True or False

Sun peipei was furious: "I'm not going to treat you like a lunatic. After all, you are Jonas's predecessor. Now, you are right! You don't know what happened when my mother was here. As soon as I shout, these little men will come and beat you. Can you believe it?"

In fact, a lot of people are watching them now. At the sound of Sun Pepper's voice, the little around actually stood up, hands on hips, and assumed a fighting stance.

Chang Qiuyan, who had just been menacing, now relented, saying, "What are you doing? It's illegal to hit someone."

"You idiot! You will never make trouble with Jonas again," Sun Pepe threatened. "Otherwise, I will have to wait at your office door. Even shopping, eating, going out, going to the toilet will be watched! Can you believe it?"

Chang Qiuyan exclaimed, "Come on, I've met a sexual predator!"

Chang shouted, pushing past the crowd and running. Jonas patted Sun Pepper on the shoulder and said, "I can't believe you scared him, thank you so much."

Sun Pei Pei looked at Jonas, "How can I thank you?"

Jonas exclaimed cheerfully, "My treat, what can I get you?"

"The fish head in Thousand Island Lake." Sun Pepe replied deviously.

"good,go." Jonas answered quickly.

Arriving at the restaurant, Sun Pei asked the owner if he had a private room, and the owner said, "No other guests, but you will."

The so-called box was really a small table in a cramped room, but in this place, it was high class.

Jonas and Sun Pei talked some more. She didn't seem to mind that she kissed J. Jonas, on the other hand, was still savoring the taste, though only for a moment, but Jonas coveted Sun Pepe.

Sun Pepe chatted with Jonas as he ate: "Jonas, do you want to find a normal girl? Don't you feel ashamed to look at your ex, talking doesn't count, talking doesn't count."

Jonas looked dejected, "I know people are too careless. meet this kind of woman, I must be careful."

Sun Pepper asked Jonas, "Where's your girlfriend?

Jonas replied, "I saw it on social media."

"How can you say that in your circle of friends," Sun Pei Pei coos. "Every day you have a new girlfriend!"

Jonas laughed, "Not a girlfriend, but a colleague and a friend."

Sun Pepe scolded ungraciously, "You bastard, you're such an animal for doing this to a woman!"

Jonas whipped out his phone and showed a picture of himself with Chao Hongmei, "That woman, okay?"

"It's beautiful, I like it." Pepper Sun commented.

Jonas said and clicked on another. Sun Pei Pei looked at Sui Si ching and said, "The girl is very pretty, but she is too picky for you to wear it."

Jonas echoed, "You are a wise man, this woman comes from a good family and demands much of her."

Pepper Sun chuckled, "Don't you think I'm demanding?"

Pepper Sun winked at J. A woman wants to flirt with a man, and that's an obvious feeling. Pepper Sun tried to look more mischievous, more like a friendly banter. But the twinkle in her eye was caught by Jonas.

Jonas thought the woman must have a slight crush on him, just didn't know if it was fifty or ten percent. But right now, he was interested, which meant there were plenty of opportunities ahead.

Jonas thought for a moment. He has a girlfriend, Chao Hongmei, who is also quite interesting. This pop-up Sun Pepper, it's so weird.

Jonas was self-aware, and he knew his girlfriend was the best. But Jonas was taken aback by how many times the woman had seduced him. At this rate, Sui is likely to retire in January with Jonas.

Jonas and Sun Pepe went for a walk and she said to J, "J, do you want me to ask you to sing a song?"

Jonas nodded, "Well, where are we going?"

"We could go to Guanxi Road and get something to eat," Sun Pepe suggested.

Jonas looked at him questioningly, "Why aren't you downtown?"

Sun Peipei gave him a scornful look, "This is the countryside."

Although most people think the area is doing well, they all live in the city. Downtown, especially in our part of the world, is synonymous with the lower end, even if they can't afford it in J.

Jonas was too drunk to drive, but took a taxi with Sun Pepe to Guanxi Road. Along the way, Jonas looked drunkenly at Sun Pei, watching her profile. To be honest, Sun Pei is really attractive and Jonas is very attractive to her.

Jonas stared at Sun Pepper, who was probably aware of J's eyes on him, and held his phone in his hand, but didn't try to unravel him.

Sun Pei is a smart person and she cares a lot about Jonas's reputation. Jonas couldn't help but give her an extra look, even though he thought it was rude. Jonas could only look away from Sun Pepper for less than ten seconds.

Arriving at KTV, Jonas excused himself to go to the bathroom, found a quieter spot and dialed Chao Hongmei's number.

Chao Hongmei asked Jonas if she was married in the countryside, and Jonas said she had gone home, but she was drunk and wanted to rest.

Chao Hongmei looked at Jonas, "Uncle, you go to bed first, I'll go to bed first, good evening."

"Okay, let's go to bed," Jonas said meaningfully.

Chao Hongmei, however, was oblivious, "Remember to send me your picture."

"well." Jonas nodded.

Jonas sent her photo to Chao Hongmei.

Jonas's phone was full of photos, of people who worked, drove, slept in bars, slept outside, and asked for his help. It was a habit Jonas had developed after a nasty fight with his girlfriend to save his photos in case something bad happened.

Chao Hongmei immediately sent a picture of himself to Jonas and chatted with him.

Jonas sat down, suddenly thought that Chao Hongmei had sent to Jonas. Those photos are Sexy. How can this be good?