
When you are in love everything becomes pious. The fire of love engulfed everything and makes it 10 times more delightful. Things that should be annoying feel refreshing. Words like Perfect, everlasting, devotion, Loyalty, Respect, and Promise make more sense than ever. Late night walks holding hands. Eating Bojongus amounts of ice cream because both are hella hot for each other. Taking bajillion of pictures of each other. Sharing every detail of their lives.

Nothing seems impossible. Difficult choices seem light, The understanding, The laugh, The moments so mesmerizing you can't help but tear up. Paramount Respect and love for each other, Looking out for things for each other. Protecting each other, Supporting each other. Everything in the world pales in comparison to your loved one.

When you love someone, you remember the first time watching romance movies, and shows. Enjoying the com part but not being able to understand the Rom part of things. But something about them gets stuck with you. The longing, The wait, The patient, the pain. That you don't fully appreciate until years after you find the one. The one you gonna spend your life with, the one you gonna stay true to no matter what happens. Till Death do us apart.

It's the most Magnificent transcending Feeling that humans can experience. Which Iris and Adrian couldn't grasp enough off before the fire finally simmered down.

One day Iris got a dream job letter, But It came with some complications. She not only has to shift jobs but also cities. Adrian welcomed her job with full support even though it meant leaving his job. Things were good before but now, They were going even better. Moving cities, packing things, resignation letters, everything was worth it because the new city gave a second wind to their honeymoon phase.

New places to see, More infra to explore. New house, New furniture, New feelings. And new jobs, Yes plural. Adrian got a job in an exquisite cafe near Their new apartment. A big city means big money as well for both Adrian and Iris. Nothing comes close to this, Nothing in the world can ruin these moments. Nothing. But, With great positions comes great responsibilities. And great responsibilities mean less time for ourselves.

Fewer times equates to, you guessed it. Arguments, shit tone of them. Sometimes you don't have time to go to that important dinner so you argue. Sometimes you don't have enough milk in the fridge because one of you forgot to buy it, so you argue. Sometimes you just argue because you argued and now it's a new argument about the old argument.

"Iris! Where the fuck have you been," Adrain was really pissed. He is pissed most time these days. "It was work, Why are you shouting at me?"

"It's always work; isn't it?"

"What are you trying to say?" Iris was a bit drunk.

"You reek of alcohol!" Adrain didn't like how Iris was coming home past 1 every day for a month now. Mostly drunk "I am fucking tired, Adrian stop Annoying! And let me rest," Iris bragged in and slammed her face down on the bed. It's been weeks since Iris started working really late. She works till 12 and then drinks with her friends. Adrian doesn't wanna control her or anything but where is his share of time.

Things have been really rough between these two.

Iris finally wakes up past 12 like she usually does on Sundays. She walks toward the fridge to get something to eat. "Adrian? Adrian! What did you eat today," Interesting no answer? Ah, fuck he is acting up again.

Iris went running into his room. "Hey, Adrian" Looks like he is reading another novel of his. "Did you not make anything for me? What did you eat? ADRIAN."


"WHAT! What, I am asking you a simple question,"

"Did you see anything in the fridge,"


"There you have your answer."

"Come on Baby, Sunday is when you make food?" Iris sat on the bed and scooted over to Where Adrain was sitting.

"AND when do you make food?" Adrain was adamant and very angry.

"Well I eat outside because of the work, Soo" Iris just woke up and she was not in the mood for a discussion. She never is in a mood. "What the hell do you want, You make way better food than me anyway, Come on Adrain make me something to eat. I haven't had food since Sat morning."

"Then go make some, And empty the trashbin while you are at it."

Iris was infatuated and a bit hungover, "What the heck do you want, What is it? talk to me". "I don't wanna talk,"

"You are always the one saying you don't talk to me and now when I wanna talk, you are being a bitch," Iris didn't wanna fight with Adrian so early in the afternoon. But if he wants a fight, he is going to get some.

"Go fuck yourself," Adrain said and moved out of the room. Iris Gasped, "What did you say to me," Iris ran behind Adrian. "What's gotten into you, Do you not love me anymore?"

This triggered Adrian, "Take a good look in the mirror before saying that? Adrian seemed extra angry and grumpy today. Maybe he had a bad day or worse he got fired. "Hon! Did you get fired or something, Or Maybe something bad happened at the cafe," Iris really didn't like How Adrian sounded today.

