Calm down [2]

Calming Kaguya down, they made camp faraway. Both girls helped Sen walk.

Sen laid back, eyes closed thinking about future plans while munching on a beautiful expensive chicken leg, which had the right curves.

Of course, he bought it from the system store or infinite store as some would like to call it. He was recovering so he had the full right to enjoy himself.

He only had one eternal life so he had to live his life at max. What a joke! (good god this boy)

Suddenly out of nowhere Sen felt great a amount of pain, the pain was different from other pain he felt.

He felt like a black hole just popped up inside him pulling his body into it. The pull was not that strong but it was really painful.

'What is happening to me?' Sen didn't understand what was happening to him, he couldn't even have coherent thoughts now.

Seeing and feeling him in this state Stella panicked soon after held her head in disappointment.

Not towards Sen,

But towards herself for her negligence and slacking off.

"Master! you must resist the pull..."

She began explaining to Sen, who clenched his chest in pain, while Kaguya stared dumbly at him not knowing what she should do.

Chakra replenishes 90% by coverting food into energy and 10% by absorbing less potent natural energies from atmosphere. When a person's power level increases, the method of Energy replenishment also changes.

At S rank the raito of food and natural energy absorption changed from 90:10 to 60:40. It may seem like good thing getting more energy freely, but the human body was never meant to take in Natural energy. Even though less potent, natural energy was still natural energy.

Like a fish choking on its own food, nothing good will come when you eat more than you can chew.

Even so, Sen's body was a little resistant towards natural energy. He was not feeling pain from the ravaging natural energy, but a suction from within, precisely his meridians.

Sen lost to much energy and his meridians are trying to break his body down into energy to sate its hunger.

If this were happening to a normal person he or she would have been crippled, retarded or possibly dead. But Sen was neither a normal person in this life or his previous one.

Bonus he even had a weird personality and a twisted fetish.


Sen gritted his teeth against the pain. An hour passed the pain gradually resided.


Both Stella and Kaguya were relived seeing him fine.

'I should have practiced strengthening technique my body, it's only at body transformation stage 2 and even that occured naturally needing no intervention from me. I don't want to go through that fucking pain again' Sen though with a little fear.

Making his body strong physically was another alternate to prevent this, as the people in this world call it 'Suction vein'.

It's like the difference between a rubber ballon and a metal balloon. The metal balloon will not break or shrink even if it's empty. Naturally the metal balloon represents a strong body.

Naturally as his Chakra capacity increases, 'suction vein's power also elevates so does the requirement for an even stronger body.

Although the public is unaware of body strengthening techniques. Sen is pretty sure the noble clan have a few of them stacked somewhere.

Of course, he didn't have to worry about any thing, he had both System and Stella. The System which literally sold everything exept a bottle of friendship and the adorable 'M' Stella who is the best shopping partner who can find the best among infinite items, that very likely suits his tastes.


Several hours later night finaly struck.

Sen's vision returned and half of his Chakra replenished.

'Sigh...Its a bad experience to be blind' Sen sighed and thought.

Nevertheless, he was cooking up a few training regiments to adapt when suddenly blind.

Like wearing a blindfold or some type off Chakra sonar skill.


Sen sighed again too much suff happened in a short amount of time—it was total chaos.

'well every life is actually a big mess, nothing new, nothing old...Humans back on earth even titled the universe as primordial chaos, that proves everything is just a big mess' Sen chucked lightly and stood up.

"pack up, were' leaving "



"Ready?" Sen asked Kaguya held in princess carry.

"mmm" Kaguya nodded.

"Don't bite your tongue, ok?" Sen warned.

"Mm...but why can't you eat me like big sister Stella" Hearing this Sen was dumfounded and Stella's unrestrained laughter was herd within.

Stella untill now down and silent for unknown reason's, her inability to serve Sen properly made her think she was incompetent. So, she was silent the entire time within him.

Sen already noticed, but he didn't know what made her so depressed. So instead of bugging her, he gave her the necessary space. She was a smart girl eventually she would sort her problems out, atleast that's what he thought.

But Now, she found Kaguya funnier than a comedien. She didn't know what part made her laugh, Kaguya being utterly ridiculous than her or Kaguya's insatiable desire to be consumed by him. But, now thinking about the latter she highly doubted that Kaguya in her previous life died in a conventional way in her pervious life.

But, Stella didn't know how correct she was in her guesswork.

Comming back...

'Eat her?.. Ahh?' it finaly clicked for Sen. He held down his urge to chuckle. Because this was a chance!

"You want to be eaten by me?" Sen asked.

Kaguya's eyes sparkled with exitement "Yes!!"

"I only eat strong and smart girls. So are you strong and smart" Hearing his answer Kaguya felt dejected and lowly murmured "Ni"(no).

Sen smiled, this conversation was going the way he wanted.

"Hey, don't be sad if you train and study hard... i'll eat you like Stella*" Sen whispered into her ears tickling her.

Of course, he wasn't going to in a literal way, but in a sexy way.

"I will be the strongest and smartest girl and make you proud! i promise" She spoke, her voice carrying frim resolve.

"Good! but no promise first you live happy other things are just side-quests" Sen said and took off into the sky with a sonic boom, while carrying Kaguya like a delicate princess.

Contending with the speed of a plane Sen reached home after 2 hours of travel.

Looking at the tree house which now had a gloomy aura, he felt a bit anxious.

How was he going to explain his sudden disappearance and also bringing home an unknown girl?

"I'm home!"


The door of the tree house flew away with a boom!.






[Author thoughts]