IQ Worries

Jonas looked at him contemptuously, "Why would I lie to you, you are paranoid!"

Chang Qiuyan said reasonably: "I really care about you. You think I will stare at other men like this?"

Jonas looked helpless: "then thank you for your concern. I sleep first, I will call you later."

Chang Qiuyan replied ungraciously, "You are resting, so talk to me!"

Jonas felt unlucky to have met this woman who was staring at him all the time, making him lose his freedom.

After a few words, Jonas hung up the phone and hurried back to the office on the pretext that a colleague had come looking for him.

Jonas and Jonas chatted for a moment, then heard a voice, "Jonas, come to help."

Jonas was about to say something else, but when he saw Sagan, he followed suit.

Sagan didn't ask much of the Jonas gang, just did a few little things on the computer. "J, do you have a girlfriend?" Sagan asked, looking at Jonas.

Jonas hei smiled: "girls nose is very clever, especially beautiful girls!"

Sagan smiled, "I was in the hallway and overheard you talking to your girlfriend, where did she come from and if she has any pictures, let me see."

Jonas thought to himself, You don't want me, I'm with another girl. Why are you so curious?

Jonas knew Sagan's curiosity was one thing, she was more interested in herself. Of course, he just liked her co-workers, not as much as he liked her, but talking was better than nothing.

Jonas handed her a picture of Chang Qiuyan, and Sagan glanced at it, "The girl is not bad looking, but I don't know why."

"Just a little small, isn't it?" said Jonas cautiously.

Sagan smiled, "Just a little."

Jonas sighed, "Not all girls are like you, and you're in good shape, five-foot-one girl."

"Five foot one?" Sagan said in surprise.

Jonas looked glum, "She seems to be over five foot five, they say five foot six, but she's too fat."

Sagan smiled sweetly, "Five foot six?"

Jonas thought, "yes. If you put them on, you will probably be taller than these men."

Sagan had a hard time hiding her pride, "Not so much, but definitely high."

Just then, a phone call came in and Jonas saw Chang Qiuyan. I've had enough of this woman talking nonsense all day without work or class!

Jonas hung up and spoke to Sagan, who looked at Jonas and asked, "Won't you answer the phone?"

"My girlfriend," Jonas replied.

Sagan said quizzically, "Why didn't you pick up the phone?

Jonas's face matured, "women just can not get used to, she is always pestering me. I think it is better to let her suffer a little."

Sagan chuckled, "If you say so, people don't like it."

"What's to be angry about," Jonas said solemnly, "you work with video and cell phones, what do you think we are?"

Sagan lowered her voice, "We're really quiet."

Jonas said sourly, "If you knew, how else would I talk to her?"

After Jonas hung up the phone, Chang Qiuyan began to send videos. Jonas was really tired of watching, and said to Sagan Siqian: "Can you help me play?"

When Sagan heard Jonas's offer, she couldn't help but ask, "If you really want to do this, will your girlfriend kill me?"

Jonas said lightly, "She works so hard, she must know how good."

Sagan Siqian laughed, "I think so too, let's go."

Jonas turned his phone to Sagan and himself and put his arm around Sagan, "Stay here tonight, my dear."

Sagan echoed, "Sure, but you have to buy me an LV."

Jonas feigned indifference, "LV, it's okay."

Jonas placed his phone on the table, signaled Sagan to interface with her, and then turned off the video.

"Jonas, can you really do this?" Sagan asked, looking at Jonas.

Jonas asked, "Do you regret it now?"

Sagan sneered, "No, it's funny, it's your girlfriend."

Jonas looked indifferent: "Chang Qiuyan, you do not mind, she is idle is idle. I let her go busy."

Jonas's cell phone rang and Chang Qiuyan's voice rang, "Hello, who is it?

Sagan hung up the phone and looked at Jonas, "How dare you do this to her, you bastard!"

Jonas looked morose, "What do you think I should do?"

Sagan smiled at him, "Stupid, it's off!"

Jonas echoed, "Yeah, turn her phone off and drive her crazy, hehe!"

Jonas turned off the phone and talked to the girl for a while until he got off work.

Back home, Jonas opened the Weibo message again, only to find that Chang Qiuyan seemed to deleted her again.

Jonas's greatest aim in dealing with Chang Qiuyan had been to use this tactic to suppress her and make her suffer, but now it seemed there was no turning back.

Jonas knew Chang Qiuyan was an uneducated person, but her jealousy was strong and her thoughts were strange.

Jonas did not think, Chang Qiuyan actually took her as sagan. If Sagan really were his girlfriend, then Chang Qiyan would not have had a chance. Why did Jonas give her this video, this woman? It was stupid!

Jonas made a quick call, but Chang Qiuyan hung up. Jonas still needed Chang Qiuyan, and Jonas didn't have her.

Jonas drove all the way to Chang Qiuyan's house, then made a phone call, made a dozen calls, and finally got through.

"why?" Chang Qiuyan asked coldly.

Jonas was taken aback by Chang Qiuyan's words. Jonas asked, "Why did you delete me

"You have the nerve to tell me what you did in the video," Chang Qiuyan fumed.