The hunted huntress

[N/A: Sorry for the late had health problems but im back]

– POV General –

"Big sis Aoi ? How long do you think this mission will last ?"


"Honestly Kano, I don't know...I hope as long as possible."

In one of the guest rooms of the Von Kokosnuss mansion, the two Commodores who had just arrived to take care of the case were resting. Aoi had come out of the bathroom in her bathrobe to answer her sister, drying her watery hair with a towel. They had been in their room for two hours now, having had time to eat, wash and change in the same room.

The atmosphere within these walls was quite different from the one in Lord Hamilton's office a few hours ago. The contrast was incredible and crazy, because instead of being cold, heavy and electrifying, it was now soft, warm and loving. The twins adopting their softest and most vulnerable sides only in the presence of each other, then leaving their mask of Commodores bearing the name of Manahime.

If Aoi had answered this way it was because like her sister she hoped that this mission would last as long as possible. The truth was that it was the very last one they would have before they were permanently chained to their family. In fact, the twins had been engaged since their childhood to heirs of two other families of the Manahimes branch and the wedding was planned within the year.

It was useless to say that Aoi and Kano were against it but unfortunately, as during all their life, they had no say in it. It was the decision of the head of the family and as heirs, the sisters had to set an example by being a model of perfection in every way. Like two birds in a cage, they could only dream of freedom as they peered through the bars already knowing how their lives would be done from A to Z.

"We were lucky that father agreed to give us one last assignment before you married your fiancé and I married mine..."


After much negotiation under the guise of wanting to serve one last time for the honor of the clan, the two sisters had bought themselves some time. Even though determined to complete their mission, Aoi and Kano knew full well that the longer it lasted, the more they would be able to enjoy this pseudo feeling of freedom. As Kano brushed her long hair sitting in front of the mirror beginning to speak, her sentence was suddenly cut off.

"You know, I'm going to miss you when..."

Suddenly she had been startled by her older sister who had hugged her from behind so she wouldn't have to hear the rest of her sentence which she knew more than anyone else. Aoi's arms were shaking slightly and hugging her sister both consciously and unconsciously. Kano who didn't need words to understand didn't say anything, enjoying the silence before finally her sister straightened up with a smile hiding a deep sadness.

"Let's enjoy, shall we sis ?"


"Thank you..."

In the presence of her twin sister, Aoi Manahime was much more talkative and smiling though still calm, thoughtful and elegant. Born 1 minute before Kano, she had somehow taken on the role of the big sister which suited her twin perfectly who liked that side. Kano Manahime, although as strict, cold and dominant as her sister in public, also had a more friendly and kind side as if they were complementary.

"But still I know we're used to it but that fucking Billy Black joins my list of men with no brains ! What a fucking bastard, underestimating us because we're women ! Tch !"

Only thing is, in private Kano proved to be almost the exact opposite, never hesitating to use inappropriate language filled with insults. Somewhat as if she had to compensate for her "softer" side that she showed to others, the long-haired girl would completely let herself go in private. So were the Manahime twins, by day models of perfection while by night their personalities and who they really were, came out.

"Calm down Kano, you know it's not new, one more one less in the end they are all as full of themselves in search of fame and wealth"

"But still big sister, I would be curious to know what's in their brains by dissecting it hehehe~ TO STUDY IT, of course it goes without saying...ahem"

"Of course hahaha~"

*knock knock knock*

As the two young women giggled at Kano's creepy comment that she was the expert on, there was a knock on the door. The next thing they knew, the smile was gone from their faces and the atmosphere became cold and professional like when they arrived. The twins knew why they were being picked up, what they had asked for was ready, and they needed to put their Commodore masks back on to complete their mission.

"Let's go."



In the great hall of the Kokosnuss mansion were gathered five people who had been found by Lieutenant Commander Black after several hours of searching. Thanks to what he had seen in the basement, he had been able to give a partial description which had narrowed the field of search for witnesses. As for Achi's abduction, his men had simply questioned all the personnel present.

So, after hours of running around the city, Billy Black and his men had finally found people that the twins could interview to even partially identify the culprits. The 5 people were lined up behind Officer Black who, clicking his boots once again, explained their presence. Aoi and Kano, on the other hand, were in front of them, silently scrutinizing, waiting to know more before speaking.

