This Child Wasn’t Picked Up, Right?

Yan Qing was driving at the moment, silently following Xu Yingbing's car. Just then, the phone rang, she picked up the phone, and she immediately had a bad feeling. It's over!

"Hello, President."

"Yan Qing, you still know that I'm your president, how do you do things?" Ye Ziqian's angry voice came from the opposite side: "Did you know that, in order to experience the thrill of 'letting my son know that I have a niece who drives a Maserati,' he adores me, In order to appreciate the joy of his shocked gaze when I "let my son know that as long as I want, I can let a beautiful girl drive a Maserati with him at any time". How long have I hidden my strength? Now, I finally decided to taste the pleasure, you tell me, what did you do?! "

"Uh..." Yan Qing was stunned and speechless. "President, didn't you say you just let me drive over and pretend to be your niece?"

"Uh…this, that…" All of a sudden he missed his mouth, Ye Ziqian rolled his eyes and said quickly: "I'm not afraid that my son is too attractive, you suddenly want to date my son-!!!"

"Uh… President, you don't want to sell me to your son, do you?" Yan Qing's expression is very strange: "I just run errands and I don't sell my body!!!"

Ye Ziqian said naturally: "If you don't sell yourself, I don't give money."

Yan Qing: "…"

"I don't care, all my hard work in my life is just to be happy a few times, just because of your mistake, I permanently lost the opportunity to introduce my son's cousin to a Maserati, I want you to pay, it's just you If you can't get married, you will be fine with my son."

Yan Qing: Who is to blame if I can't get married!

Resisting the urge to turn against the other party, Yan Qing said: "Actually, President, I think you think badly."

"I think it's bad?" Ye Ziqian asked with a puzzled face: "Where am I going wrong?"

"Since you just want to let your son know how good you are, why don't you show your greatness a little bit?" Yan Qing said, "Why do you have to show it when your son needs it most?"

"Are you stupid?" Ye Ziqian said: "If I show it when he doesn't need it, he won't care too much at all."

Yan Qing: So you would rather put your son in an embarrassing situation first, and then relieve him? Then you really hurt your son. Your son is also a wonderful person. He is doing so well, but he doesn't tell you. He just wants to wait until you think he can't do it, and then show it when he is in a hurry. Really a pair of model mothers and sons who are kind and filial!

Yan Qing asked, "If that's the case, President, then why don't you just be ruthless, you don't have to pretend to force the conditions, and you have to pretend to create the conditions?!"

Ye Ziqian asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Yan Qing said: "Since he has money now, then find a way to put him in a dilemma of no money, and then you make another phone call and give him 10 million! Since he doesn't lack beauty now, then you can find a way to make him lack beauty, so that everyone who likes him doesn't like him anymore…"

"Are you the devil?! Can you think of such a bad move? What do you think of my son!!!" Ye Ziqian said angrily: "If I can do this kind of thing, am I still worthy of being a mother?"

Yan Qing: "…Indeed, after all, no matter what you say (no matter how brainless you are), you won't be cruel to your son, right?"

"Actually… Sometimes, I think I really don't deserve to be his mother…" At this moment, Ye Ziqian's voice suddenly became a little guilty.

Yan Qing: "President, don't say that. After all, I believe you are actually working hard."

"Yeah, I'm also working hard, so sometimes, it's understandable to make choices that are not worthy of being a mother, right?" Ye Ziqian asked suddenly.

Yan Qing: "Uh… President, you… calm down."

"I haven't had a chance to be with him since I was a child…" Ye Ziqian said: "I just want to live a good life for my son. Is it easy for me?"

Yan Qing: Excuse me, do you have a key? You don't deserve it, you say you deserve it? How many do you have?

"Let's make a bet." Ye Ziqian said: "If you can make my son fall in love with you, I will never let you run errands again. I promise you whatever you want."

Yan Qing: "Are you the devil?!!!"

Ye Ziqian: "How is it, do you agree?"

Yan Qing: "Okay, it's settled!!!"

Hey, why bother, why do you have to make trouble like this? Thinking of when she was still in school, she was called the most beautiful school flower in history. If you let him go, she will regret it. One day, she will find that her so-called son, in front of her invincible charm, will instantly turn into a dog licking.

Alas, she was already beginning to mourn for that poor child. It's not that she is ruthless, it's just that she is not a human being. In order not to be used as a chorus in the future, Yan Qing, today will incarnate the most ruthless woman in history. Steal his heart, let him love himself so much that he can't extricate from her!

As for whether or not she will fall in love with that man, what a joke, would you like a child? And a child with the same virtue as his mother? Give me a break!

"Haha..." After hanging up the phone, Ye Ziqian couldn't help showing a sneer. Yan Qing, Yan Qing, you only want to run the company, and you don't want to run errands for the old lady, but you never thought about the broad and profound Chinese character culture. Let my son fall in love with you, how is this sentence broken?!

At this time, in Xu Yingbing's car, she was looking at Ye Liang beside her with a strange look. Just now, was he talking to his mother on a video? Good guy, I didn't know what a vicious woman was on the other side. Ye Liang was hurt as soon as she opened her mouth. Fortunately, Ye Liang seems to be used to it. This should be the style of conversation between him and his mother. However, there are three beauties here, his mother is not afraid. How many potential daughters-in-law have been scared away by her opening?

Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan, who were in the back seat of the car, were also stunned. I can't believe it, they actually heard it just now, Ye Liang's mother said Ye Liang was like that.

'The family has no money and no power, you only have a poor mother, and you have no house and no car, your grades are not good, and you are not qualified to sing or dance.' Is this what a mother should say when evaluating her son in front of outsiders? Besides, isn't this kid still studying? He hasn't started work yet! This kid, he shouldn't be picked up, right?