Why Did I Offend You?

In Xu's study, Mr. Xu was looking at the words Ye Liang left before, and he couldn't put them down. To be able to write words with artistic conception is very powerful. And Ye Liang's writing is not just a simple matter of artistic conception, what's more, he wrote the words with endless sword intent, which is the most terrifying. Even if he is used to it now, looking at the ten words in front of him, Elder Xu still feels that his eyes will hurt when he looks at the ten words in front of him, and his back is sweating.

'Good guy, this word, is it not perfect?!' Looking at the words in front of him, he was extremely excited.

I have a friend, and I don't know if it's luck or something, but he got the handwriting of the calligraphy saint. Since then, every time he will take out the handwriting of the book sage to show off to everyone. But now, looking at the words in front of him, Mr. Xu has already begun to imagine the scene when he showed off to his friends with Ye Liang's words.

At that time, they will surely beg him to tell them the origin of the word, and he wouldn't say it at all. Hahaha! It was too easy for Ye Liang to write these words. If they were told that Ye Liang's writing was so good, they would have to go to Ye Liang too. Then, how can you pretend?!

"Elder Xu.'' At this time, a middle-aged man was brought in by the manager of the Xu house, he bowed to Xu Lao.

"Well, Boss Jin, I have a letter and I want to show it to you. Come and see.''

"Oh?'' Hearing this, the person called Boss Jin couldn't help but feel a little different. In the past, if Elder Xu got any good words, he would usually just send them over and let himself stay in the shop. Unexpectedly, now he has specially summoned himself and asked him to frame the characters for him. It seems that this time, he has gotten a good word.

He walked over and looked at the words in front of Xu Lao. As a boss who specializes in writing characters, his calligraphy level is not bad. If you take it out, you can also be a calligrapher. However, when he saw that pair of words, his eyes could not help splitting!

"One sword will break through the ages, and the ancients will be reincarnated-!''

At this moment, in front of his eyes, there seems to be a man, this man is holding a sword, breaking the sky, breaking the ground, breaking the cause and effect of the world. There are all things in the world, nothing is constant, but time is also cut off by this sword. Eternal reincarnation, one sword to destroy-! He is just a mortal, how can he see such terrifying sword intent?

At this moment, he felt a little pain in his eyes.

"What a domineering word, such a domineering word-!'' He had to take his eyes off the word, never thought that someone could write words with such a sword intent.

"This... whose handwriting is this?!" He was shocked and asked Old Xu.

"Aah.'' Xu Lao couldn't help but raised his head and smile: "How about it, Boss Jin, what's the word like?"

"This word is too scary-!" Boss Jin said in shock. "As soon as this word comes out, I am afraid that in the world, no one dares to speak calligraphy. This... who wrote this?"

He knew that although Elder Xu was good at calligraphy, he couldn't write such words as diligent.

"Hahaha.'' Hearing this, Elder Xu couldn't help laughing: "I won't tell you who wrote it, otherwise, if you find that person and ask him to write a letter to you, don't you have his letter too?

"Hiss-!" Hearing this, Boss Jin was speechless for a while: "Elder Xu, who are you kidding me, even if that person is willing to write it for me, I can't afford it.''

Some arts need people to demonstrate their value, therefore, there is a saying that antiques are valuable. However, some arts have great value in themselves. These words that were written by Ye Liang, even if they are not antiquities, their value has far surpassed the words themselves.

Boss Jin is also a know-it-all. He naturally understood that he could not afford this word.

Looking at Boss Jin like this, Elder Xu thought to himself proudly, Master Ye Liang's personality is approachable. Maybe someone treats him better, asks him to write a few words, and he writes.

"Okay, Boss Jin, no matter what, I'll leave this word to you. You must use the most suitable method for this word." Xu Lao said to Jin Lao: "I want everyone to know that my surname is Xu, and I also have such a good character-!

"Okay, Elder Xu, please rest assured, I will not disappoint you.'' Boss Jin nodded affirmatively. Although he can't write such a good word, the icing on the cake, he still can. Getting a frame for the characters was a challenge for him. But, something is better than nothing.

