The Immortal Venerable Retires Behind Everyone

With a heavy slap, the guy who broke in before was stunned. I beat someone in the company, and no one dared to say a word. Today, I just came here to talk about business. I slapped this young man, how dare he fight back? This kid, okay, has the guts-!!!

His eyes turned to Yang Ting. At this time, he also woke up, pointing to Yang Ting, he said: "Boy, kneel and apologize, I won't kill you.''

"Aah, if you have the ability, come here. I, Yang Ting, am not afraid of you?!" Yang Ting also glared at him. Right or wrong doesn't really matter at all. In the end, it depends on which side has the tougher face.

And the middle-aged man who broke in also knew that there were so many people here that he was not a place to pretend. So, after asking Yang Ting's name, he said: "You wait for me."

"Wait? Wait for f*ck—!!!" Inexplicably, someone rushed in and beat him, and Yang Ting only felt a big face at the moment. Will he wait for someone to do it first? He has always been the first to make police officers, and people will not give him face even if they resist. This middle-aged man beat him, pretended to be coercive in front of him, and still wanted to leave? How can it be so easy?!

He beat the middle-aged man directly. Middle-aged men also rely on their age and do things ruthlessly. Where is the opponent of the tall and powerful Yang Ting? However, after a few tricks, Yang Ting beat him and ran away screaming.

"Hmph, pretend to me, come again if you have the ability, and kill you-!!!" After shouting at the door, he continued to look back. He said to the people inside: "I'm sorry, I met a drunken lunatic and disturbed your happiness.''

"Brother Ting, won't something happen if you beat people like this?'' Someone asked.

"What can happen?" Yang Ting said with a smile: "I have always been the only one who beat people in my life. Where did anyone beat me? Do you think that is it, Brother Ye Liang?" He turned to Ye Liang and said. Seeing his appearance, he seemed very proud. It was as if he was telling Ye Liang to get acquainted later, otherwise, he would be the one who hit people first.

"…" Ye Liang, who was about to watch the fun, didn't expect this guy to pretend to be on his head again. He shook his head helplessly and said: "How do I know, I usually don't dare to hit people."

"…" Hearing this, everyone burst out laughing. Don't even dare to hit someone? Not angry at all.

[This deity generally only kills and beats people, and also has to deal with subsequent incidents, which is troublesome.]

Everyone thought of Ye Liang, but only Jiang Yurou secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Now, she believes more and more in Ye Liang's voice. Ye Liang dared to kill, she was certain. Therefore, she was very puzzled about those people who always liked to provoke Ye Liang when they were idle.

Is it bad to live? You just want to pretend, but, in Ye Liang's eyes, you are just an ant. Do you think what you do is cool? You think that what you are doing is just trivial things, an ant crawling around in front of people seems to have no effect on people. But, you never know when he can't help raising his hand and twisting you to death.

"By the way, brother, what do you think of my singing just now?" At this moment, Yang Ting asked Ye Liang again. Originally, he thought that he was worse than Ye Liang, and he was already prepared. If Ye Liang really went too far, he wouldn't mind turning his face and beating him. But now that he can sing so well, even better than Ye Liangdu, he can't just let it go. Naturally, Ye Liang had to admit defeat and take a detour.

"Hiss…" Seeing that Yang Ting was still asking Ye Liang how well he sang, everyone present was speechless.

No, bro, what do you mean? Before watching you sing very deeply, you don't really think that you sing well, do you? Do you know that I almost got a heart attack from you just now? Where did you come from to ask Ye Liangsong, how did you sing? It shouldn't be... Usually, Zhang Xin blows him a lot, does he really think he sings well? No, no, no?

Yang Ting didn't sing so badly in the past, could it be that he sang like this on purpose? Want to win with a funny style? If this is the case, then Ye Liang is indeed no match for him in terms of humor. In terms of funny, we are willing to admit, Yang Ting, you are the strongest.

"…" Ye Liang almost forgot that he still had things to do. With a sincere look on his face, he said to Yang Ting in front of him: "Yang Ting… It's not that I hit you, really… I think if you don't sing, some people will like it. Listen to me. Later, stop singing. I don't know who told you that you sang well before, and I don't know where you got the confidence that you sing well... But, personal advice, singing is really uncomfortable for you.''

''Uh...'' Everyone thought that Ye Liang would be polite on the surface and hurt Yang Ting with secret words. But I didn't expect him to be so straightforward.

"Puff–!!!" Hearing this, Yang Ting couldn't help laughing. "Hahahaha… You mean, don't you think I sing badly? If I sing badly, what is the name of what you sing? Soul call?"

