Growing Misunderstandings

"Very interesting." Jonas said.

Cecilia continued, "Who are you playing with?"

J's mind raced, counting down the seconds.

If Jonas were with Cayce, Cecilia would not be happy. If she told Cecilia that she was with a man and that she was lying, Cecilia would be angry.

Jonas thought for a moment and said to Cecilia, "Stay with your girlfriend."

"Really, you're happy?" envied Cecilia.

Jonas quickly explained, "But we had a fight."

"What's wrong with you?" Cecilia asked hurriedly.

Jonas feigned anguish, "I'm fine, but I really like her, I just didn't think she'd leave."

Cecilia quickly took out a tissue and handed it to Jonas, then said to Jonas: "Jonas, this is love, you should be optimistic."

Cecilia said, also patted Jonas's shoulder, Jonas felt that Mo's body should be the best.

Cecilia soothed Jonas and let him go. Cayce Si-si handed Jonas the biscuits, "Jonas, my treat."

Jonas asked Cayce, "How do these sticky rice balls taste?"

"It was delicious," Cayce said, "and I saved some for my parents, saying you bought it."

Jonas looked perplexed, "Fine then."

Cayce said quickly, "They all thank you so much for letting me take you home for dinner."

J: "I'll tell you later."

Cayce's parents invited Jonas to their home for dinner, presumably because of the relationship between Jonas and Cayce.

He had always suppressed his desire for Cayce and maintained a pure friendship with her. Once he showed his nasty side, his friendship with Cayce would evaporate, and it wouldn't end well.

After more than an hour of busyness, Jonas found Cecilia and asked him some questions about his work.

When he got to the office, he saw Ceciliaxi with his arms folded over his chest, looking very uncomfortable.

Jonas and Cecilia said hello, rushed to Cayce in front of: "Is there any brown sugar?"

Cayce asked, "I have it here, is there a problem?"

"Thank you very much." Jonas spoke quickly.

He asked for a cup of brown sugar and was verbally teased by Nana. Jonas took the brown sugar and immediately went to the tea room, made a cup of warm water and took it to Cecilia's office.

Jonas poured Cecilia a glass, then asked Jonas, "Jonas, what is wrong with you?"

"Sissy, you're not well, drink it and you'll be fine." Jonas said gently to Cecilia.

Cecilia stared at Jonas for a while, then looked at Jonas, "Jonas, thank you."

Jonas answered and turned to leave, just then Cecilia looked at Jonas, "Jonas!"

When Jonas looked back, Cecilia's eyes fell on him again, and she said, "Thank you Jonas!"

As Jonas left, he wondered how exactly Cecilia had thanked him. After ruling out Parkinson's, Cecilia's sole purpose was to make a flower grow for his remaining women.

Over lunch he chatted with Cayce, and as soon as he arrived at the office, a gust of wind caught his eye.

Jonas looked stunned, "I'm going to die, that rock fell into the water."

Cayce sneered, "Sand at best, how can it be stone?"

Jonas said bitterly, "My heart is broken, my stones are broken, and my eyes are closed."

Cayce quickly soothed, "J, calm down and I'll blow you a breath.

Cayce walked to Jonas's side and breathed softly into Jonas's eyes. Jonas opened his eyes, clear ones staring back at him. Jonas couldn't contain himself any longer and warmed to her, even to her.

"Jonas, what!"

Jonas turned and saw Sun Peipei.

Sun Peiper ran up to Cayce and slapped her across the face, and she snapped, "Cheeky mistress, you hook up with someone else's boyfriend, every man in the world dies!"

Jonas watched Cayce get slapped and raged, "You crazy man, even Cayce dared to hit you."

Jonas shoved Sun Peipei, who nearly fell.

"Are you okay?" said Jonas as he helped Cayce wipe the tears from his face.

Instead, Cayce shook his head, "It's okay, J, don't hurt you because of me."

"Jonas, you just become Chen Shimei, you dare to attack me because of your new lover!" interrupted Sun Peipei.

Jonas hastened to persuade: "Sun Peipei, when will you recover a bit? I have nothing with her. If you do this, I will not be happy!"

"Jonas, I just want to know when you're going to get out of this place, disown this woman, and come with me," Sun Peipei asked stubbornly.

Jonas looked at her seriously, "I will not leave you, and I will not abandon my best friend because of you!"

"Don't say that. If you don't leave, I'm not going to make peace with you, let's go," Sun Peipei said sourly.

Jonas huffed back, "Okay, you're right, let's go!"

Sun Peipei was shaking with anger as she looked at Jonas: "Jonas, are you sure you want to leave me? Do you have any conscience, who made you eat, drink and spend money these days?"

Jonas pulled out a bill and handed it to her, "This is yours. If not, I will give it to you."

Sun Peipei tossed the bill to the ground, "No, I'll be your ingrate, and I'll never see you again."

Sun Peipei said and turned away, not even looking at her, as if Jonas was about to fall out of love again.

Jonas crouched on the ground, feeling a little down. Cayce looked at Jonas and asked, "J, are you okay?"

J: "It's okay, just give me a break."

Emotional failure made Jonas's work even more successful. One connected several large orders, Cecilia this just in front of everyone, held a meeting, praised Jonas.

Cecilia and Jonas looked at each other and seemed to understand each other. Jonas wanted to chase her, and she certainly wouldn't say no.