Difficult to climb

Jonas said hurriedly, "We can think about it.

Sagan whispered, "Well, why are you still arguing here, are you crazy?"

Jonas told her, "I always have problems with people I like."

Sagan smiled, then added, "Don't mess with me again, or I'll leave you alone."

Sagan sat down and faced Jonas, "I don't want you to be a rich and powerful man, but at least have an optimistic heart, can I be angry that I'm talking to you and you're pretending not to know and you're borrowing your money to start your own company?"

Jonas suddenly realized, "You are right, I will correct it!"

Sagan looked at Jonas, "You have a good attitude, but you have to do something."

"Let's go," Jonas said quickly, "I'll find out which business is safer."

Sagan grabbed Jonas and pulled her back, "Don't miss a minute, let's eat before we play at my house."

Jonas looked at her and smiled, "That's it."

Sagan kicked at Jonas, "What do you mean?

"Let's go eat," Jonas said quickly.

Jonas came to Sagan's house, said nothing more, threw everything on the floor, kissed it, and went to bed.

After a while, Jonas gasped for breath, Sagan "should be appropriate" and Jonas began to talk.

For some reason, Jonas felt that his relationship with Sagan was getting worse. Jonas answered her. Though still able to communicate, there was less enthusiasm than before. Maybe Jonas has other women in mind, so his good opinion of Sagan will be greatly discounted.

The second time, he felt like he had done nothing. Sagan sat playfully on top of Jonas, making her feel comfortable, so she continued to play.

Sagan crouched down next to Jonas and said, "Jonas, would you please stop making such a noise?"

Jonas sighed, "I didn't mean to, it's just that I can't help it, you're so annoying and I'm so angry."

Sagan looked at Jonas, "I'm a little girl, can you let me?"

Sagan gulped, Jonas hurriedly said: "good, I will let you."

Sagan smiled and grabbed Jonas in her arms, and Jonas said hurriedly, "If you do this, will it be clean?"

Sagan said ungraciously, "if you cook for me, can't you say it's not clean?"

"Okay, let's go." Jonas said helplessly.

In the evening, when he returned home, he clicked on his microblog and saw Sun Pepe.

Jonas quickly sent Sagan a message to finish the job, and then there was no news.

Jonas waited a moment and heard a knock at the door, which was answered by Sun Pepper.

Although Sun Pepe was wearing a thick padded jacket, Jonas's heart was pounding. She asked Jonas, "Can I come in?"

Jonas pictured it, then said, "Okay, come in and have a seat!"

Back in the bedroom, Jonas sat Sun Pei down on her bed and poured her a glass of water.

Sun Pei Pei asked Jonas about Sagan. Jonas can only tell the truth, she and Sagan have made up.

Sun Pei thought for a moment and said to Jonas, "Well, good luck."

Jonas looked dejected, "That's all."

"What do you want me to say?" wondered Sun Pepe.

Jonas said: "It's okay, I remember, you have a popular movie. Do you want to join us?"

Sun Pepper flatly refused, "This is not good, you go with your girlfriend, I have to go. We will play cards later, bye."

Jonas was not happy after Sun Pepe left. Sun Pepper seemed to give him the cold shoulder and seemed angry. Alas, everything has a cause and effect. It seems that oneself and Sun Pei Pei fate, is not deep enough!

Jonas was still agonizing over her relationship with Sagan, but she was thinking about the longer term. Honestly, Jonas wasn't ready to marry another woman just yet, especially Sagan. Her mind, however, was so meticulous that Jonas cringed.

What worried Jonas the most were Sagan's parents, although she had never asked Jonas for anything like that.

But after a few words of argument between Sagan and Jonas, Sagan asked when she was going to see her parents. Jonas had been stalling for time, but Sagan had been looking for Jonas, and Jonas had no choice but to stiffen up and say they would meet soon.

Sagan's parents, when Jonas, should be more temperamental than other elders. Jonas was also well prepared, buying many things they liked from abroad and even sending a bunch of flowers to Sagan's mother.

After all, a lot of money had been spent, and Jonas was now anxious that they might make a scene here.

On Sunday, Jonas decided to take a bus to Sagan's house and keep a low profile. After all, the car was borrowed, and if they kept asking about J, it wouldn't end well for him.

When we got to the city, we found a lot of salespeople working there. It seemed like a better place than kiosk nine. But the house prices here Jonas will never be able to afford.

At Sagan's house, Sagan opened the door to Jonas, who saw a beautiful woman in her fifties chatting with Sagan, and on the couch, a man in his fifties with a sullen, upper-class air that made Jonas lose his momentum in an instant.

"Jonas, hello Jonas." Sagan's mother asked.

Jonas was sweating profusely, and of all the parents he knew in J, she had the best temperament to handle even her boyfriend.

Jonas hesitated, but Sagan reminded him, "Hello, I'm your daughter's boyfriend."

Sagan's mother smiled back, "Go inside and don't wait outside."

When he got home and gave Sagan's mother a present, the old man said, "Go sit on the couch for a while, there's still some time, let's go get some coffee."

Jonas felt that the man must have a lot to tell him, and he couldn't wait to leave now.

Jonas had nothing against his girlfriends, but every time she saw them, she felt like she owed them hundreds of millions, but they never asked for her.