"Puff–!!!'' Hearing this, everyone could not help but laugh at the hook. However, if they were just in love, they would definitely be laughing at Ye Liang along with them. But the problem is, now is now. They all cast their mocking eyes at Yang Ting, and all of them looked puzzled.

Where did Yang Ting get the courage, to say that Ye Liang sang like a soul-caller? Where did he get the courage to think he sang well? Could it be the emperor's nice new song?

"Yang Ting, stop" At this moment, Zhang Xin's face was really as black as a stinky ditch. She didn't understand what was wrong with Yang Ting today. Even if he sang a song well, it wouldn't be so ugly, so funny. Didn't he realize that everyone was dying of laughter? Even myself… poof… I almost had a heart attack. No matter how much I look at Ye Liang, I am not deaf. The song he sings is above the standard song god. And about Yang Ting, what stuff is that? Even if it's funny, it can't be so serious and funny, right? One that will die!!!

"What do you say?!!! At this moment, Yang Ting quit. He glared at Ye Liang: "Ye Liang, what do you mean? You don't sing as well as I do, you don't want to admit it, right?

"Hiss…" Ye Liang looked at Yang Ting and said: "I admit that I sing badly, but…isn't it better than yours?

"puff–!!! Hearing this, everyone around them spurted out. Ye Liang actually thought he sang badly? This…is this modesty? However, no matter whether he is humble or not, as far as Yang Tinggang's singing standard is concerned, no matter who is present, his singing is no worse than his. Is he singing? That is obviously polluting your ears-!!! He's been beaten, don't you understand what's going on? No way?!! No way?!!!

Everyone looked at Yang Ting with mocking eyes…

"Hahaha, you said that I sang badly? Well, very good, I'll give you another chance to repeat your words. If you don't admit it, it will only make people laugh. Yang Ting laughed angrily and said to Ye Liang: "Just around, who sings better?

"I, is it you?" Ye Liang smiled and said: "Even if I sing badly, it'll just make people feel bad, but what are you singing? Are you trying to make people laugh?

"You–!!!" Yang Ting was annoyed, "Aah, okay, you're a tough mouth, obviously, you don't sing as well as I do, but you still refuse to admit it, don't forget, there are so many people here, they can prove who can sing well and sounds better.''

"Uh...'' Hearing this, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads quickly in their hearts, I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense. Although most of them are buddies who play together, some can play together when they play. They are not unwilling to favor Yang Ting. But what the hell did Yang Ting sing? Making them talk nonsense with their eyes open doesn't make them win, it just makes them a joke. Even if they were rich kids, they couldn't understand the truth front of the facts. Because they don't want to be seen as fools either.

Yang Ting looked at the people around him, wanting them to prove to him. However, everyone turned their eyes away, not daring to look at him. What a joke, let them prove to Yang Ting's ridiculous singing, if it spreads out, will they still hang out in the future? Of course, they didn't help Ye Liang stupidly, they just pretended not to hear.

Seeing that everyone didn't answer, Yang Ting had a bad premonition inexplicably, and he looked towards his girlfriend. I saw Zhang Xinzheng with a dark face. Why, why does everyone look like this? Don't they think they can't sing well enough?

"Hey, are you going too far, it's a rare time for me to play so well, do you want to go too far?!!! He said to the crowd: "Didn't I just move you all to tears?''

"Puff–!!!'' It's okay if he didn't say it. When he said that, everyone present was really moved by his words and spat out wildly.


"Brother Ting, I… I understand, you are joking with us, right? You must not be serious, right?"

"That's it, hahaha, I… I misunderstood, Brother Ting, you must have sung so badly on purpose."

"Hahaha, but to be honest, you can sing so badly and almost make us laugh to death, your funny talent is really good. 3


"Ha ha ha ha–!!!!" A girl couldn't help but slapped the table frantically with her hands.

"Help, help, I'm dying—!!!'' A girl wrapped her stomach and remembered the song he just sang around Yang Ting.

"You dislike the waves, shelling the bird's nest…"

"Ha ha ha ha…''

"The mud den is drunk, the mud wolf's den is newly drunk… The smell of short collarbone…"


"You're only this year, leaky pot.''

"I dreamed about that mung bean—!!!"

"Hahaha… Brother Ting, why didn't you say it earlier, if you said you were joking, we would have laughed.''

"Pfft…Looking at your serious appearance, we really thought that you sang so badly.


"Hiss…" Everyone suddenly burst into laughter, and they imitated their own voices and sang, which made Yang Ting feel depressed for a while.

