family techniques

"The government officials are trying to find out the cause, untill now no solid thing was proven, It has already been 7 days since that incident and we all felt that pressure, this kind of pressure can only be released by a person and everyone knows it" Mio replied.

"How can a person be so strong?"

Hearing this topic sen could only inwardly smile he was not to blame it was all the systems fault.

Then mio shrugged as if she was going to say bullshit. "Maybe It's a god"

"Such a thing can only be the most unreasonable and the most reasonable answer.....maybe It's God's wrath.With some sort of luck, Son didn't enter that train and we are all safe"

After the incident his father started showing concern on his face no longer stoic, he started opening up a little.

"So sen I and your mother decided to teach you our family techniques and make you stronger early on, we have a feeling that the time of peace is already ending" Kito spoke with sigh.

The incident caused four countries of the world to start blaming each other for illegal use of weaponry and attacking during peace times.

The situation is to fragile, war may break any second now, Sen also understands so that is why he is training this vigorously.

To survive and become strong thats sen's current goal, and he got the easy way. Many people in want to become strong, but there was a limit to how strong an individual could become, their were far less opportunity's. Sen received the system and basically his soul was immortal.

Next day, Mio proceeded to teach Sen their family techniques.

The family techniques mainly focused on defence like energy armor. By covering the body with chakra, Then After adding your attributes to it.

Now there was thick transparent armor surrounding sens body, there where no details on the armour just a simple protective covering.

Mio was surprised, her son currently mastered the first step in just about a few tries.

She then regains her composure, she grabs his attention and told him.

"Little choclate, this is only the first step the next one is really hard!"

Next one was to add an offensive to the armor, making small invisible blades move in circles around him, this way the armor will passively attack your enemy, so that you gain an upper hand in battle.

After 3 hours of practice he finally achieved it.

"Ding!.... a skill core was formed for the skill wind armour"

Mio was once again astonished by her son, she thought her son was a genius and that made her really happy.

Then she started teaching her son about last family technique FLIGHT.

Flight is the most hard to master skill and the most usefull skill, lets you move through the sky freely.

Constant concentration is required for the skill.

But Sen after a few trial and error managed to master it. Was sen a genius the answer is NO, The reason he was able perform them easily was because sens understanding of wind attribute reached a higher due to the traning he did in virtual reality.

"Ding!.... a skill core was formed for the skill Flight"

Sen was now floating in the air, wiggling sometimes.

After seeing what her son achieved, what took her almost 6months within a day. Mio lost It


Mio fell unconscious on the ground, with white foam comming out of her mouth.

Sen quickly reached her and shouted.


Kito rushed out of the house and rushed towards the garden where they where.

"What happened?" Kito said with a sigh.

"I don't know when she saw me flying, she suddenly collapsed "

"YOU WHAT? DID YOU JUST SAY FLY!" Kito suddenly took a few steps back as if he was looking at a monster not his son.

After a few minutes of recomposing himself, kito spoke

"Your mother is always the overreacting type, she just had a shock attack, a good night sleep will help her... did you just learn the A rank skill in a day? "

"Yes" Sen could not hide his bewilderment. His mother just had a shock attack because he didn't restrain himself, what is happening.

"Help me carry your mother to our room"

Both of them carried her back to their room.