Liang Chen doesn’t like to pretend

"Mr. Ye Liang, I really thank you for this matter!" At this time, the law enforcement team had arrived at the KTV, all the men in suits, including Zhang Hao, were arrested and brought to justice, and the so-called Boss Li was also arrested in the name of collaborating with the underworld forces. It is much simpler than imagined, with just one phone call and evidence, the law enforcement team quickly arrested all the suspects. Moreover, they are hoping that there is evidence to catch these outlaws.

In fact, when Zhang Hao first started to do things, he was still okay, he was only responsible for showing people the scene. But I don't know why, and then gradually, he started to bully others. It is estimated that he really thought that he had built an empire and could start enjoying happiness.

Because Ye Liang's actions help the law enforcement team clear an illegal point, the captain of the law enforcement team even came to him in person to thank him. In addition, the special police also emphasized that the Law Enforcement Bureau will make a rhyme pennant and a special police bonus of 20,000 yuan will be sent to Ye Liang.

At this time, Zhang Hao was sitting in the law enforcement car, looking desperately at Ye Liang who was handing over to the captain of the law enforcement team. There was endless regret in his heart. You said, is it not good for you to be your security guard? What are you pretending to be? It's just that the field is a little bigger, and I really think that I can be lawless?! It's alright now, I'll give it to myself with a song from behind bars, thank you. If he hadn't met Ye Liang, perhaps, he would have been able to hold on for a lifetime. After all, even if he bullied the police, many things can be solved with money. But this time, he wanted to kill Ye Liang, and there was evidence. No matter what, he was in jail.

Before, he pretended to force Ye Liang to send him to prison with a phone call, but Ye Liang really sent him to prison with a phone call. In this day and age, if a phone call can send a person to prison, it must be the phone of the law enforcement team. This is the district police force pretending to be fiction and reality.

[Thinking about it, I have made him understand that Liang Chen never speaks empty words. ]

Looking at the distant law enforcement vehicle, in Ye Liang's mind, the voice of the Xiuxian voice package appeared again.

"Hee hee, Brother Ye Liang, you are so handsome, oh my god, you just beat people around you, every move, smack, smack, you're so handsome." Hearing Ye Liang's voice, Jiang Yurou said to him. While speaking, she also did some actions that Ye Liang did when he beat people.

Ye Liang turned to look at Jiang Yurou and smiled: "Sister Yurou, you're not bad, I didn't warn you, you record the video, and you're not afraid of them hitting you when you record it there?"

Jiang Yurou replied, "With Brother Ye Liang around, I will never be afraid."

Hee hee, although I don't know what's going on, I can be sure now. Brother Ye Liang must be able to do magic. His magic can't be seen by ordinary people, but it can cause a car accident and make people sing songs wrong. It's just that she doesn't know when she can see the spells that traverse the universe in his heart.

[It's over, I just wanted the vicious thoughts of this stinky girl with a small heart, but I forgot to restrain my strength, and now the deity is full of strength. This stinky girl with vicious thoughts, now I am afraid that she is fascinated by the deity. ]

Ye Liang: ...

He looked at Jiang Yurou in front of him. The voice of the Xiuxian voice package made him suddenly react to something. Perhaps, the identity and strength that he showed a few days ago were really not worthy of any progress with Jiang Yurou, but now I can do it. This girl, shouldn't she really like his current self? If so, I am afraid it is not good. After all, his goal is the sea of ​​​​stars, and he is destined to become the king of the sea of ​​​​stars. If you start with this girl at the beginning, you will be a little embarrassed. If you want to check, it's better to check people first. That Liu Yan felt pretty good. Every time I heard that Xiuxian's voice package was good at her.

[…It's over, I'm afraid she is fascinated by the deity. ] At this time, Jiang Yurou was also looking at Ye Liang. In her heart, Ye Liang's inner voice emerged.