Just then, Elder Xu's cell phone rang. He pressed the phone with trembling hands and asked: "Hey, Yingbing, what's the matter?''

Until then, he continued to notice that his granddaughter had been out for a long time.

"Grandpa, I won't come back tonight.'' Xu Yingbing said: "I have already worshipped Ye Liang as a teacher, and he taught me martial arts."

Hearing his granddaughter's answer, Xu Lao couldn't help but light up. His granddaughter worshipped him as a teacher? This is good.

'I thought before that my granddaughter should get closer to Master Ye no matter what. I didn't expect that my granddaughter was so capable, so she immediately became a teacher. Very good-!'

He said happily: "Uh, not coming back, that's ok, say hello to Master Ye for me.''

"OK.'' Xu Yingbing replied.

"Master Ye? Boss Jin on the side muttered to himself, Could it be that this Master Ye is the master of writing for Xu Lao? His granddaughter, the master, learns martial arts..., From the looks of it, Mr. Xu seems to be still very happy, and looks like he has made a lot of money. Well, there is a chance, be sure to pay attention. Maybe, he is also lucky enough to get to know Master Ye.

On the other side, sitting in the car, Ye Liang, who was adjusting his seat, asked Xu Yingbing: "What did your grandfather say, is he angry and blaming me for kidnapping you?"

"Aah, master, what are you talking about, how could my grandfather be angry, he even asked me to say hello to you on his behalf.'' Xu Yingbing said.

"That's good.'' Ye Liang nodded and started the car. The park is only a few minutes away from the community. After a while, he drove the car into the garage of the community. It happened that there was no one next to his car, so he parked the car in that spot.

After resting in the car for so many minutes, Xu Yingbing could barely exert herself. She opened the door and came out. Suddenly, she saw the car beside her, and she was startled on the spot.

"Wow, the latest Maserati? Whose car is this?!'' She could not help but exclaim. She also drives a Maserati. Naturally, she knows that Maserati has released the latest model. However, that thing is too expensive. She just bought a car for half a year, and she can't afford it.

"So amazing–!" Looking at the car in front of him, Xu Yingbing said to Ye Liang: "Is this Jiangzhou a little too low profile? The owner of this car must be a very powerful person.''

"I don't know if it's a big man, but it's really powerful.'' Looking at the car, Ye Liang said with a smile.

"Yeah, do you know this man?" Xu Yingbing asked curiously.

"Of course I do, isn't it me?" Ye Liang replied.

"Uh...'' Hearing this, Xu Yingbing was dumbfounded on the spot. "This car is yours? I didn't expect you to be so rich.''

'Tu, this bastard master, so rich, he didn't tell me a word.' She did not doubt Ye Liang's words. Because in her eyes, it is not uncommon for Ye Liang to be rich.

"I'm not rich, I just happen to have such a car, well, come with me.'' Ye Liang stepped forward, supported Xu Yingbing, and walked away in the direction of the elevator. Seeing Xu Yingbing's untenable appearance, he asked happily: "How do you feel?"

[I have never seen such a poor talent, and after practicing three moves, it feels like a waste. Hey, there is such a dish on the stall to recruit apprentices, what should I do?]

Ye Liang: Actually, I think Xu Yingbing's performance is already very good. If I don't have traditional skills, it would be amazing if I can learn one movement a day. After all, I have never practiced martial arts. Xiuxian voice pack, you don't need to damage people like this.

Xu Yingbing: Yes, I'm a vegetable pot, okay, I'm such a poor talent, how about it, black-bellied man, I'll entangle you. If you don't teach me, I will always haunt you.

After a day of learning martial arts, Xu Yingbing now knows it. Ye Liang is too strong. His martial arts are even more powerful.

'I have learned martial arts from him for a day, and although I can't afford to stand now, I feel stronger. With her current strength, it would not be a problem to beat her previous self three or four times. This is only one day of learning, the effect of three actions. If you can learn this Eagle Claw Magic skill, then your future achievements will be even more terrifying. Maybe, as the bastard master said, you can crush steel with your hands.'

