
Chang Qiuyan pushed Jonas aside: "Let me familiarize myself with it first, don't be so anxious, she said, why are you so anxious?"

Chang grabbed Jonas's arm, and although she was beautiful, Jonas didn't want to hurt her. So I called Chang Qiuyan and they went out.

After dinner, they shopped at the mall, then went to a large mall, then to a large vegetable market and bought some fresh fruit. On the way back, Jonas also sent Chang Qiuyan some fashion periodicals for seven or eight hundred dollars. That explains why houses are so expensive and getting more expensive.

Jonas stopped a taxi at the bus stop. Chang Qiuyan stopped Jonas: "Don't call a taxi, we can take the bus, there is a place in my house."

Jonas hesitated, "I was worried you were trying too hard, so I called a taxi."

Chang Qiu replied thoughtfully, "Don't waste money, let's go to the bus."

At home, Jonas was thinking of how to express his feelings, zhang qiuyan immediately beckoned Jonas: "then thank you, hurry to go, hurry to rest, wechat chat!"

Looking at the back of Chang Qiuyan's departure, Jonas felt that he was too incompetent, a girl can't talk, can't be together. What kind of girlfriend is this? It's just a playful friend at best.

Jonas opened the micro letter and found that Chang Qiuyan had not answered, so Jonas called her. Chang Qiuyan sent a text message to the past, "goodbye to Jonas". Apparently, she and Jonas do not plan to talk.

Jonashung up, wondering if he was in a hurry. After thinking for a long time, I could not think of a reason, so I had to ask Dewey for advice. Dewey quickly sent a message to Jonas, telling him: "Why are you in such a hurry? We have been in a relationship for two years. If we wait like this, won't we be ready for life?"

Jonas: "Seriously, is she my double?"

Dewey said solemnly to Jonas, "Before, it was a one-ton machine, this was a spare tire, this is a promotion, if we don't seize this moment, she will always be our substitute, then she can easily leave us behind!"

Jonas hung up the comm and decided he couldn't afford to be such a wimp, either find a good opportunity or cut ties with Chang.

When Jonas went to work the next day, he had spare tires on his mind, so he didn't have much time to work.

In the afternoon, Goins came over and said to Jonas, "Jonas, let's go have a meal."

Jonas replied sourly, "I made a deal with the others to go out for dinner."

Goins looked blank, "What business do you have with someone?"

Sui came in, "We made a deal, why don't you come with us?"

Goins took one look at Sagan and said ungraciously, "I'm going with my friend!"

After Goins left, Sagan was puzzled, "What happened to her?"

Jonas replied faintly, "Nothing, just my period."

Sagan led Sagan to the elevator. "What's wrong with you? You look like you're not doing so well?"

Jonas was probably worried sick about Chang Qiuyan, but he couldn't be so upset with the woman he was spending so much time with.

Jonas was instantly in the mood for twelve minutes and said to Sagan, "I was very tired last night and probably didn't get much rest, thank you for taking care of me."

Sagan hey hey a happy: "that is natural, if not your treat, how can I pay."

When they reached the restaurant, Sagan didn't hesitate to order a hearty meal. Jonas Momo's own wallet had been emptied, and thanks to his dealings with Chang Qiuyan, Jonas was penniless. Luckily, he had a lot of cards in his hand, so Jonasgave him one in preparation for the danger.

Jonas's mood is a little low now, but Jonas likes to be with Sagan. Although just ordinary staff, Jonas or Sagan produced endless reveries.

The two men were eating and talking, just like old acquaintances, when Jonas asked her if she had any new interests, and Sagan asked Jonas, "Look at him, how sad."

Jonas took a closer look and saw a homeless man standing by a dumpster with something in his mouth. Not the professional homeless type.

Jonas came out of the dining room and approached the beggar and said, "This is yours, old man."

Jonas pulled out a hundred dollars, the beggar looked at it, then shook his chin, "I'm not a beggar, I don't need your pity."

Jonas found the homeless man amusing, and he smiled and said, "How about I buy you a meal, Seneschal? It's not unusual to consider me your best friend."

The beggar thought for a moment and agreed. Jonas took him to a nearby snack bar and ordered two noodles and some buns.

Jonas looked at him, "I can't help you much either, but right now, you can use it all you want, and I'll call you if you need more."

The beggar took Jonas by the arm and said to him, "Young man, you are a kind young man.

Jonas politely replied, "Thank you for your well wishes."

Sui entered the restaurant and asked Jonas, "The homeless guy, have you arranged everything?"

Jonas told him everything that had just happened, and Sagan smiled, "Very nice and thoughtful, what would you do to me if I did the same one day, or do you not know who I am?"

If Sagan wandered the streets, Jonas would take her with him.

Jonas glared at Sagan, "Don't say anything, what are you doing? Is it the plot of a TV show?"

Sui said scornfully, "I don't want this brain-dead drama."

Jonas felt that Chang Qiuyan's favorite is the South Korean television drama, and her and Jonas's relationship should be polar opposites. My God, Jonas's feelings for Sagan are not so much Chang Qiuyan as his girlfriend!

Jonas was one of the first to run out of his office, running into the manager as he came out of the bathroom. Before the agent could speak, Jonas was in front of him, and before the manager could answer, Jonas was gone.

Jonas got out of the company, sat in his car and told Chang in a message that they wanted to meet.

On the way, Jonas did not search the Internet, but went to Chang Qiuyan's office downstairs. She said to Jonas: "Do not come, we gathered last night, why see each other again."

Jonas replied decisively, "Since it's my girlfriend, what else can I do? In that case, let's just stop."

It wasn't long before Chang's message came, "Okay, I'm coming."