Jiang Yurou: ..., beware of my malicious thoughts? My mind is evil? I'm obsessed with you? I DON'T! Hmph, I just want to change your opinion of me, I won't like you like this. A wretched man who only knows how to hurt people, like you, will become some kind of immortal, I don't believe it. I don't believe it, your future will really have something to do with Liu Yan. Stories are still happening in many places. What balcony, living room, what kitchen, I can't understand, Ah, disgusting, I can't even think about that picture.

"..." Seeing that Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou were still looking at each other, both of them showed a very caring look on their faces, Yang Liuyan on the side was speechless for a while.

These two guys, throwing dog food, really think she doesn't exist. Please, this place hasn't been cleaned up yet. Although Zhang Hao and the others were arrested, the KTV did not close. It's just that Zhang Hao, the security guard, has grown bigger and has already put pressure on customers. For what happened here, the real owner of KTV was so frightened that he rushed over to apologize and demand compensation. It's just that what happened just now if everyone can continue to play here, they are crazy. So, everyone decided not to sing. The main thing is that Yang Ting has no face anymore. The recording of singing around him just now seems to have become more impressive after a while of panic. Now, as long as he hears the policeman saying K-song, the words "I dreamed of that mung bean" would appear in his mind involuntarily. With this shadow, he felt that he would never dare to sing again in his whole life.

Moreover, because Ye Liang displayed an exaggerated force value, everyone was frightened. Those who were originally hostile to Ye Liang, and even fantasized about when to teach Ye Liang a lesson, are now dumbfounded. Now they don't dare to offend Ye Liang even if they offend anyone. Seriously, their luck is really good. According to their characters, if Zhang Hao hadn't offended Ye Liang in advance, they would have offended Ye Liang to death sooner or later. And if they offended Ye Liang to death, then their fate would not be much better, even worse.

After coming out of the KTV, Yang Ting didn't dare to step on Ye Liang's feet like before. Now, when he saw Ye Liang's expression, he got scared. Seeing that Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang were still looking at each other, he didn't dare to come to disturb them. He could only ask Yang Liuyan to come over. And Yang Liuyan looked at the two men and women who were looking at each other and didn't know how to sew.

"Yurou, Ye Liang, when are you two going to stop spreading the dog food?!'' Unable to bear it any longer, she asked the two of them.

"Where do we get dog food?" Ye Liang turned his head to look at Yang Liuyan: "Beauty, you misunderstood, I'm just complimenting Yurou's sister for doing a good job, if it weren't for her good video recording, I'm afraid I would still have a lot of trouble.''

[This is troublesome, the most disgusting thing in this deity's life is probably being taken care of by Jiang Yurou. )

Jiang Yurou: !!!

[If she is attracted to him, the deity will not know how to reject it.]

Jiang Yurou: &@!%#^!

[After all, she didn't do anything wrong until she showed her vicious side. ]

Jiang Yurou: I don't have a vicious side at all, you said nonsense.

[The deity is not good at rejecting the kindness of a girl who has not made any mistakes yet.]

Jiang Yurou: Is that so? You don't know how to reject a girl who has done nothing wrong? Then you're done.

[Ah... how can this be good.]

Jiang Yurou: You are dead, now let me hear your weakness, I have a way to deal with you. It turns out that you don't know how to reject a girl who has made no mistakes, hum. I don't like you, you are narcissistic, I just want revenge.

[Hey, I accidentally showed such a powerful charm that I am now attracted by the most disgusting woman in my life, what should I do?]

Jiang Yurou: If you don't say one word of viciousness to me, will you die? Will you die?!

[Very urgent.]

Jiang Yurou: I'm the one in a hurry! Damn it, stinky bastard! Asshole, lewd man-!

Ye Liang: ...

Looking at his own system, the daily narcissistic pretense and coercion began to damage Jiang Yurou again. Ye Liang also started to apologize to Jiang Yurou daily. I'm sorry, Miss Yurou. However, you can't hear it anyway, that's fine. In other words, the rewards triggered today are a bit too great. Could it be that this system is not actually a complex system of immortal cultivation, but a system of pretense? As long as you pretend to be everywhere, you will naturally get rewards? Find a chance to try it.