It was inconvenient to walk with support, so Ye Liang simply put Xu Yingbing on his back. The two entered the elevator, pressed the floor, and waited to go up. However, at this moment...

"Wait, wait a minute." A woman rushed over quickly and squeezed into the elevator. What came over was a fragrance.

"Excuse me." After squeezing into the elevator, she couldn't help but be taken aback when she saw Ye Liang standing in front of her forehead with Xu Yingbing on her back.

"Uh... Younger brother Ye Liang? What a coincidence... Who are you?" The person who came was Yan Qing whom Ye Liang met by chance in the morning.

She looked at Xu Yingbing on Ye Liang's back. After secretly estimating the strength of both sides, she raised her head confidently. Although this girl is not bad, she is still a little worse than the old lady. Brother Ye Liang, you can't escape.

"It's nothing, Sister Yan Qing, Ying Bing, she just over-trained.'' Ye Liang said.

"Exercising too much?" Yan Qing thought for a while, and then, the next moment, her eyes became strange, and she looked at Xu Yingbing on Ye Liang's back with a special look.

''Young people... exercising too much, it's not good..."

"Uh...'' At this moment, Ye Liang and Xu Yingbing were speechless for a while. It seemed that Yan Qing had misunderstood.

Ye Liang quickly explained: "Sister Yan Qing, you misunderstood, the exercise I said was exercising.''

[With a vixen like you, how could this deity be interested in carrying this vegetable pot on your back? Although the deity is related to her in my previous life, in this life, she is too poor in talent.]

Ye Liang: I don't, I don't, I want all of them, I never choose.

Xu Yingbing: Ha?!, You scumbags, have you waited for billions of years, did your forehead be broken by waiting?! What's wrong with me, Xu Yingbing? Even if you think my talent is poor, as a woman, I don't...

Looking at Yan Qing who was beside her, Xu Yingbing immediately felt a huge pressure. How to say, there is a limit to the appearance of a person. No matter how beautiful she is, the final result is just to make people feel that she is the most beautiful goddess, but Yan Qing was a little more than a goddess. This little bit makes her a beautiful woman when she is standing alone, and she will immediately show an advantage when standing with someone. That is, perfect. No matter which beauties are, there are always shortcomings, but in terms of normal people's aesthetics, Yan Qing is too perfect.

Even Ying Bing, who was also a top beauty, felt the pressure in front of her forehead. How could there be such a perfect woman in this world? Incredible-!

The inner voice that was going to be spit out was suppressed at this moment. Xu Yingbing couldn't help being a little speechless. Could it be that Ye Liang likes this type of woman? Being a little older!

At this moment, she couldn't find an advantage, so she had to use her age to talk about things. After hearing Ye Liang's explanation, Yan Qing also breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's the case, then I misunderstood, is she your girlfriend?''

At this time, Xu Yingbing was looking forward to seeing how Ye Liang would answer.

'What would this bastard master say with such a superb beauty on his back? You know, the woman opposite seems to be his type. To tell the truth, this type of person will like it.

Ye Liang said: "Where, no, you misunderstood, I am not worthy of Ying Bing, she is everyone's rough gold."

[This deity likes fox spirits and is not interested in ugly ducklings. Compared with her previous life, she in this life is just a toad.]

Ye Liang: ...

At this moment, he was so nervous that he froze. No matter how much I think about it, I can't imagine that this Xiuxian voice pack would describe Xu Yingbing as a toad. Is there something wrong with your aesthetics? No matter how you look at it, Xu Yingbing is also a great beauty? In addition to being a little young and green, there is nothing that is not beautiful. No matter how you say it, it's not like a toad, right? Xiuxian voice pack, are you going too far?

Xu Yingbing: I..., where did I offend you?!

Xu Yingbing, who heard Ye Liang's voice, was now staring at Ye Liang with a look of resentment.

Check out my other novel '' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''