Has Jiang Yurou been proposed?

"Student Ye Liang, according to Yurou, your tea-making skills seem to be pretty good, would you mind showing off your skills?" At this time, Xu Changjun pushed the tea set in his hand to Ye Liang and asked him.

"Don't you just want to show your hand just now? Ye Liang smiled and said: "I'm still waiting for you to show it. You haven't shown it yet, so why did you let me show it again? What are you afraid of? Ordinary people, confident smiles are the most charming."

[Pfft... hahahahaha, what am I ...]

Ye Liang: Is what I said so funny?

Xiuxian Voice Pack: Ask the host to imagine the confident expression of the person who sings too much when he opens his arms.

Ye Liang: Hahahaha...

Jiang Yurou quickly closed her mouth. Although she didn't know where the most charming stalk of an ordinary person's confident smile came from, she laughed. When she thought of just following Xu Changjun's confident look, but doing something that seemed to be stubborn in Ye Liang's eyes, she couldn't help but burst out laughing. Tears are flowing-!

Seeing the smiles of the two people in front of him, Xu Changjun's complexion became a little gloomy. Disdain. From Jiang Yurou's stern eyes, he felt disdain? What does it mean?! Jiang Yurou, you disdain me? Why do you disdain me?! He clenched Xiao's fist tightly, no matter how good his mentality was, he couldn't wait to beat someone at this moment.

"Brother Jiang, when I smell the fragrance of Madam vegetables, I feel that my stomach is a little hungry, why don't we eat first?" At this time, Xu Jie said to Jiang Shixian who was beside him. He knows that his son isn't going to pretend to be forced today, this seemingly ordinary boy knows how to make tea, and it sounds like he is very powerful. In any case, this topic cannot go on any longer.

"Yes, Pinru, is the dish ready? It's time to eat." Jiang Shixian looked at Tang Pinru, who was happy, and said to her.

"The dishes are ready, let's take a seat first. Tang Pinru glanced at Jiang Shixian. Ye Liang, who is optimistic, is in the limelight, but what is this that Jiang Shixian sees? Do you have to come up and let Ye Liang slap you in the face? Haha, laugh to death, can't laugh at all.

At this time, Xu Changjun also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, my luck is so bad.

During the banquet, everyone ate in silence.

Jiang Yurou originally thought that it would be like this. However, she forgot that Ye Liang's voice would suddenly come out. Ye Liang was eating silently, but...

[Hey, Aunt Tang is good at everything, but she finds a bad partner. With her conditions, if she finds anyone who truly loves her, she will be happy. According to the news I heard from Aunt Tang in my previous life, Jiang Shixian has now met the 80-year-old old woman, and I don't know if it is true.]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: ..., what do you mean, an 80-year-old old woman can't get over this sh*t, right? How can this be true, how can it be impossible?! Jiang Shixian and the 80-year-old woman?

Ye Liang looked at Jiang Shixian without a trace. Jiang Shixian looks like he is less than 50 years old, and he is married to an 80-year-old woman. It doesn't look real anyway...

But Jiang Yurou didn't have the confidence of Ye Liang, because she gradually felt that there was nothing wrong with what Ye Liang seemed to say. What he said might be true. She still has things she doesn't believe in, and she's just struggling to the death, trying to prove that her father won't do this. She looked at Jiang Shixian's serious face and imagined him with a woman who was

80 years old... That, too, so filial-!

Jiang Yurou almost couldn't help laughing. She didn't know what was going on, but she felt that she had no respect for this father now. It's all the fault of Ye Liang, that b*stard, thinking about something in his heart all day long.

At this moment, Jiang Shixian suddenly felt a little cool behind him, as if some dark secret was exposed.

After eating, it's time to start talking about business. Xu Changjun sat beside his father, while Jiang Shixian asked Jiang Yurou to sit opposite them. Tang Pinru, who felt that something was wrong, also sat there. Ye Liang naturally knew that today's lineup was not easy.

