The Plan Begins

Stig sat in the car, said a few words to J, and pulled out a notebook. Jonas was immediately amused, "You've been hitting on girls for a few days, and there's so much valuable news."

Stig scoffed, "Nonsense, you really think I'm here to titillate a girl."

"In that case, let's do it." Jonas was relieved.

The two drove to Chao's office and waited outside for more than half an hour before seeing Chao and others emerge from the office. Jonas watched the two leave before leading Stig into the fat man's company.

Stig took care of Fat's old lady and told them to go get Fat. The fat man was oblivious and thought it was Mammon. Once they were inside, he was full of resentment, but helpless.

Jonas closed the door and pulled out a chair to sit across from him, "How's it going, fat old man?"

"I'm in my forties, not old!"

Jonas smiled, "I came to you not to tell you your age, but for something else."

"Yes, I have nothing to say to you."

Stig pulled out his notebook and asked, "Can I show you some slides?"

The fat man looked embarrassed, but didn't say anything more as he watched them rage, knowing he couldn't beat them. With that done, Stig posted a few more photos.

The fat man was calm at first, but soon a fine bead of sweat formed on his forehead.

Stig looked at the fat man and said, "You're acting. But I wouldn't do anything illegal behind your back. How bad do you think it would be if I took pictures on my phone and posted them online?"

Fat Boss wiped the cold sweat from his brow, "It's not going to work either, I'm just here to take part and cash in and I'll pay you handsomely."

Stig smiled and said, "That's not the most important thing, according to the report, your gutter oil didn't make it to the Chinese market, but your company supplies Nando's Taiwanese restaurants, and last month you supplied another batch, didn't you?"

"Don't say anything without proof."

Stig laughed and said, "That's nothing. Your company, after the gutter oil incident, had money problems. You even had the company's finances falsified, did a lot of internet trading and even registered a lot of shell companies. Oh, and a resignation letter that Xiao Qin asked me to pass on to you. Here you go."

The fat man took the resignation letter, his eyes unfocused for a long moment, and then he asked, "How much is it going to cost to spare me?"

Stig calmly said, "Brother, there are some things that cannot be solved with money."

"So what are you going to do?"

Jonas walked up to him and grabbed the fat man by the collar, "You're desperate, and if we don't mess with you, you'll be half dead and your paycheck will be in trouble for the next month."

The fat man bowed his head and said, "It's all my fault for poor management, for we are all Asians. please spare me some time and give me enough time to pay my pension."

Jonas chuckled, "I'm not one of those people. I can not only spare you, I can bring your company back to life. I can mortgage my friends and give them a buffer. As for your relationship with them, or doing something shady, I'll keep it a secret. As long as you don't do something stupid, I won't kill you."

"You really do, why?" Fat Boss asked Jonas with a twinkle in his eye.

Jonas looked at him, "I did this to get my woman back!"

"As long as you keep your word, I promise."

Jonas whispered in the fat man's ear, "You disown Chao Hongmei and, if necessary, you can be cruel to her or slap her and tell her to go away."

"What do you mean, talk good?"

Jonas looked at him and asked, "Do you need me, or do I need you?"

"Well, here's the deal then."

Jonas immediately agreed, "Okay, that's settled."

After leaving the company, Stig sat in the car and asked Jonas if he needed any help from the company.

Jonas chuckled, "If it's so good, don't take it out, I have a good friend who needs it."

Jonas picked up the phone and dialed Cayce's number, "Cayce, I have a big deal for you.

Cayce smiled and said, "That's natural."

Jonas told Cayce, "I think we can try, I think we can, and if we can, I'd appreciate it."

Jonas smiled and said, "Don't look so out of place, we are all our own people, buy me more dinner and more movies next time."

"I'll be fine." Cayce said with a smile.

Jonas hung up the comm, and next to him, Stig spoke, "Cayce has her eye on you."

Jonas looked incredulous, "Brother, you are a fairy, you found out after a few words."

Stig looked amused and said, "I can tell Cayce's tone is amused, amused, and she won't do that unless it's in front of her soulmate."

Jonas pondered for a moment, then began, "I've been planning this whole Chao thing for a long time, and now my plans are in motion. As for the other women, never mind."

"I know," Stig said meaningfully, "but I'll tell you, your relationship with Cayce is going to get better and better, and if you don't believe me, hit a hundred."

Jonas was so said by Stig, immediately a little uncomfortable. After all, Cayce Sisi is their best woman. If they do it again to her, it not too inhuman? But when Jonas thought of Cayce's gentle, inviting face, he felt like he really wasn't human.

Two days later, Cayce called Jonas and told him her company had funding. He also said he wanted to thank Jonas for a good meal, and Jonas agreed to Dongyang's request before ending the call.