''...'' Looking at the pair of dogs and men in front of her, Yang Liuyan gritted her teeth for a while. She has seen the dog food spreader, but she has never seen a pair of dog food spreaders that have such a presence. How should I put it, it's like that kind of feeling that the whole body is glowing.

Especially Ye Liang, even if he hides in the corner, as long as he is there, his presence will always be unbelievably strong. In theory, people around people who are in love are always big bulbs with a strong sense of presence, right? However, the picture of Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou is reversed. No matter where they are, people will notice, and, I don't know if it is an illusion. Seeing the picture of the two of them together is inexplicably embarrassing.

"I have decided to go, let's go, Yang Ting and the others seem to be frightened by your force value, and now they don't dare to come and talk to you.]

Thinking of the performance of Yang Ting's few people, Yang Liuyan also secretly disliked it for a while. She had long known what kind of temperament those people were. When Zhang Xin was dating Yang Ting before, she had already thought that one day she would become a stranger to Zhang Xin. I just didn't expect that this day would come so soon. Just after Zhang Xin was forced to have a drink with that Boss Li, she and Jiang Yurou were protected by Ye Liang.

With Zhang Xin's character, if she doesn't hold grudges, she'll be a ghost. Now, she is only maintaining a superficial relationship with Zhang Xin and the others. As for Zhang Xin and the others, it was obvious that they were more dissatisfied with Jiang Yurou. They might think that this was because Jiang Yurou deliberately let Ye Liang not take action and waited for everyone to be ugly.

Today, Ye Liang helped her and Jiang Yurou get out of the siege, but it also broke the plastic friendship between them. But Yang Liuyan would not blame Ye Liang for this. Because she also knew why Ye Liang didn't want to do it. If it wasn't for those guys going too far, Ye Liang wouldn't do it, even for the sake of his peers. In fact, she doesn't quite understand that having money means having money and having money just proves that you are more prosperous than others.

It's a pity that plastic feelings are plastic feelings after all, even if everyone knows that the relationship is gone, but as long as the face has not been torn apart, now everyone still has to get along well.

"Hey, then you let them go first, we'll just follow behind.'' Ye Liang said casually.

"You?" Yang Liuyan asked: "Do you take a taxi by yourself? I'll go with you.'' Now she doesn't want to be with those guys either.

"Okay, let's talk." In fact, Ye Liang didn't quite understand it. It was like this just after, why these guys can still pretend that it never happened, and they are in a normal relationship. Is this the world of the rich? Theoretically speaking, since everyone doubts each other, why don't they just stay away from each other? Wouldn't it be more comfortable then?

[In this life, although I don't know why there are so many changes, Jiang Yurou shouldn't have too much involvement with Zhang Xin. Maybe, she won't be ruined by Zhang Xin.]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: ???, ha, it turns out that in your heart, I was led by Zhang Xin?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou also began to ponder. If, if Ye Liang wasn't a reborn Immortal Venerable, if she didn't have the ability to hear his voice. So, what is her relationship with Zhang Zin now? What is her relationship with Ye Liang? Would she really be brought down by Zhang Xin? If I hadn't heard Ye Liang's voice and acted in such a low-key manner, would I have had so much contact with him? If I didn't get in touch with him, would I still be as good to him as I am now? Maybe, soon, I will really become a snob like Zhang Xin? Thinking of this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but feel guilty for a while. No way?

[However, the country is easy to change, nature is hard to change, dogs can't change and eat shit, and the quality of one person is not easily influenced by another person.]

Jiang Yurou: My dog ​​can't stop eating shit?! You are too much-!!

[Even if Jiang Yurou has fallen in love with the deity now, the deity still cannot give her any chance.]

Jiang Yurou: Who asked you to give me a chance-!! You narcissistic wretched man.

[Fortunately, she didn't know that the deity could not be good at rejecting girls who did not make mistakes. Even if she knew that she was a vicious girl, I didn't want to do anything to her when he made no mistakes. ]

Jiang Yurou: Hmph, I already knew that, when I'm free, I'll arrange for you-!!!

[Next, I have to think of a way to stop her haunting me all day long.]