"Commodores, these are the best witnesses my men and I have been able to gather in such a short time throughout the city. Using mine, I have listened to the testimony of all of them and having found some correspondence I have sent them here as quickly as possible for you to hear. Here is a written transcript of everyone's story including mine for the record."

Stepping forward hesitantly, Lieutenant Commander Black handed a sheaf of papers to Aoi who grabbed it with her white gloves without saying a word before he returned to his seat. As she quickly flipped through the contents with a serious and attentive look, Kano finally stepped forward to speak. Her voice echoed through the hall, startling witnesses who were surprised to hear such an authoritative voice.

"Let's proceed in chronological order, everyone who is here to testify about the incident at the Opera House, step forward !"

Against all odds, only two people nervously stepped forward, stepping out of the group and facing the two Navy Commodores. The first one was a small fat man with a rat face and the second one was an ordinary Navy officer. Both of them had one thing in common though, they had seen and even talked to the suspects that Billy Black had more or less portrayed in his mind.

"I take it then that you people are among those who will be testifying so that we can find Lady Achi Von Kokosnuss ?"

"Y-YES !"

"Very well then we will receive everyone at the same time in 10 minutes while we read your statements. We will get back to you so stay here, any absence will be considered a leak and an obstruction to the investigation."

Without further ado in the Hall of the mansion, the two nodded to Billy Black before heading up the stairs towards Lord Hamilton's office. Having left to rest as well after these two intense days, he had left the use of his workroom for interrogations. Thus began only a few hours after their arrival, the investigation concerning the two incidents that took place two days ago.


"Well. So Gusto, slave trader on behalf of Lord Hamilton, even owning a slave that was to be presented at auction. In your statement it says that you were the one who invited two foreign merchants to participate ? Why ?"

"Well, they seemed interested in my slave with a gift, they were rich though oddly dressed, so I thought they might participate."

"Can you describe them again, please ?"

Ten minutes had passed since the meeting with the witnesses, and after taking the testimonies quickly, the sisters were receiving them all at the same time. Why ? Because they wanted everyone to listen to each other's testimonies and make comments if anything stood out to them, so 5 people were present facing the three officers who took their role and the mission very seriously.

"A man and a woman both with red hair, probably a brother and his little sister, they were wearing capes and had a large purse of gold coins. I thought they were poor at first because of their rather basic clothing and far from standing out, but I was wrong."

Gusto was the first to pass by and squirmed nervously in his seat answering the questions he was asked as if he was guilty. He didn't understand why he was one of the witnesses and how giving an invitation was wrong, but he would soon find out. As he finished his statements, the second coming to testify for the Opera House incident raised his hand to bounce off what they had said as the twins had intended.

"Commodore ! Sir Gusto may have given an invitation to two people but as I told your Lieutenant Commander earlier, it was eight people who arrived to present it and enter the building."

"Then the two red-haired merchants were robbed !"

"Impossible ! Among the eight people, although I mostly spoke with a certain Countess, in the group, a small woman and a man were redheaded !"

The guard who had been at the door when Hestia and her group had entered was the second witness and was arguing with Gusto. As Aoi and Kano had hoped, having everyone hear the story of the others would trigger reactions like that and get a broader picture. That was what they wanted, but they were not fans of chaos that prevented them from thinking calmly about the situation.


"That's enough, gentlemen ! Sir Gusto you can go back to the back with the others, Officer as for you please come forward and tell us more about this Countess"

"At your orders Commodore !"


Aoi had been clapping her hands exasperated by the unbearable background noise created by the two men, wanting to continue as quickly as possible. Making an awkward curtsy, the slave trader stepped back to let the door guard step forward, who was clicking his boots in a military salute. Just like Billy Black, the twins were the ranking members so no matter what kind, he owed them respect and obedience.

"Officer, at ease. Speak."

"YES ! Ahem, the woman at the head of the group said she was a Countess working on behalf of their benefactor bearing the rank of Duchess. She wore a half-mask like all the guests but she had blonde hair and eyes of a rather disorienting gray-green. She wasn't a Countess, was she ? "

"Indeed it was lie Officer and you are not unaware that any emissary of important nobility must be declared beforehand with security. Yet that night you seem to have forgotten that..."

Lowering his eyes in shame, the Officer did not want to say that he had been as if hypnotized by the one he had been dealing with for fear of looking ridiculous. The mysterious young woman had been so convincing and that strong pressure he had felt growing with every second had made him bend. As the twins pondered, Aoi noticed two women among the group who had started blushing heavily at the mention of the fake Countess.