"What are you talking about, how can I sing so badly?'' He asked the crowd.

''Hiss…" Hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while. No, what kind of songs do you sing, don't you have any points in your heart?

"I heard that some people sing badly, but they can't hear it, only people can hear it.'' Ye Liang said solemnly on the side: "I said, Yang Ting, have you ever sang by yourself and never recorded it with a tape recorder and listened to it? Fortunately, my phone just recorded the sound gap here, you, do you want to listen to it, what you just sang is What the hell?" With that said, he took out his cell phone with a wicked look on his face.

"Hiss…" Seeing Ye Liang's move, everyone couldn't help but be stunned. Holy crap, this dude, do you keep the recording on at all times? This sense of crisis, yes-!!! Fortunately, I didn't say anything nonsense before. However, did he actually record it? This…I don't know if I can ask him for a copy later. Seriously, if Yang Ting just continued to sing the song, if it were posted on the Internet, he might become this year's annual Internet celebrity, ghost, and funny.

"I don't believe it, I can sing so badly." Yang Ting had an unbelievable look on his face, he was about to take Ye Liang's phone. However, Ye Liang just retracted the phone, open the recording, and turned on the maximum playback. Then, on the mobile phone, Yang Ting's voice began to sing. When Yang Ting heard it, it was indeed his own voice. However, the song that was sung was not at all the same as what I imagined.

"You have open arms and missed the chemotherapy nest.''

"You've only pulled that leaky pot this year.''

"You stir up the wind and rain and take away the bird's nest.''

"You despise the waves, shelling the bird's nest—!''


"I dreamed of that mung bean…"

"Puff–!!!!" At this moment, Yang Ting couldn't help but burst into laughter. However, after the hilarious laughter, he couldn't help but look ugly. What happened?!!! Why is this?!!! Obviously, he sang very well in his imagination just now. Why do you sing like a ghost?!!! Fake, it must be fake-!!!

"Ye Liang, what software did you use to make my song so ugly on purpose to embarrass me? What do I have to complain about, what kind of hatred do I have for you? You want to treat me like this?" He said to Ye Liang, "Don't you think that I don't even know what I sing?

"Uh...'' Hearing this, everyone present looked at Yang Ting in a stunned manner.

"What? Do you really know what you're singing?"

"No way?"

"You have to know what you sing, why did you just sing so confidently and calmly?''

"Those who don't know, think you sing really well.''

"The police say… I'm going to die of laughter… Hahaha, help… help, who will call an ambulance for me… huh-"

"…" After the first laugh, everyone really couldn't control themselves. In theory, everyone is a friend, and they shouldn't mock Yang Ting like that. But, this is so funny. When I think of the scene where Yang Ting confidently sings those lyrics when I think of the pronunciation of "I dreamed of that mung bean" shelling the bird's nest. Coupled with the atmosphere now, they really can't stop their laughter.

"Hiss..." Seeing everyone around him look like this, Yang Ting's face was ugly for a while. He didn't believe that the actual level of singing rhyme was like this. Could it be that these are the three major illusions in life, and I can sing well?

"It must have been that I didn't play well just now, let me sing again.'' He said to the crowd.

"Uh… Brother Ting, aren't you just kidding?''

"You…you can't really sing like this, right?''

When he said these words, everyone who was laughing curiously moved their eyes towards him. He just sewed, was he singing seriously? OMG...

"…" At this moment, everyone looked at Yang Ting with strange eyes.

And Ye Liang, looking pitiful at this time, said to Yang Ting: "Brother, it's okay, go to the hospital more.''

"Puff–!!!" Hearing this, everyone burst out laughing again. God, it's okay to go to the hospital for more shopping! Are you talking about people?!

"You one by one!!!'' Yang Ting was so angry that he vomited blood, but he had nothing to do with Ye Liang.

Ye Liang went on to say: "Don't thank me, it's just good words to persuade me."

[Liang Chen has said it a long time ago if you feel that you have the strength to play with me, Liang Chen does not mind accompanying you to the end.]

Ye Liang: ...

"Heh, congratulations to the host for getting the extra reward of immortality, a Maserati has been delivered to the door, the car keys are already in the host's purse, the procedures are complete, and the source is aboveboard.''