Jiang Yurou: You think about it too much, if you can have a little freedom, my name is not Jiang Yurou, but your surname-!!

Just when Yang Liuyan told everyone to let them go first, Jiang Yurou heard Ye Liang's voice again. At this moment, she cast her eyes toward Ye Liang. This feeling was like when she was taking a deep breath, Ye Liang suddenly came to her side and farted. It really stinks! She looked at Ye Liang's eyes, it was a depressed, and angry look.

Feeling that Jiang Yurou was looking at him, Ye Liang's gaze shifted towards Jiang Yurou. At this moment, Jiang Yurou had turned into a girl next door who was smiling sweetly. The ease with this expression changes, I am afraid that she is now recognized as the strongest actor, and after seeing it, he will kneel on the ground and worship. If someone came to interview Jiang Yurou and asked where she learned her acting skills. Then she will definitely say to him with a look that wishes him full of happiness and well-being: "As long as you have gone through everything I have gone through, your acting will be better than mine."

At this time, Yang Liuyan came to Yang Ting and the others and said to them: "Ye Liang asked you to go first, and not to wait for him.''

"Let's go.'' Obviously, at this moment, Yang Ting and the others both fear and hate Ye Liang. What they were afraid of was Ye Liang's strength and what they hate is that Ye Liang didn't stand up when they needed help. Although he is so strong, he watches them being bullied. Not only Ye Liang didn't want to see them, but they also didn't want to see Ye Liang now.

Unfortunately, Ye Liang was with Jiang Yurou, and Jiang Yurou had promised to accompany Zhang Xin on her birthday. They are here to accompany Zhang Xin. Unless the three women break up completely, otherwise, before the meal is over, there will still be a chance for everyone to get along for a while.

Ye Liang didn't want to go with them, and it was naturally a very cool thing for them. With a belly full of grievances, everyone got into the car they called.

"Yang Liuyan, won't you get in the car?" Zhang Xin, who was already in the car gap, asked Yang Liuyan.

"No, I'm with Lei Yurou and the others.'' Yang Liuyan said. She knew that Zhang Xin must be blaming her now, even though she deliberately let Ye Liang not do it at first. However, she didn't want to explain. For a person like Zhang Xin, the more you explain, the more self-righteous she becomes. It feels as if you can't live without her. If she can figure it out, it's naturally good, if she can't figure it out, it's a ball. Yang Liuyan did not rely on Zhang Xin to live.

"Oh okay then.'' Zhang Xin replied lightly.

Ah, do you think that he will ride in some supercar? The police were joking, he was lucky just now, and someone happened to come to him to ask questions. Now, doesn't he want to take a taxi? What's wrong with being able to fight? If you can't fight or you don't have money, you don't need to be able to fight all your life. But life requires money all the time.

After finishing speaking, everyone walked toward the Zhongtai Hotel. It can be said that this birthday party will be the most depressing birthday party in their life. Because, all the downfalls were encountered by them, and all the pretending jobs were done by others. Life is so unfair.

Of course, they wouldn't think that they had brought it all on their own, but they only thought that it was because of Ye Liang's arrival that they continued to lose their emblems like this. It is impossible for them to think if they had been friends with Ye Liang from the beginning, what would the end be like.

"Hey, I don't know if she can figure it out.'' Seeing Zhang Xin leaving, Yang Liuyan sighed, turned around, and walked over to Ye Liang.

I have to say, this guy Ye Liang is really a miracle. He just appeared here today, didn't say anything, just pretended to be a little coercive, and inexplicably made their plastic sister friendship almost come to an end. Moreover, Jiang Yurou, this silly and sweet, may not have discovered this yet. If Jiang Yurou knew what Yang Liuyan was thinking, she would probably laugh.

Do you call me silly white sweet? Actor, actor, do you know?!!

"Ye Liang, where is your car?'' After coming to Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou's side, Yang Liuyan asked Ye Liang.

"There." Ye Liang pointed to a car in the corner and replied to her.

"??!!!" At this moment, Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan both looked in the direction that he pointed.