"Ladies ? Yes, you two. Please step forward. Officer, dismissed."

The Officer saluted before stepping back as the two challenged women took a step forward nervously knowing the mistake they had made. The first was a very sexy woman with black hair and light blue eyes calling herself Blanche better known as Lady B. The second was a usually very discreet mansion maid named Jenny who recognized the man's description in a second.

"Do you have anything to say in relation to this description ?"

"Y-Yes uh...i-it just so happens that a few days ago before the auction, two foreign clients arrived at the brothel where I work. One was a...a woman with golden hair and intense eyes that I'll never forget wearing a scar along her left eye. Her friend's name was Joe and she introduced herself as H-Hestia before...asking about the guards at the mansion."

The first to speak was Blanche and as she finished her sentence, everyone turned to her with a look of shock. Gradually everything was coming together and the picture was finally taking shape for the Commodores and the others who realized that they had all been tricked. Saying nothing, Aoi and Kano Manahime turned to Jenny to listen as they wrote on paths with an inkwell and two quills.

"I-I...a woman matching this description was in the mansion two days ago before...the treasure room was stolen. B-Blonde, bright gray-green eyes, a vertical scar over her left eye and...and incredibly beautiful. She was accompanied by two men and said she was one of the officers who came to help so I could guide her around their quarters."

"I see thank you, you can all go but stay in the city if we need your help again in any way"

Waving her hand to ask them to leave, Kano sank into her seat crossing her legs hand to chin level. After a few minutes, only the Lieutenant Commander remained to see if they needed anything else. Earlier Billy Black had also given his account of how he had been injured so now that they knew everything, she only needed one thing.

"Lieutenant Commander you can also rest, but I want tomorrow to have portraits of this famous Hestia and her accomplices ready. We will make wanted notices that we will send to the Western Seas Continents. In a few hours our men will arrive by sea so once we have located their destination we will leave at once."

"Aye, that will be done, Commodores ! Now if you'll excuse me"


In turn, it was Billy Black who left the room after having greeted his superiors and closed the door behind him, leaving them alone in the office. Now the sisters had a good idea of how many people, how, and why they had acted that night. With everyone's testimony, the pieces of the puzzle were coming together and Hestia's name was already being identified as the leader of the criminals.


"So, what do you think Aoi ?"

"I think that the two attacks of last night are linked and were perpetrated by the same group, the Opera House being only a diversion to hide the real goal which is undoubtedly the map. On the other hand...I can't understand why this...Hestia would kidnap the young Von Kokosnuss, a ransom ? No, that can't be it..."

For another hour, the Manahime twins had been debriefing everything they knew, making interesting connections. Trained in one of the four most prestigious families, intelligent, educated like the nobility or even more, Aoi and Kano had already arrested many criminals. They had not risen to the rank of Commodore simply because of their name but also because of the talents they demonstrated.

"Perhaps a guarantee for them since they stole the auction, the treasure room and the Kokosnuss map, the girl would be a bargaining chip. That said I can hardly see individuals like that negotiating...I just hope the young Lady is okay..."

"Yes...wherever she is."

At that moment, Achi's life was the most important thing and that was the main reason why they wanted to find the criminals quickly despite what it would mean. They were already glad to have found valuable evidence that gave them a more or less complete description of the eight people. The Commodores were determined to get this girl back to her father and to hunt down those who had dared to abduct her so suddenly.

For the moment, they were somewhat tied up in Belfort City until their ship and men arrived. However, Aoi and Kano took the opportunity to get as much work done as possible, writing their reports and thinking of all the possibilities. The game was just beginning and unlike the Cerberus Captain who was unaware of it, the Manahime sisters had the advantage for now.

"Aoi big sis, did you also notice how the three people who met the green-eyed blonde looked ? It looked like she...

...hypnotized them, or at least left a very powerful impression on them...yes I noticed indeed."

"Anyway, whether Hestia is her name or not, if she's unforgettable it's good for us especially since her description isn't very common. A blonde with green eyes is common enough but possessing a scar on her eye, much less so."

That was why the twins had decided to have her portrait decided and thus create for Hestia her very first wanted poster. They were determined to track her down and follow her day and night without stopping until they found her and her criminal group. A manhunt had begun and while Hestia had no idea, she had become the target...a hunted huntress.