"With this reward, it's better to give me money directly." Seeing the reward given by the system, Ye Liang couldn't help but let out a loud snort. He is not a person who likes high-profile, otherwise, he would not have a million in his hand, and he would just wear ordinary clothes. Of course, a Maserati is a good car, but it's not necessary for him. As a result, it is a pity that many places in luxury cars are inconvenient to visit. Second, it is indeed too high-profile. And, isn't this Maserati the girl's favorite? I am a boy driving this kind of car, how bad it is.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou naturally heard Ye Liang's voice. She thought to herself. Could it be that Ye Liang did this Yang Ting singing so ugly and confident? But how did he do it? What magic did he use? Still haven't seen anything. Could it be that mortals cannot see spells?

Yang Ting has lost everything at this moment, but he feels that he should make a detour for his own name. He said: "It's true that I just didn't perform well, and I'm just joking with everyone. This time, I'll sing it again, so that you can see the true singing skills of my Yang Ting."

At this moment, he also calmed down. Perhaps, I really didn't play well just now, and I was intoxicated with confidence. However, as long as he is serious, he will definitely not sing so badly.

"I sing your mother one more time!!!'' However, before waiting for another song, several people had already come outside the door. They saw that the middle-aged man who was beaten by Yang Ting was standing at the front. With a look of anger on his face, beside him, followed by a few big men in suits. There was a gloomy-looking man standing beside him.

"Brother Hao, he beat me.'' The middle-aged man pointed at Yang Ting and said.

"Um.'' The man known as Brother Hao nodded, his expression gloomy and rhymed. His eyes swept over the people present and then fell on Yang Ting. "Dare to beat someone in my Zhang Hao's field, you guys have something.''

"Hiss…" Zhang Hao? Hearing this, some people present couldn't help but change their expressions. Zhang Hao is the head of the business in this neighborhood. When doing business, it is inevitable to encounter some troubles, although it is not impossible to report the case, if this kind of thing happens a lot, how can the business do? Therefore, a place with a large flow of people like this needs some coercion. Zhang Hao is the power of all the businesses around here. Whoever wants to make trouble around here, can think about the consequences. It is precisely because of the large number of people under him that the business around here is quite good, otherwise, no one would not choose to come here.

Hearing Zhang Hao's words, how dare Yang Ting sing? At this moment, he only felt a chill behind him. Unexpectedly, this middle-aged man invited Brother Hao. He quickly explained: "Brother Hao, misunderstanding, I was just singing around me, when he suddenly rushed in and slapped me.''

"Oh?" Zhang Hao smiled and said: "So what? Boss Li is my honored guest. He slaps you, even if you apologize, you can slap him more than once. 99

"Hiss..." Hearing Zhang Hao's unreasonable words, everyone present couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Why do you say that? If you allow him to beat people, don't we allow Yang Ting to fight back?!'' Seeing this situation, Zhang Xin was not afraid at all. Because she knew that Yang Ting was very powerful. After Yang Ting beat people, nothing happened. Pay some money and you're done. How could Yang Ting be the one who was bullied? Is there any reason? Is there still king law?

"You are so unreasonable, are you not afraid that Chuanqin will fail to do business?!" She said angrily to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao was slightly startled and sneered: "Originally, I just wanted him to pay for the fishing, but since you said that, you can all leave now.''

"What do you mean?!! Hearing this, Zhang Xin was a little panicked: "You still want to make us leave? Who do you think you are!!!''

"Hiss…" Seeing Zhang Xin like this, everyone was speechless for a while. Didn't you see that Yang Ting didn't speak? This time I was hurt by this stupid woman. Jiang Yurou moved closer to Ye Liang's arms without a trace. At this time, only Ye Liang's side was the safest.

"Of course, I don't dare to shut people up. I, Zhang Hao, am a businessman, and I won't do anything illegal.'' Zhang Hao said: "However, in a room like this, some people are drunk and do everything well. As the steward here, of course, I have to compensate those people. Let me think about it, if you were accidentally scratched and tested, I will pay you 100,000 yuan, is that enough? And you, if someone accidentally stepped on your leg, I will pay you 300,000 yuan, is that enough? If you feel that the money I lost is not enough, I can add more. However, then you have to please report the case yourself and file a lawsuit. After winning the lawsuit, there is more money.''

"!!!" Hearing this, everyone presents panicked. Especially Yang Ting, this kind of method is familiar to him. This is his way of dealing with those who have no money or power but like to steal his limelight. Ordinary people may be over for life if they hurt people. But if they hit someone, it's just pocket money for a month or two. He hurriedly said: "Brother Hao, it is like this, my father is Yang Zheng, and he still has contact with you.''

"Oh?'' Hearing this, Zhang Hao said: "Your father is him, but he has a little friendship. Since this is the case, then, let me see what Boss Li means?''

