You sing so confidently

"…Too deceitful-!!!" At this moment, Yang Ting was also pushed by Ye Liang. Unexpectedly, this guy Ye Liang can sing so nicely, and he has become a fool now. It seems that if he doesn't sing the last one, he will really keep on talking. Okay, sing, sing, who is afraid of who-!!

"Since you insisted that I sing, then I will sing, but I have agreed in advance that I really don't sing as well as you." He suppressed his anger and said to Ye Liang.

He's not stupid, and something like strength can't be hard-mouthed. Although he sang well, the difference between Ye Liang was a world different. He would definitely not dare to say such words as he sang better than Ye Liang. So, he came up and said this first. When Ye Liang heard his words, he naturally understood more. This guy does not back down. Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person, otherwise, today's shame will be too much.

"I'll sing a song 'I can't live without you' for everyone." Picking up the microphone, Yang Ting said.

"Okay, Brother Ting, come on."

"…" Hearing someone cheering for him, Yang Ting gave him a blank look. I add your sister's oil. After Ye Liang sang a song in front, who would dare to sing? It's good to have the courage to stand here. However, he didn't know if Ye Liang had brought him a lot of pressure. At this moment, he felt that he was in a good state. Maybe he can sing like a professional singer.

However, Ye Liang knew that Yang Ting had the confidence to say that kind of word just now, and he must have sung it nicely. If he really let him sing, he would definitely be ridiculed. However, he would not give him a chance. The moment Yang Ting was about to sing, Ye Liang secretly made a gesture. The spiritual energy at his fingertips form a seal that mortals could not see with the naked eye, and hit Yang Ting.

The effect of this seal is that it can interfere with human perception to a certain extent. It makes people think that what they hear is the sound of heaven. Under such influence, it will naturally make people's original normal vocal effects abnormal. The final result is...

Yang Ting stood in front of everyone, took the microphone, and began to sing.

"You open your arms…melt me…"

This singing, Yang Ting suddenly felt a great increase in confidence. I didn't expect that I could sing so well today, and it seems that, without knowing it, my singing ability has improved.

"You lightly twisted your fingertips and crushed me…"

The more he sang, the more confident he became. Yang Ting became more confident the more he sang, and the more he sang, the more intoxicated he became with his voice. He thought just now that he would definitely lose face again today. Unexpectedly, after not singing for such a period of time, my singing skills have become so good before I know it.

At this moment, he looked confident and calm. And everyone who watched him sings couldn't help being dumbfounded at the moment.

Stunned! Everyone was stunned…

Zhang Xin was even more shocked. Because what they heard was...

"You open your arms and miss the chemo (you open your arms and melt me)."

"You only picked up this year, the leaking pot (you smashed me with your fingertips lightly)."

"You instigate the wind and rain, and pick up the bird's nest (you instigate the wind and rain, and swept me away)."

"You dislike the waves, shelling the bird's nest—! (You made waves and abandoned me—!)."


"It's so unfair (too unfair)…"

"Uh..." At this moment, everyone's brain circuits were cut off. Except Ye Liang knew that it was his own hands and feet, and he was laughing secretly. Everyone else is stupid. They all stared at Yang Ting blankly. They never thought that someone would sing this song like this. Out of tune, not clear words... More importantly, why is he so confident?! Why can he calmly sing the original soulful song to what it is?!

"Puff–!!!" Jiang Yurou almost couldn't help laughing out loud. One thing that came to her mind, that is, Ye Liang once commented on her in her heart when she was making tea.

"You are obviously a rookie, but why are you so confident and calm?"

''Puff–!!!'' She couldn't help it anymore, she turned around and threw herself into Ye Liang's arms. Her body trembled incessantly.

Ye Liang: ...

"Pfft… woo woo woo…" Everyone was stunned, and Jiang Yurou jumped directly into Ye Liang's arms, her body was shaking, and it looked like she was crying. At this moment, Yang Ting realized that he sang so well. Jiang Yurou cry, and everyone was stunned. It turns out that I am such a singer?!

At this moment, he suddenly regretted it. Knowing that he can sing so well, even Jiang Yurou can be moved. Why didn't you chase after Jiang Yurou in the first place? But... think about it, forget it, there are many eldest sons who are eyeing Jiang Yurou, and he still can't afford to offend them. However, even so, If he can sing and Jiang Yurou shed tears, he can also prove his ability.

Thinking of this, Yang Ting was even more intoxicated. He decided to sing another song himself. Affectionately, he opened his mouth to sing:

"Mud nest is drunk, mud ~ wolf nest heart mouth, short collarbone smell… (you get me drunk, you break my heart, love can't be taken back)"

"Puff–!!!" Most of the girls present couldn't help it. They all covered their mouths, with tears in their eyes, because they were forced to hold back their laughter, and the tears came out. This is too funny!!! It turned out that Yang Ting sang like this, how did he do it? So calmly, so confidently sing a song that makes people completely incomprehensible, but it seems to be a series of homophonic jokes? Omg, I am cracked!

And Yang Ting, who was singing, noticed everyone's expression and couldn't help sighing. Hey, it's over, I didn't expect myself to sing so well. If this goes on, the girls present will be moved by me. What if they fall in love with me? If they give me prestige in private, should I or not? After all, they were brought by my brothers. For the sake of the brothers, I'll give them a different note in the future. As long as they don't find out, it's fine.

At this moment, he was actually moved by his singing. The song finally reached its climax.

"Oh~ I dreamed of that mung bean (wherever I dreamed of you…"

''Puff–!!!'' Everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing.


At this time, the door was kicked open without knowing who was outside the door.

"Motherf*cker, who is singing, pay the medical fee for my ears-!!!"

Yang Ting, who was singing affectionately, and everyone was taken aback.