"Hiss…" They saw a Maserati parked in the corner, and, I don't know if it was an illusion, but this Maserati seems to be the latest limited edition. It was newer than the one driven by Xu Yingbing they had seen before.

"This…is your car?" Yang Liuyan's eyes turned to Ye Liang.

Jiang Yurou's eyes also looked at him in shock. Brother Ye Liang never speaks loudly. What he said was always more humble than what he thought in his heart. Therefore, he said that the car was his, so it must be his. But, this, this… how is this possible?!!! Is there really a poor single-parent family in Ye Liang's brother's house? Or, in fact, Ye Liang's brother's family has always been rich, but, just like what he thought in his heart, he didn't want to show his diligence. To be humble? This is really too low-key.

"Well, it's mine." Ye Liang said seriously: "Originally, I didn't want this car, but someone insisted on giving it to me. If I didn't want it, this car could be thrown here. It's a pity to think about it, so I'd better drive it away."

"…huh…" At this moment, Yang Liuyan couldn't help but take a deep breath and exhale again. She took a serious look at the car and confirmed her guess. Correct, this car is definitely the latest concept model of Maserati, it has not been officially launched, it is worth hundreds of millions!! Cars with hundreds of millions of dollars are generally used for exhibitions. Who would have the money to take hundreds of millions of cars to the road to drive? Also, is this sent by the police? She cast a strange look at Ye Liang.

"Are you sure, someone insisted on giving it to you?"

"You don't say.'' Ye Liang said: "I said I don't want it, but it has to give it.''

[Although the deity was reborn in the world and the cultivation base is no longer there, he still remembers the contact information of some famous people in the world, and casually disclosed some news to them. They are still afraid that the deity will not want their thanks. Small point, the police make a fuss.]

"Uh...'' Yang Liuyan: "How come I have no one to send me such a supercar with hundreds of millions?''

Ye Liang smiled slightly: "Get in the car.''

[I'll give it to you later. Maybe, Jiang Yurou won't bother me when she sees me giving you such a nice car.]

Jiang Yurou: ??? It's on me again? Did I dig your ancestral grave again? You would rather give a car worth hundreds of millions to Yang Liuyan, just so that I won't bother you? It's alright bro, I'm still pestering you, humph!!

Jiang Yurou, who had a depressed face, had to pretend to be happy. After Ye Liang opened the car door, she immediately got in. So aggrieved-!

Yang Liuyan sat next to Jiang Yurou, and both of them were in the back seat.

Ye Liang said: "You two, who has learned a driver's license?''

"…I don't, I'm not old yet.'' Huang Yurou shook her head.

"What do you mean?" At this moment, Yang Liuyan finally reacted. Ye Liang, it seems, doesn't have a driver's license? No, no, no? Is the one who gave him the car a fairy? Sending a luxury car worth hundreds of millions to a person without a driver's license? Who came up with this?!!

Ye Liang smiled and said: "It looks like I haven't learned my driver's license yet.''

[This... this deity is immortal and does not require a driver's license. ]

Jiang Yurou: Hahaha, Ye Liang, do you have embarrassing moments too? The police brought the cars, but you don't have a driver's license?

"I have a driver's license, let me drive it, or forget it, if it breaks down, I can't afford it.'' Yang Liuyan was about to say let her drive, but when she thought of the consequences of accidentally breaking the car, she hurriedly shook her head. Although she can make money herself, no matter how much money she can make, it can't be compared to the wheel of this car.

"Don't be afraid." Ye Liang said: "If it's broken, I'll give it to you, anyway, the car is useless to me.''

According to his own growth rate, the car seems to be really of little use. Before long, the only function of this car is to act as a force.

[My good day, I don't like to pretend.]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: I believe in your evil, there is no one in this world thing that you don't pretend.

And Yang Liuyan was stunned at the moment.

"F*ck? What did you say?!!!" Thinking of her being known as Qingdai's most glamorous school flower, she is also a character who doesn't like to be cheerful. Not to mention, it shocked her. However, she has been shocked several times today. But, this time, it was undoubtedly her most shocking one!!! If this car is broken, you will give it to me? How dare he say it! Don't be afraid that you really want it. Moreover, I can't trust a man's words. If he damages the car and reports it directly, how will she pay for it? Can't believe his nonsense.