He turned to the middle-aged man and said: "Boss Li, what do you want to do, don't think about giving me face."

Boss Li is naturally not stupid. He understands that Zhang Hao means that this person is not too offended, but it is not necessary. After thinking about it, he said: "Well, you just slapped me three times and slapped me with both feet. Although my surname is Li, I'm not a big-hearted person, but I won't let people bully me like that. There are quite a lot of little sisters here, I choose A few, let them come to my private room to accompany me for a few drinks, and that's fine."

"Uh..." Hearing this, Yang Ting couldn't help being dumbfounded. This f*ck, are you acting in a movie, and letting someone pay you a few drinks? The hell knows what you want to do!!! These are my friends, am I qualified to let them do things?

"Brother Li, you… you can change the terms, they are all my friends.''

"Change the conditions?'' When the surnamed Li heard this, he couldn't help sneering, "Alright, who is your girlfriend here, she should always listen to you, and let her pay me a few drinks."

"I don't want to!'' Hearing this, Zhang Xin was so frightened that she shrank back a little.

"Okay, either, the police, that's fine, I just don't know, tomorrow you will have a few people who will be embarrassed, and a few of you will have broken legs. If one is bad, it will kill you, and that's not the case. All right..." Boss Li sneered.

Everyone couldn't help but turn pale, have broken legs, and have a discolored face?

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person, if any of you are disabled for life, I will be responsible for losing money, which is 1.8 million.''

Hearing this, everyone was even more frightened. If they get hurt here once, and their life is over. At this moment, Huang Yurou finally realized that reality was terrifying. No wonder, no wonder my mother insisted on letting Ye Liang accompany her. No wonder my mother always said that these venues were not safe, so I tried not to come. Turns out, it's all true. If it wasn't for Ye Liang by his side, she might be really in danger tonight. She looked at Ye Liang who was beside her and felt at ease for a while. No matter what, as long as Ye Liang is here, he will be fine. No matter how he scolds her in his heart and despises her, he will always protect her.

"How about this.'' At this moment, Brother Hao opened his mouth. "I'm also a businessman, and I don't want to have a big fight. Right here, Boss Li, you choose a few pretty ones and ask them to toast you a glass of wine. This matter is over, how about it?" He asked Boss Li.

"Brother Hao said so, of course, I have no opinion.'' Boss Li smiled. His eyes have long been on the girls here. It has to be said that these rich sons have good eyesight.

For example, there is a personal girlfriend who dresses maturely and has a big slit.

For example, Zhang Xin's famous brand.

Of course, the most diligent ones were Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan. When he saw the two women, Boss Li's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Brother Hao, thank you, Brother Hao.'' Hearing this, Yang Ting breathed a sigh of relief. Just toasting a few glasses of wine here, it seems that Brother Hao is still giving himself a lot of faces. He turned to the congregation and said: "Everyone, I'm sorry, everyone, please do me a favor later, and I will definitely thank you after tonight."

The target of his speech was naturally the girls present. Brother Hao Hao just said, let a few girls go to accompany the wine to apologize, just have a drink here, everyone is a friend, it should give face, right? What's more, it's not his business anymore. If this matter is not resolved today, no one can leave.

Everyone nodded in fear, just drinking a glass of wine. It was solved so easily. It seems that Yang Ting's father's face is still good. Otherwise, they might really have their legs broken and their faces cut.

"Yurou, step back a little." Ye Liang whispered to Jiang Yurou. It wasn't their fault, he didn't want to meddle in his own business. Although the current situation is related to him, he has to be responsible for things that cannot be related to him, right? If so, then people all over the world are concerned.

[This Heavenly Venerate found that the situation was not right, and retreated behind everyone. ]

Jiang Yurou: ..., Brother Ye Liang, you… are you going to laugh at me?!!!

Listening to Ye Liang's voice, Jiang Yurou was a little nervous, but at the same time, she couldn't help but laugh. Of course, she knew that Ye Liang was only here with her today, and he had nothing to do with everyone present. When they were in danger, it was understandable that he didn't want to help. No one can guarantee that they can get out of this kind of thing.

Although Brother Ye Liang knows his abilities, if there is one person in this world who knows, there may not be another person who knows. It's always good to be careful. She obediently followed Ye Liang to the back, and incidentally pulled Yang Liuyan, who had never spoken, to him.

Yang Liuyan noticed Jiang Yurou's actions and couldn't help but laugh. But it's just a glass of wine, what do you need to hide? But she still followed behind. Well, no one wants to get into trouble, do they? They don't have to drink, there are so many girls here, it's not bad for the two of them.