Need For The Worthless?

She spoke in a dejected tone "Every one is gone!!!"

It was time for Sen to be surprised 'I think, I shouldn't get involved with this girl…but!'

"Tell me, how it happened? "

The girl began sobbing and started telling her saga to Sen.

The poor girl was born in the slum's of the east. She had a drunk father and a hateful mother. From the day she can walk, she was put into work, and at night yelled by her drunk father. One small definition was her life was a complete misery.

One unfortunate or fortunate day, due to dept, her parents sold her for the money and was bought by the patriarch of Umakuran. From that day onward she was raped every single day and it continued for two weeks straight.

We can also say that she was the patriarch's favorite toy.The girl has never dreamed nor hoped for happiness, she only wanted to live without suffering. But the constant abuse from that creep had caused even that wish to diminish gradually.

She was going to end her life by biting her tongue, then a little figure appeared, and turned the creep into 'Ash'.

She was obviously happy that her suffering was coming to an end, but She didn't have the will to live anymore, because she didn't have anyone to return to.

Coming back.After hearing her story Sen felt pity for the girl.

"Please hero! kill me!!" the girl begged him 'hero huh? never thought that but nevertheless'

"Why?" Sen raised an eye brow, covered the naked girl with a nearby blanket and asked.

"I d-don't have anyone to return to *sniff. Nobody wants me, I have ni talent as a warrior, ni friends nie anyone to talk to. I just wanted to *sniff my pain to stp *sniff *sniff"

'No family, no friends, no one to talk, no where to belong. She is just like the past me. perfect hehehee I like it. Hopeless, pathetic, nowhere to belong to or someone to talk to.For some reason I like this girl and she has a good body too. Maybe I have a fetish for girls who have no hope, hehehee it doesn't fell bad at all hehee'

What a 'hopeless' love!!

"Tell me, what is you name?"

"Kaguya!, just Kaguya"

"Kaguya do tell. If I want you, will you come with me!!?"

With her deep dark eyes Kaguya gave Sen a perplexed look.

But for Sen 'So cute!, I have now decided there is no escape for you, and your fate shall be with me'

"Haha there is no escape for you. You will be my second harem member "


"Hrem!!? What is that"

"It means, I am going to do n****** things to you when you are older"

Kaguya was again confused. "N****** "

Even so she decided to follow this boy. It was the first time that someone said they wanted her and even her instincts told her to follow this strong boy.

Of course, there was no escape for her, even if she didn't see his face Sen didn't want the trail to lead back to him.

"PATRIARCH ARE YOU THERE!!!?" Suddenly there was a shout from outside.

And about 1200 combatants surrounded the main building. Men and women carrying different kinds of weapons, tools, clothes but similarly they all have a mark on their body describing three lines on a triangle.

Artistically speaking, wind blowing on a mountain.

They were all warriors of Umakuran ready to kill all the enemies who mindlessly intruded their place.

But Sen was ecstatic with his hands wide. 'Come my children, come, come to pappa for blood'.

Sen picked Kaguya and put her down below the bed.

"Can you hide here untill I come back?"

But Kaguya pulled Sen's black clothes with her frail hands and uttered.

"Don't leave me!!" Sen's heart melted seeing this. He gave a head rub and spoke

"I will be back in a blink"

"Promise" "promise"

'Stella did you do as I asked'

'Yes!, when the battle starts the patriarch's soul will be awake observing the entire process through your eyes and his emotions will be doubled'

'Time for him to have his own medicine hahaa'

Let the Chiken massacre Begin.

[ If you like it, drop a power stone]