"I don't dare to drive, you should find a chauffeur.'' She said to Ye Liang.

"However, even if it is a chauffeur, I am afraid I would not dare to touch this car.'' Looking at the car in front of him, Ye Liang felt a little troubled. To tell the truth, buying a car is so expensive, besides pretending, is there any use for it? I, Ye Liang, don't like to pretend. The system gave him this car, and he didn't get himself a driver's license or anything. The system went on to say that the car's documents are complete, and I don't know if it has a driver's license. He sat in the cab and touched the glove box of the co-pilot, and he found a driver's license from it.

"Huh? The guy who sent my car got the driver's license, so it's all right.'' He said happily.

At this moment, Yang Liuyan and Jiang Yurou were stunned.

"The driver's license that the police gave you? I won't say whether it's true, but, can you drive?'' Yang Liuyan looked suspicious. She didn't want to entrust her little life in a luxury car with hundreds of millions. The next day, there may be news that a rich boy, with two girlfriends in a car, died unexpectedly, at an ominous age.

"Don't worry, I can drive, my driving skills are good.'' Ye Liang smiled.

[Although I haven't touched a luxury car before the exposure of the deity's previous life, how can it be difficult to drive the deity?]

Hearing Ye Liang's voice, Jiang Yurou said to Yang Liuyan: "Yang Liuyan, don't worry, Brother Ye Liang will definitely be able to do it, he won't have a problem."

Ye Liang: "Haha, sister Yurou still trusts me."

[No, now let her know that I am rich, capable, rich, and a luxury car. Now that I am unparalleled, doesn't she want to pester me even more? I'm careless.]

Jiang Yurou: I already knew that you were rich, and I thought you were very low-key, but I didn't expect that if you pretended to be so high-profile that you have a luxury car worth 100 million. Well, I'm not interested in cars. Scared, do you think of me as a gold worshipper? Too much-!!! Are you so worried that I am pestering you? I just want to pester you so that you can't speak. As long as you don't speak your heart out, confront me, and return my innocence, I will haunt you every day.

"I can say it first, if something happens, I will not let you go.'' Seeing that Jiang Yurou said so, Yang Liuyan had no choice but to doubt it.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright.''

[If the car breaks down, I won't let you guys have any problems. Of course, Jiang Yurou is incidental.]

Jiang Yurou: %^!%@*&!

With that said, Ye Liang started the car and drove the Maserati out. Although it is a luxury car, the basic operation is not different. After getting used to it, Ye Liang began to speed up. This kind of car is so cool to drive on the road, I believe everyone who knows cars knows. This is simply pimping.

He didn't have any doubts, if Ye Liang wanted to, he only needed to pull the car to the side of the road, and most of the girls who wanted to pull would be able to pull it. Of course, you have to understand the detour of the car. Otherwise, in the eyes of people who don't understand cars, this car may just seem expensive, but it can't tell how expensive it is.

A super-luxury car passed by, and people who were driving on the road were so frightened that they gave way. Just kidding, just touch this thing, just take a little responsibility, and your life will be over. The person who drives this kind of car on the road is really not considered at all.

Fortunately, Ye Liang followed the traffic rules very well. As long as the police didn't come to him, everyone would be fine.

"Damn it, look at it, it's a Maserati, the 20211 preemptive model, and it's a newer model than the car that just went around the platform.''

"No, isn't this car not on sale yet?"

"I heard that this is a concept car…"

"Compared with this car, the car that just carried Jiang Yurou and the others is not worth mentioning.''

"I don't know who it is, and it's too rich, right?"

"Ah, pretend, this kind of car, as long as you wait for the first half of the year, it will drop tens of thousands, you really have money to buy this car and there is nowhere to burn it.''

In a taxi, a few rich second generations looked at the car that easily surpassed them, and said with envy and sourness. In fact, rich people look at the richer people in the same way as the poor look at the rich people.