I Can’t Believe

Hearing Jiang Yurou's words, Ye Liang smiled at her. This girl must be worried that he will be maliciously teased by these people. However, although he does not sing well, he is not a fool. If you don't sing well, you may be maliciously teased by these people. Make fun of others? Come on, hurt each other, let's see who can resist first!

"Sister Yurou, thank you for your concern. Since I'm already standing here, I'll sing a song."

[Hehe, stinky woman, what are you pretending to be, you have called me over and asked me to go back, you know what you mean. ]

Ye Liang: I'm sorry every day, sister Yurou.

Jiang Yurou: I know in my heart that this is a mistake! Aren't I worried about you? Do you think I'm fake? I am Jiang Yurou upright, am I that kind of woman?!

"Yurou, you're wrong." At this moment, Zhang Xin finally spoke up. She said to Jiang Yurou: "Look, Ye Liang finally summoned up the courage to sing. Why did you rush to destroy other people's confidence without waiting for them to sing a sentence?"

Jiang Yurou: Did I break his confidence? Hehe, you probably don't know what he's thinking right now! He compares himself to a singer and treats you as Muggles! I just said something casually, I don't want him to misunderstand that I have sinister intentions. Forget it, it doesn't make sense to talk to you mortals.

"Yes." Yang Ting said: "Since he has a microphone in his hand, can he make sense if he doesn't sing a song?"

"Husband is right." Zhang Xin said to Yang Ting: "Even if you sing badly, you can always roar, right? I also know that in this world, there are not many all-around talents like my Yang Ting. It doesn't matter if Ye Liang can't sing as well as Yang Ting. Anyway, as long as he sings, I believe everyone will not lose face, right?"

"Of course." Yang Ting smiled proudly. He felt that the biggest advantage of having a girlfriend like Zhang Xin was that she was really stupid and easy to obey. Also, she likes to show off her boyfriend. Perhaps Zhang Xin didn't know that she originally only had a few fans. But under her constant flaunting, many girls secretly expressed kindness to him. Even a girl who was prettier than Zhang Xin and had a better family background was convinced by Zhang Xin's boasting about showing off his words. They also asked him privately for prestige.

"Ye Liang, what's wrong with you singing a song? Anyway, no matter how well you sing, it's not as good as my Yang Ting, so just sing one. Didn't you see so many beautiful women here waiting to hear?" Zhang Xin also said to Ye Liang.

"…" Hearing what everyone said, Ye Liang was speechless: "Didn't I say I was going to sing? What have you been shouting for?"

"Uh..." Everyone reacted suddenly. Yeah, didn't Ye Liang just say he was going to sing? So are they trying to persuade loneliness? At this moment, they are very embarrassed.

And Ye Liang finally thought of what song he should sing. Although he usually doesn't sing very much, with the bonus of intelligence, he also remembers a lot of memories before transmigration very clearly. Those songs, he did not forget.

"Cough, then, please listen carefully." Ye Liang said.

"…" The crowd looked at him.

"Did no one give some applause or something?"

"Uh..." You sing or not! If you don't sing again, I'll turn my face! Everyone's faces stiffened, resisting the urge to beat people,

"Okay, okay, let's sing."

"Oh oh oh."

Although their hearts had almost gone wild, to make Ye Liang sing a few words, they laughed so hard, that now they can only clap, and applauding obediently.

"Since that's the case, I'll sing a song for everyone… uh… what is it good to sing?" After thinking about it for a while, Ye Liang struggled again.

Boom! Everyone slammed their heads on the table. I sing f*ck!

Fortunately, Ye Liang had already made up his mind before they could make a noise. "Just sing a song, Seeking Buddha."

"Seeking Buddha?" Everyone present looked at each other, not knowing what song it was. Seeking Buddha is an old song in Ye Liang's memory, but to people in this world, it can be said to be a new song that no one has ever heard.

"What song is this?"

"Do not know..."

"Hehe, he didn't make it up himself, did he?"

"It's possible, laugh to death, other people's songs can't be sung well, and you still want to make up your songs?"

"You can tell from the name. It must be a vulgar song."

"It's… Hee hee, the flowers are too fragrant, and I'm too smelly."

Everyone laughed secretly, waiting for Ye Liang to make a sound burst, and jeered together.

But Jiang Yurou felt strange at this moment because, in her heart, BGM actually sounded. What the hell is this? This BGM is not in KTV but comes from the heart. Is this the soundtrack to this song? However, I have never heard this soundtrack, it sounds really good. In Jiang Yurou's mind, she heard the BGM from Seeking Buddha, and it felt quite good.

Accompanied by the clear sound of the flute, the atmosphere seemed to gradually become more dashing. Then, Ye Liang raised the microphone and started singing.

"Laughing at the world, when will the graces and grievances end, stop.

The evening is near sunset, walking alone without worries…"

Everyone who was about to start the mockery couldn't help but be stunned at the moment. This is not right, Not as expected. Yang Liuyan was sitting next to Jiang Yurou at this time, looking at Ye Liang with a shocked expression. When she sang just now, everyone was listening carefully, which is enough to prove how good her singing skills are. However, at that time, Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou sprayed each other. This made her think that Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou must have felt that she didn't sing well, that's why they had that kind of reaction. She originally wanted Ye Liang to sing a song. She wanted to see Ye Liang's ability to dare to spray her song.

However, at this moment, she was stunned. Ye Liang didn't sing any song she knew, and Ye Liang didn't order a song. It seemed that the song hadn't been released yet, it was a private song. As a music lover, although Yang Liuyan is only a girl in a senior academy now, she has a very deep musical foundation. She has secretly evaluated whether Ye Liang's songs were good or not. However, at this moment, she was already shocked by Ye Liang's singing. It's fine if he doesn't sing, but as soon as Ye Liang sing, she already feels extraordinary. Therefore, she has no way to comment on Ye Liang's songs. She could only listen carefully. She could feel that Ye Liang's singing was too casual.

As soon as people hear it, they feel as if they have incarnated into a chivalrous person in the Jianghu, a chivalrous man, a free-spirited, romantic world. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also captivating. Once upon a time, she also thought that she could become a heroine like the one on TV. Such a dream has now truly become a dream that cannot be realized. However, at this moment, she felt the unrestrained ease in her dreams from Ye Liang's singing.

This is Ye Liang's singing voice? Unbelievable!