To be able to deny!

Under Vaden's fearful gaze, Sen gestured with his hands and Misha's body lifted from the chair.

She closed her eyes fearfully. Sen just chuckled seeing this and placed his hand on her head.

His pupils turned bright silver with brilliant colourful line towards the silver region—Eyes of truth.

A white glow permeated from his hand towards her forehead.

Her body twitched and turned in unnatural angles. she had already lost her consciousness.

After a few seconds her body started emitting a glow and rejuvenating like dried up plant receiving cup of water. Blue stuff leaked out of all her orifices and vaporized completely the blue stuff was the chakra poison in her body, he didn't know where or when she got it and didn't want to pry.

The event happening here was Sen using one of the last two auxiliary abilities of Omnivikrigon.


Supreme Ones Blessing (Active)(Level 1): One of the highest form of blessing an individual can recive. If this ability is used the individual is forcibly turned into optimal physical condition. Receivers talent, both mentally and physically are increased ten times(10×). Energy is consumed in high rates when this ability is used...

Note: Cannot used on yourself.


Of course, he used it on Kaguya and Stella. Apart from little increase in the girls bust size their was no notable change, not that he was dissatisfied, size increase was quite satisfactory and a pleasant sensation to the eyes.


DENY TRUTH : Deny the rules governing this reality for a short time and achive a satisfying result. Activating this ability will cause a temporary blindness to befall the user. The effect of blindness of varies on how much you deny reality starting with 24-hours...


The applications of this ability where various, but the prospect of having him temporary blind puts him at a terrible disadvantage during a battle.

Of course, he didn't dare to use this ability here this will put him at a terrible disadvantage and he had Kaguya to protect.

Well Stella could return inside him, so he didn't have to concern himself about her. Sometimes he did wonder where did she even return to? maybe a mystical place exists inside him! Who knows...

Considering Omnivikrigon, there were many more abilities to be unlocked and created. All of them will be eventually unlocked with his rise of power.

He was quite grateful towards the system AI for 'locking' his origin power. If he couldn't handle his own power then was there any use for obtaining them.

Rather than helping, origin power tend to destroy many things along the way like his favorite green moon.

Looking back on the day he did see a man shouting crazy things like 'the Apocalypse is here... people dont you see the signs, the moon vanished, the world shook... God is among us'

Atleast the Man got the last part correct...

Currently Sen's status were...


Name:Sen supreme




Attributes:Wind, fire, lighting, earth

Eye power↑:

Omnivikrigon/Eyes of truth(99% locked):

Slot 1— Byakugan (unawakened )

Slot 2— Sharingan (unawakened )

Slot 3—(Empty)

Slot 4—(Empty)


< Deny truth >

Body level:Stage 2-Body transformation




Little improvement could be seen with his total chakra/energy capacity. But to rank up he needed large amount of Chakra capacity, the gap between S rank and beyond were very wide.

Of course, there is nothing special like a bottle neck blocking his path for him, he just had to train and he will reach the next rank.

Comming back.

After blessing Misha and losing almost 1500 chakra units he threw her towards Vaden and made him catch her.

Vaden after receiving his daughter made a run for it with every thing he got.

Looking back at the departing figure Sen sigh in disappointment "Not even a thank you, rude man!"

"Well from his perspective you did look like a devil who stole his daughters soul~" Stella sneaked from behind and whispered in his ear while nibbling it.

"S-Stop it its tickling" Sen gently pushed her head away.

"Hehe our little brother has awakened" She lightly poked his D.

"Our? —stop it! I won't be able to control myself *pat*"

He lightly slapped her developing butt, unknown to both a light white glow formed on Stella's slim body.

"Master~ more spank me more~" She pleaded with teary eyes.

'This girl'






As requested he spanked her on the butt untill she was satisfied. Now her butt was bright red.

Wiping her teary eyes satisfied she asked.

"Why her?"

Understanding her question he answered while shrugging.

"This blessing works more effectively on those who don't have any anything! even more so I want to see what kind of tremor will she caused in this world and she did remind me of my past disease"

The disease he was talking about was his genetic disorder from his past life, which killed him. This doesn't mean that he will go to cure everyone he meet, the girls behavior quite pleased him so he gave her little help by giving her the HIGHEST FORM OF BLESSING EVER EXISTED.

On the day the system awakened he felt he gained something, no, it was better to say that he regained something that was lost. This a sort of feeling he couldn't pin point exactly what it was, but this changed him entirely. He was brimming with confidence and courage unlike his past.

He now considered himself neither good or evil but a mix—a chaotic being.

"Eh" Stella nodded with a smirk and thought 'Well I am quite curious —'

"Found you!" Kaguya came behind Stella and groped Stella's breasts.

"AHHH~" Stella let out a loud moan.

Watching their erotic behavior his little brother threatened to blast apart the sky and go beyond.

'Susuh! behave go to sleep you had your fill this morning what the hell is wrong with you' Sen cussed his D and pleaded for it to calm down.

** **





[Some of the previous chapters had been updated but fear not the story had not changed ]