"Brother Jiang, I take the liberty to visit today, but there is something I want to discuss with you." Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yurou, who was beside Jiang Shixian and nodded in satisfaction. It has to be said that Jiang Yurou's appearance is indeed impeccable.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou's heart clenched. She had already felt that the atmosphere was not quite right. She didn't expect that her father would be so extreme. The father and son came to propose marriage. Proposing a marriage requires the woman's consent first, and the man goes around a fake scene. And her father, without notifying her at all, let someone come over to propose marriage. Was he not going to think about her mind at all?

"Aah, Xu Shishu, if there is anything, just say it directly." Jiang Shixian also greeted him politely.

"Our relationship, brother Jiang, you can just call me brother." Xu Jie said to Jiang Shixian: "Look, you are not too young, you look like Yurou, and you have a slim appearance. Brother, I have a cheeky face today, and I want to tell you to be a matchmaker. I don't know what you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly became clear. Jiang Yurou avoided Xu Changjun with a look of disgust. On the other hand, Xu Changjun had a calm and confident expression, as if everything was under control.

"Ah..." Hearing this, Jiang Shixian was naturally overjoyed, he said: "It's naturally a good thing, but I'm worried that I'm not worthy of your son like Yurou."

"Uncle Dong, Yurou is gentle and courteous, knowledgeable and good-looking, and there's nothing she can say that she doesn't deserve. There's nothing that she doesn't have." Xu Changjun said, "I just like Yurou very much."

"Hahaha..." Hearing Xu Changjun says this, Xu Jie laughed and said: "Brother, you heard it too, my son said that, as a father, can't I support him in pursuing what he loves?"

At this moment, Jiang Yurou became anxious. She did not expect her father to be so shameless, and happily discussed her marriage with others without her consent. Are you worried that she is not worthy of others? Disgusting-!

At this moment, it was a matter of her life, and Jiang Yurou couldn't hold on anymore. She cursed directly in her heart. However, she didn't know what to do. At this time, the only person she could ask for help was Ye Liang. Her eyes turned to Ye Liang. She saw Ye Liang's expression seemed to be very calm, but his eyes were fixed on both sides of the conversation. Judging from his appearance, it seems that he is still very concerned about himself.

[Gentle and polite, know the book Dahui? Vomit-!]

Huang Yurou: Motherf*cker, I'm about to cry, you stinky b*stard, are you still thinking about this at this time?!!!

Jiang Yurou was really about to cry. Could it be that you made Ye Liang angry like that? This b*stard, can't you see that I, Jiang Yurou, am not a bad woman? I... I don't want to marry him-!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou felt that she had pinned her hopes on Ye Liang, and she must have made a mistake. For Ye Liang who still thinks so at this time, she has given up hope. She could only curse in her heart. Ye Liang, the b*stard, deserves to be despised by me in the last life, and can't survive the calamity of the heart in a lifetime-! Now, I can only see my mother, mom has always wanted to be with Ye Liang, a bastard. At this time, she can't keep silent, can she?

Ye Liang: F*ck, Xiuxian voice pack, the woman I booked is going to be taken away, how about you make a noise?

Ye Liang was just embarrassed to be the first to attack Jiang Yurou. It's not that he dislikes Jiang Yurou. He likes this gentle and well-behaved girl very much. Otherwise, he wouldn't have made Li Xiaofeng ashamed to the point of social death that day. It's only been a while, and someone is staring at Jiang Yurou again. Women are beautiful, and they are easy to be targeted.

At this time, seeing Jiang Yurou being proposed to by the other, he certainly wouldn't sit back and ignore it. But, at this time, he has not yet opened his mouth.

"Ah, this, haha, this is nice." Hearing the words of the father and son, Jiang Shixian almost jumped up with joy. Originally, in his opinion, it would be very good for his daughter to be with Li Xiaofeng. Unexpectedly, even Xu Changjun likes his daughter. This, this can be regarded as a high-!

Seeing that Jiang Shixian was so excited, Tang Pinru's face was covered with frost. Jiang Yurou also gritted her teeth and was about to say no. Tang Pinru couldn't help but raised her hand and patted the table.

