Was It Truly A Mission

[Note: Please if you are not into philosophical bullshit pease read after ** ** ]

The Truth!

What exactly is Truth?

What is meaning behind it?

Well let's say, Truth varied from people to peope, to some it is about what is right or what wrong.

Some belived it to be justice or how to treat others.

It may very well be the words of Gods to others.

To many philosophers it may very well be the meaning/purpose of life.

A minority of scientists belived it to be the 'theory of everything'—to find the underlying phenomenon on how or why the reality worked.

And for a normal farmer the truth may very well be the underlying reason why his radishes were small. Similarly to a king it may very well be the reason he is unable to handle his paperwork.

There is popular saying 'If you can write down the problem then half of it is solved'. Writing down the problem or otherwise finding the truth is always been a big hurdle.

But the truth is always a bitter pill to swallow, it is a hard accepted one. It has always been like this.

The human body is no exception to hidden mysteries. Everyone has some understanding about their bodies.

To grow we eate food (not dirt). Then why do devouring food make us grow, it's simple —nutrients, minerals, proteins , vitamins etc. These substances sustain our body and it is not certainly because food is some sort of blessing by an unknown deity and that is the truth behind food.

Now let us move to another branch of the same topic.

Before the rapid progression of science the unknown ( the dark) ruled tyrannically, unknown plagues, diseases instilled fear in the minds of people. So-much-so-that when affected with an incurable illness only solution was to bury the affected alive.

Fortunately every generation had a few determined heroes (doctor's of that age) to find and overcome this hurdle by creating medicines/treatement methods.

Science kept developing and so does the understanding of the human body. It was so complicated, yet so weak like a candle flame burning till the wax melts.

People of goldy faith belive in souls—vessels that functioned as carriers to afterlife. After all it was completely natural, whether a god exits or not humans had a high esteem, thinking that we are something ethereal, unique, completely unaffected by our surroundings —beings of 'free will' or so we say.

But science proved that human bodies are mere results of atoms, electrons and bonds interacting. A mere thought was the result of neurons firing at each other, the red colour of blood was due to iron present in hemoglobin.

Every action happening inside a human body had a cause and scientists had found almost all their is to it, exept for consciousness.

(A/N: Some of the biggest Mysteries —the big bag, the theory of everything and consciousness, for humans atleast )

Even still all of this findings were enough to point out how futile human life was and it was honestly depressing to many people who belived themselves to be something different, divine machines maybe.

But wise people utilized humanities biggest talent —'shoving problem's aside' to their fullest extend and live a happy life.

So in conclusion, can a person exist—

No! can a person be sane after knowing everything there is to know about themselves till the planks length.

Can a person still laugh without worry after knowing the precise physical, chemical, biological and emotional reason behind his laughter, can he?

There is disturbing Truth behind many things including human beings. Sometimes it is better to not know—ignorance is a bliss afterall.

** **

In endless white space where one can't see it borders. A normal looking book and a glowing ball of white light floated before the little girl, Misha.

While the person with deep voice continued with his introduction like a salesman,

"This book is called 'The Book Of Fleshly Truth'. If you take this book you will know every thing there is to know about yourself—"

"The system!!" squeaked Misha unknowingly startling him by her sudden interruption, "What!?"

"I want the system!" she replied with hands on her small hips.

"Well, well don't be so hasty atleast let me finish the introduction"

"No i don't want a book with a creepy name" the little female said while puffing her cheeks.

Maybe her reply surprised the shining torch-of-a-person "Creepy name?.. The Book Of Fleshly Truth'...it sure sounds creepy " he continued.

"Bur hear me out for a minute before you judge it 'after all you mustn't judge a book by it's name or cover'. If you accept this book you gain all knowledge about yourself and you wanted it be a doctor right! your understanding of human nature will surpass bounds, Your every step will be with purpose and goal. Because you will always know the reason behind you every action..."

The person with hidden figure tired his best to convince Misha, but she was adamant about choosing the system. But little did he knew the true reason for misha choosing the system was certainly because of it's incredible glow it shines.

Afterall matured or not, suffered or not, humans are always a category of species and a little girl's heart 99.999% flutters when she sees a sparkling object.

If the mysterious person ever knew the reason behind the girls decision he would probably cough out some precious blood, regretting the decision that he didn't put some glow into the books cover.

'If it was not for the requirement for completing the mission i would have probably shoved this book into your tiny ass... but alas you are too perspective to danger or a incredibly Lucky one... who knows'

'Anyways i should complete my next mission while i'm at it' the mysterious one thought.

"Its you life and it's your choice, i won't force upon your decisions" he continued,

"The system maybe great..but there is a limit and that limit will approch you before you even knew it. So I'm going to give you something that will help you in breaking the limits but that would come at a price i hope you are willing to pay it"

Shinning light that represented the system dashed into Misha's head.


She panicked a little but soon got dissatisfied by the disappearance of the glowing light, but before she could enquire what happened the space trembled and spilt apart by a mere voice.


As if following the Mysterious persons command two serpent like glittering thread like objects slithered through the air approaching Misha in an instant, sinking into her fair hand gradually forming into a profound swirling mark.

Misha stared at the mark with confusion, today was such an overwhelming day for her it even felt like a dream, no, it felt more like a confusing dream waiting for her to open her eyes in the real world, returning to her life as a cripple.

"'It's time for us to seperate" the person spoke.

She widened her eyes knowing that this person with unknown identity was leaving, yet she had lot of questions to be answered. Still she didn't dare to waste this persons time with useless questions anymore and proceeded to ask the most important ones.

"Wait! atleast tell me who you are and what do you expect from me by giving a system"

The figure who hard his hands now in the air chucked, "Well about me i don't have a solid identity now. I'm just a part of a person who spilt apart from himself to set foot on a path of power that no mortal could never imagine, but for now just think of me as a cruel puppeteer..."

"As for what i expect from you... i want you to make the entire world and yourself more powerfull before the calamity"

With a swing of his had Misha disappeared from this space only to return in her room where she was allegedly kidnapped.


[The Great system of complex Alchemy: Activated]

Misha received a message in her head at the same time the Mysterious person also saw a message in his vision.

« 2 Missions completed: rewards recived and implemented »







[ The fb login problem was really a pain in the butt and i just noticed that the prob was fixed now.

So you can expect chapters, it's not like i stoped writting

The adventure in real world will start after 5~10 chapters

Have a nice day<3