"How would you know, You never care to ask?" Adrian sat down on the living room couch. "I am asking now!" This is all so ridiculous. "Well then don't ask". Aaargh, " Adrian sorry about the last night, but things got pretty heated you know, We are running late on-"

"Deadline and you had to do work of 10 people alone, I know; I know Iris, It's Okay I understand," Adrina's voice reeked of sarcasm. " Ugh! I know last night got a little late, I got out of the office at 2 am and forgot to text you because I was-"

"-Really busy, I know love. No need to text me or read my 100 messages or 20 plus calls, Its totally fine"

"Oh my GOD Adrian stop, So nosey, You know I was busy". "How? When did you tell me you were busy and gonna come home at 3:24 am."

"Adrain it's Sunday can I not get one day of rest?" Iris raised her voice to shut up Adrian's nagging. "And how many days I get; ZERO. Six days a week you work from morning to midnight, And on weekends you don't wanna talk because of a rest day. When do I get the time? Should I make an appointment,"

"Don't be Ridiculous you know I work this hard for us,"

"Us? US, Honey it's just you and your job. And then me the nobody who is just trying to communicate; trying to talk," Adrian was tired of Iris ignoring her messages and only texting back "Love you, bit busy brb".

"What do you wanna talk about? Kubernetes or how Docker is the worst fucking thing ever, Or the new servers just keep throwing random errors."

"Yeah Of course throw Jargons at me making me feel stupid," This is Iris's general behavior when she isn't able to win an argument. She starts throwing Jargons at Adrian. "I am not throwing Jargons at you, You are not an engineer so you won't be able to understand," Iris snorted.

"Did you ever try to explain? I am not saying talk about your work, fuck work stuff what about us stuff, what about me? what about how my work is going?"

"You bake a cake and then put the icing on them, There isn't much to talk about…,"

"That's what you think of me, right of course," Adrain let out a big sigh.

"Love I am sorry, It didn't come out the way I intended it to be,"

"No Iris, It came out exactly how you intended," Adrian said and started walking towards the front door. Iris realized how hurtful her sentence was, she ran and blocked the door. "Get out of the way", "Love I am sorry, I know I shouldn't have-"

"I said get-out-of-my-way,"

"But love-"


Iris's whole body got shook and she peed a little". Adrain hit the wall so hard that the whole room reverberated from the sound of the crash. It left a big dent on the wall. Iris didn't know he was capable of such aggression.

"Drip, Drip…Drip"

"Honey you are bleeding! Please wait let me put... bring the first aid kit". Adrian sat back on the couch and Iris brought First aid to cover up his wound. "Adrian, I think we should get an x-ray of your hand, you could have a fracture". Iris was genuinely worried about Adrian. "It's fine I know the pain of a broken bone."

Iris wanted to ask how does he know the pain of a broken bone but didn't. "I am sorry, Adrian. I know I have been unavailable. Work is really really stressful. And I can't help but work and then drink. But you can't hurt yourself like this."

"Hmm," Adrian didn't seem interested. Iris even tried to press Adrian's wound while disinfecting it hoping to get a squeak out of him. But he never let a word out. "MY work is really depressing and I don't want my depressed state to get to you,"

"Is that Why you don't talk to me. Because you are saving me from depression?" Iris couldn't escape the reality. That she has been avoiding Adrian in all big and small things.

It was not always like this. But it was certainly Iris's mistake. Because she always thought of herself as a superior, every discussion of theirs turns into a fight because Iris had to be the winner every time. With time Iris started avoiding big discussions and then eventually avoided talking.

"Hey, Look at me. Adrian, I love you, I really do. And I know I have been a cunt lately-"

"Yeah right,"

Iris got up from the floor, where she sat to cover Adrain's wound, and sat in Adrian's lap with both of her legs on either side. "You know That I love you," Adrian turned his head away from her and refused to look at her. "You remember when you found me crying in the backside of your cafe and rescued me. That very day I knew I was going to spend the rest of My life in your arms .for better or worse with you."

"What If I don't want to," Iris grabbed Adrian's head from his sexy jaw and bit his nose. "Aaah, What are you doing?"

"I am gonna bite your fucking nose off if you say that again. I love you and you love me and you are mine and you are not going anywhere," Iris really meant it and Adrain knew this. Iris kissed Adrian's nose gently where she bit him "Now love me,"



"Piss off,"

"Oh come one you can't say no to this cute face,"

"Now I don't annoy you?"

"Of course, you do" Iris smiled. Adrian was angry at her but That smile is his weakness. "Then?"

"You Annoy me, But I love you soo much,"

"Hmm," Iris saw Adrain's anger vanishing and a slight smile emerging on his face. "Okay, Now make me food,"

"Fuck you! You did all this drama just so you don't have to cook,"