At this moment, she was also a little disappointed in Ye Liang. How far is the relationship between your daughter and Ye Liang, can't you feel it? The daughter almost wanted to hang on to Ye Liang all day long. Moreover, Ye Liang did not refuse. However, at this time, someone was proposing marriage to his daughter, but Ye Liang didn't say anything at all. She used to think that honest children were good, but now it seems that honest children may not be good either.

"Then let's just say..." Just when Jiang Shixian wanted to make his own decision and decided to marry Yurou, Ye Liang said: "I said... Uncle Hua, may I ask, what are you talking about?

"??" As soon as this sound came out, everyone's eyes moved toward him.

Xu Changjun's eyes were a little proud. See? Brother, true love doesn't come by pursuit. No matter how much effort you spend chasing Yurou in the academy, I just need to ask my dad to come and talk to him, she is mine. And you, but you can only watch helplessly, helpless.

Xu Jie, who was beside him, also had a calm expression on his face. He is the mayor of Jiangzhou, if he opens his mouth to propose marriage, who would refuse such a good thing? This young man seemed to have a good relationship with Jiang Yurou. But, how can people get involved in the daughter-in-law that he likes? It's so ignorant. He still wanted to speak, what did he think he could say?

Tang Pinru's gaze turned to Ye Liang, and she sighed secretly. No matter what, Ye Liang's words are good. However, this opening seems a little weak. If it were me, I would say directly: I don't agree.

And Jiang Yurou looked over at Ye Liang with a strange expression. Because, she thought that Ye Liang would be secretly excited at this time, and finally be able to send herself out. He must be thinking that she is pestering him every day, but, does he speak now? What is he going to say? He won't say, bless her? If that's the case, I'm not finished with him-! Even if I die, I won't let him go-!

Only Jiang Shixian, with a cold look on his face, came over to Ye Liang Jingxiao and said: "Why, don't you understand? We are talking about Yurou and Xu Gongzi's marriage."

"Oh, it's Yurou and Xu Gongzi's marriage." Ye Liang smiled and said: "If you don't explain, I don't know... I thought it was your marriage with Xu Gongzi."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

"Pfft..." Jiang Yurou couldn't even help but laugh.

[Jiang Yurou, you can, you can still laugh rhythmically, you are very happy. Aunt Tang in my previous life wanted to ask you a question, but you refused. Now that you are going to marry this Xu Gongzi, you are finally happy, right?]

Jiang Yurou suddenly burst into tears with grievances. My lord, I am wrong, I am amused by your words.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Shixian said angrily to Ye Liang: "What is the marriage between me and Xu Gongzi?!!!"

"Is not it?" Ye Liang said with a sneer: "This is Yurou's marriage, Yurou hasn't expressed her opinion yet, so you hurriedly agreed, isn't this your marriage?

"What, boy, are you trying to preach to me?" Jiang Shixian was angry. He had long been unhappy with Ye Liang, the family had no money, he did not study well, and his grades were poor. Do you still want to take care of his business now?

"What, can't you?" Ye Liang said naturally.

"While I'm preaching to me, how old are you-!" Jiang Shixian said: "It's like giving me two meals for free. I don't dislike you, but you are so embarrassed to teach me?"

Boom-! Jiang Shixian's words made Tang Pinru on the side fry, she slapped the table with a slap. Oh, it hurts a little... However, for the shocking effect, she couldn't control so much. She glared at Jiang Shixian and said: "Jiang Shixian, what do you mean?! Xiao Liang was invited by me, he is my guest, what he eats is mine, and he also comes here, what is your meal? You are so unhappy, why?, Unhappy? Unhappy, you go to dinner! Why did you call someone to my house?!"

"Uh..." Xu Changjun was dumbfounded at the moment, and Xu Jie was also dumbfounded. No, Jiang Shixian, is your family status so low at home? This is the brother family-! When the guest turns against you, your wife not only does not help you but also helps the guest?!

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'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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