stare at the scene in the live broadcast. What is this situation? Where did this car come from? She wanted to report the matter here to Ye Ziqian, but, unfortunately, Ye Ziqian happened to be answering a call at this time, and she didn't get through.

At this time, in front of Ye Liang, the scene. Everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of the luxury car, the Maserati. With this car, the previous cars dared to be called luxury cars? In front of this car, those so-called luxury cars are only worthy of a 'garbage'. Everyone was looking forward to seeing the people in the car come out. I want to see what kind of big man this driver is.

Soon, the person in the car opened the door and came down. It is a young girl, with long black hair tied into a single ponytail, her legs are bent. Wearing a shirt, she has a hot figure, no worse than Yang Liuyan, and, unlike Yang Liuyan's icy aura, she looks a bit heroic and sassy on her face. Slender legs, slender waist, beautiful face.

"Hiss!!!" Seeing this girl appear, everyone around couldn't help but take a deep breath. Beautiful girls, although not many, but they appear. But girls who are beautiful and have such aura are really rare. After all, not everyone can drive a Maserati. I don't know what this girl is here for.

Looking at this girl, Yang Ting couldn't help but light up. Could it be that it was his reputation that made this young lady hear that he was chasing him? If this is the case, then, with her around, Zhang Xin can be kicked at any time. Thinking of this, he unconsciously took a few steps forward and asked the girl: "Miss, hello, my name is Yang Ting..."

''??'' The girl's eyes turned towards Yang Ting with a bit of doubt. "Do we know each other?" She asked.

"Uh, I don't know…" Yang Ting shook his head quickly.

"I don't know what you stopped me for? Get out of the way." The girl frowned.

"Puff–!!!" There was a sound of laughter all around. Yang Ting couldn't help but step aside, the girl's aura was too much.

The girl came to Ye Liang step by step and said to him: "Mr. Ye Liang, may I ask where are you going? If you don't mind, I'll give you a ride."

"Fuck!!!" When she said this, everyone present was shocked. At this moment, Ye Liang once again became the focus of the audience.