Battle Conference

"You're going to buy me a branded bag, too, understand?" said Rose.

Jonas: "Okay, let's continue!"

Rose looked at him in surprise, "Not again, are you too tired?"

Jonas asked, "Do you want a bag?"

Rose answered quickly, "Yes."

The next day, Cayce took Jonas aside and said, "I think our manager is going to have a meeting today and he's going to tell us off."

Jonas looked incredulous, "Seriously, you want to scold me?"

Cayce looked over at Jonas, "We've got a lot of people who haven't done their jobs in our performance reviews, so..."

Jonas was a little worried, "I'm doing okay at work, you think I'm going to get involved?"

Cayce hesitated and said, "I don't know, but it should have been."

Jonas sighed, "Oh, is she full of shit?"

"Cecilia is a good man, but he is also our immediate superior, so you should learn to reprimand us," Cayce said with relief.

Jonas looked at Cayce, "If you're a manager, I can do whatever I want."

Cayce chuckled and said, "What, you think I'm easy to bully? If I were you, I'd beat you down first."

Jonas said sourly, "are you trying to deal with me? Huh, who's your friend?"

"We have a meeting and we need to get home," Cayce said quickly.

Once in the conference room, everyone looked worried. Cecilia came over with a cup of espresso and started a war of words as soon as he was seated.

A little over an hour later, the meeting was over and everyone was given a dressing down. Jonas wondered if it was because of Jonas's forgetfulness that he had forgotten if Cecilia had scolded her. She looked at Jonas and swore, but didn't.

Nana called Jonas and asked him to sit in Cecilia's office.

"Jonas, have a seat." Cecilia came in and said to Jonas.

As soon as Jonas sat down, Cecilia's phone rang. As soon as she got through, she swore. Its cruelty chills even Jonas. Jonas didn't think he'd want the baby, even for a million dollars.

After hanging up the phone, Cecilia's expression changed, and she was very affectionate toward Jonas: "Jonas, you have been doing very well this time, you smell like Cayce."

Jonas immediately replied, "Thanks to the manager."

Cecilia reminds me of a sentence, "You are also a hard worker. But do not relax, study hard, understand?"

'Got it. ' Jonas replied seriously.

Cecilia put his baggage away, "Don't forget you're coming to my house tomorrow."

Jonas asked, "Why, leave?"

Cecilia nodded. If you and Cayce want to learn more, if you don't understand, you can go to Lao Chen."

Jonas said hurriedly, "Well, watch yourself."

Cecilia looked at Jonas and thought for a moment.

After Cecilia left, Jonas asked Cayce about Cecilia.

Cayce looked over at Jonas, "Cecilia is very beautiful, but she is so domineering that any man can't stand her. Cecilia is still unmarried and we don't have many male colleagues, not even a young man.

Lao Chen was a wily old fellow, and Lao Hai was notoriously good-natured, and neither of them were ordinary men. After all, a slightly bloodied man would argue with Cecilia, against her. But in the end, it was either Cecilia who transformed it, or she drove it away."

Jonas looked blank, "What happened?"

Cayce glanced at Jonas, "Good little eunuch."

Jonas swallowed, "I will become a eunuch if I keep this up."

Cayce smiled, "Interesting, keep your voice down so I can hear."

"Ching, would you like some soup tonight?" Jonas asked.

Cayce beamed, "He looks a lot like eunuch Jonas."

Cayce held the cup and Jonas thought about what Cecilia had done and felt that Cecilia was very different from what Cayce had described. Cecilia poetry may be because of a moment of stoicism, or because of the Jonas thing. Anyway, Jonas is safe for now. As for what happens after that, it depends.

After work, Jonas called Rose and told her to wait at the hotel while he went to Pizza Hut to get something to eat.

Jonas brought the food to the hotel, and Rose was watching TV.

No nonsense, after a heated argument, Jonas's fight broke out.

A game by game, two people eating and talking.

Jonas continued to brag about how good he was in the company. Chow frowned and said nothing as Chow asked Jonas to meet her parents and announce that they were together.

I don't know if it's because of Jonas's age or because of Jonas. Once or twice, anyway. No more, no more, and you'll be sweating profusely.

Jonas sent Thian to his quarters. There had been a lot going on lately and he needed to rethink.

Jonas went to bed and thought of his old girlfriend, his current girlfriend, and his future. Jonas had always had the attitude of a bystander, and none of them Jonas deserved his protection for the rest of his life.

The next day, Jonas got up early, put on a little makeup, and went to the promenade.

After a while, Jonas received a call from Cecilia: "Jonas, I am already up. I need to make some preparations. You want to come over for dinner?"

Jonas asked, "Am I in trouble here?"

"It's okay, isn't it difficult?" asked Cecilia.

Jonas didn't know why Cecilia wanted him to come twice, but Jonas was sure Cecilia really wanted him to come to his house.

When he got home, Cecilia seemed to be sorting out his clothes, and instead of greeting Jonas, he left her in the living room sipping coffee and cake.

As Jonas ate, he surveyed the house in front of him, which appeared to have two bedrooms, a living room, and was quite large.

After a long time, Cecilia finally came out. It seems that women take a long time to make up, especially older women.