
Most miraculously of all, he and Sun Pepe took their seats and then didn't move. Sun Pepper watched carefully, and Jonas dozed.

By the time Jonas woke up, the movie was almost done. It was close to midnight when they came out of the cinema.

It was late at night, and Sun Pepper was barely dressed and looking a little cold.

Jonas scooped Sun Pei into his arms and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Sun Pepper looked up at Jonas and said, "I'm fine, thank you, I'll be fine."

J: "Come on, let's take a taxi."

"No, I don't want to go home so early," Sun Pei begged.

Jonas felt that Sun Pepe was so cold that he would not go home to accompany himself, which made Jonas very moved.

Jonas took off his coat and draped it over Sun Pepper. Soon, though, he felt chills all over his body, and Sun Pepper gave Jonas a warm smile. Jonas couldn't ask for his coat again, so he forced himself to say, "It'll be cold tomorrow at the worst!"

They walked for a while. Jonas felt a little cold. Sun Pepe thought carefully, found and returned the clothes to Jonas.

But Jonas looked disgusted: "I'm not cold, you can't send me, I want to be shirtless."

"J, are you going to be okay, I'm afraid you're going to get sick?" asked Sun Pei worriedly.

Jonas wept, "I am still shirtless in this cold!"

Jonas said, and a big sneeze erupted.

Looking about to be frozen to death, Jonas finally found the savior!

Jonas quickly grabbed Sun Pepper and followed her inside.

The temperature of the canteen is very high, Jonas's spirit is also much better. Once seated, Sun Pei Pei ordered Jonas a cup of hot coffee.

Sun Pei looked at Jonas, "Jonas, are you cold? I want you to put it on, but you won't."

Jonas quivered, "Nothing, nothing."

Sun Peipei took Jonas's hand, "Your hand is so cold, let me rub it for you."

Jonas thanked her sincerely, "Thank you, if only my ex-girlfriend had been as thoughtful as you."

"Was Sagan too bad for you?" Sun Pepper asked.

Jonas looked at Sun Pei, "She's fine, she just doesn't feel good for some reason."

Sun Pei Pei blushed and lowered her head, but kept her hand on J's, much to J's surprise.

That night, the two talked yellowishly as they ate. Jonas and Sun Pei didn't take it too far, but they both knew it was a step away. With a little more effort, they could move from a good relationship to a loving one.

Jonas and Sun Pei's relationship has stabilized since the last scene. But Jonas can't love so quickly. Sun Pepe is a beautiful woman. How can you go after Jonas? But neither laid a hand on the other, for they both sensed the mystery in the other.

Jonas ignored Sagan, and she ignored Jonas. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a cold war.

Although it was a breakup, Sagan had to ask Jonas to intercede with her, as was customary, so she could forgive Jonas. But Jonas didn't know why, he wanted to go to Sagan, but he didn't want to go to her so soon, so he decided to put it off.

Half a month had passed, Jonas did not come, Sagan seemed anxious, she did not go to Jonas, but was thinking of a way to save the country!

After work, a faint aroma wafted from J's room, a rare smell. Jonas fixed his eyes and saw a familiar and unfamiliar face in front of his eyes. It was the beautiful snow of Natalie Palace.

"J, can we talk?" Natalie asked, looking at Jonas.

Jonas blurted, "Since you're here to tip someone off, let's cut the crap and talk about what's going on.

"I want to talk to you about something and we should go somewhere and sit down," Natalie said.

The two sat down at a restaurant not far away, drank wine and started chatting.

Natalie looked at Jonas: "Jonas, how can you and Sagan together? Do not want to do, just want to escape."

Jonas suddenly realized, "We've all broken up, what else are we talking about?"

"Break up. Sagan has done so much for you, but you want to break up with her. How unfair is it? You cheated on her, let her open the land. You are still human?" said Natalie angrily.

Jonas said sourly, "Why tell you."

Natalie continued, "Jonas, Sagan really likes you, she's losing her mind. You go apologize to her."

Jonas shrugged, "It can't just go away, I'm poor and I don't have a house."

Natalie thought for a moment and said, "I can lend you some money to help you with a business and a down payment."

Jonas said lamely, "that is not possible, we are not very familiar."

Natalie looked at Jonas and said faintly, "I'm not helping you, I'm just helping a friend of mine. Please think again, are you a person or an animal? How can you treat a girl like Sagan Si-qin? If you have any emotions, think about it!"

After Natalie left, Jonas also felt his own impropriety. Sagan and himself together, in order to open up the land, this and the beast. What is the difference?

Back home, Jonas and Stig had a drink and told Jonas about their troubles. Stig looked to Jonas and said, "Brother, you listen to me and make peace with Sagan. She's rich, she's beautiful, and most of all, she likes you. It's not easy. If you marry her, it won't hurt Bailey and her parents, it'll be better. When you get married and have children, are you stupid to divorce her?"

Jonas couldn't take it. He said, "Wouldn't that be too much?

Stig stopped laughing, "A big man is a man who knows himself, and if he can't solve this little thing, what about family?"

The next day, after Jonas returned to the company, he pondered for a moment, then said to Sagan: "I have something I need to discuss with you."

Sagan glanced at Jonas, "I don't want to talk to you!"

Jonas wanted to speak to Sagan, but Jonas refused.

Sagan seemed genuinely angry, and this time it was more ominous.