Door knocking

Chao Hongmei parked his car in Jonas, thought about it, and said to Jonas, "Jonas, how about we add another message?"

After Chao Hongmei and Jonas broke up, Jonas deleted her circle of friends, Chao Hongmei deleted Jonas's micro signal, and both deleted their cell phone numbers.

Jonas nodded, "I see."

Chao Hongmei sent a message to Jonas, "Then I'll take my leave, I'll have time to talk to you later. Even if I can't be a couple, I can still be friends, right?"

Jonas smiled, "Then enjoy yourself."

Jiang nan watched Cho leave and felt as if Chao hongmei was coming back, and this time she was sure to be even more excited. But Chang Qiuyan is in Jonas, and she doesn't want to give up Chang Qiuyan.

Chang Qiuyan has become increasingly unpopular in Jonas, with whom she maintains a good relationship, possibly because of their friendship two years ago. Jonas really does not remember, what he still likes to miss Chang qiuyan.

Jonas had intended to sleep on weekends. However, Chang Qiuyan's phonecalls Jonas. She asked Jonas if there is anything she can do to help.

Jonas didn't know what he was going to buy, he just agreed to Chang Qiuyan's request and didn't care.

Jonas hung up and went to Lao Wang's house to buy him some cigarettes and biscuits. Then she drove to Chang Qiyan's house with a basket of fruit.

Chang Qiuyan lived not far from the villa in Jonas. Jonas drove fast because it was the weekend.

Chang Qiuyan waited in Jonas, saw Jonas, hurriedly got into his car, called Jonas, then said to Jonas, "Jonas, you finally came."

Jonas thought he was right, he really wanted to give up.

Just as Jonas Huth, Chang Qiuyan suddenly shouted at Jonas, "Hurry up and drive over there."

Jonas looked blank, "I'm not from here, can I park here?"

Chang Qiuyan said nonchalantly to Jonas, "It's okay, you drive over."

Chang Qiuyan's family lives in a relatively old residential area, which is supposed to be filled with people who have been evicted. Other than that, it was just old people and old people, and a bit of a mess.

Just stopped the car, next to a few idle panicked old ladies came up to ask Chang qiuyan, Jonas is what person, Chang qiuyan grabbed Jonas's arm, "this is my boyfriend, is the manager of a large company, the end of the year is the deputy general manager!"

Jonas felt that Chang Qiuyan's words were better than hers. There was even a vice president. This woman is too greedy for her own.

A group of old ladies echoed: "Chang qiuyan, you are really blessed, must marry a good family in the future."

"Next time you stay in the villa, be sure to invite us."

Chang Qiuyan was blown away by a bunch of ignorant old ladies, as if she were really a rich family's Miss Chihuahua.

Jonas and Chang Qiuyan walked to the fifth floor, which was even more dilapidated than Jonas's house.

There was a coup let at the door, which opened into the kitchen. According to J, it was an apartment with no living room.

As soon as I walked in the door, I heard a man shout, "Hurry up and cook, a brat, our whole family depends on him!"

Then a woman spoke, "I know, I'm cooking!"

"Burn well and don't burn like last time," the man admonished.

"I see," the woman said sourly, "you are too wordy, so put on your coat and, by the way, keep your voice down so as not to startle him.

Jonas looked at Chang, somewhat sheepishly. Jonas had thought Chang Qiuyan's family was ordinary, but now it seemed that her family was neither rich nor educated. Perhaps this is what made Chang so withdrawn.

"Mom, Dad, we're here." Chang called out to the room.

A bald man in a waistcoat stepped out with a newspaper in his hand and a small woman with a shovel.

Back at the house, Chang Qiuyan led Jonas to a decaying looking balcony. All the furnishings, like a Nando's home from the eighties, even an old sewing machine.

Chang Qiuyan's father sat down at a small table, poured a cup of black tea for Jonas, and they chatted in Nando's dialect. Jonas could tell by his tone and tone that the two men were not locals.

Although Jonas lived in the kind of dilapidated houses, in ancient times, it was a respectable middle class, so it is difficult to see foreigners.

After meeting Chang Qiyan's parents, Jonas finally understood what had happened to Chang Qiyan. It seems that a person's origins can have a big impact on her life.

Chang Qiuyan's mother was cooking, and she and Chang Qiuyan's father said to Jonas, "You must be very hungry."

Jonas didn't want to talk to them anyway, so he said yes.

Jonas helped bring the bowls up after the feast began. When the old couple met, they felt that the Jonas people were still upright and began whispering to each other. Jonas could tell they had a soft spot for J, despite the strange Subei accent.

Chang Qiuyan's father sat in a chair, filled Jonas's glass, raised it, and said to Jonas, "Come, uncle, let's drink."

Jonas did not know when he agreed to marry Chang Qiuyan. The family really took themselves seriously.

Chang Qiuyan's mother came over with a Yangzhou lion's head. "Uncle, you can try it. My lion's head is much better than Yangzhou's."

Jonas smiled and ate obediently, chatting with his father-in-law.

Chang Qiuyan's father waited a moment before he said to Jonas:

"Jonas, how about you go to work for a big companyI heard that you are about to be promoted, so keep the bonus when you give it to me, and I will give it to you when I get a child.I hear you have a big family, Three houses, and when you get married, we'll move in with you!We live together, we can take care of ourselves. How busy? If you have children, we are your babysitter. Good, right? "