Spiritual Victory Act

Jonas smiled nonchalantly, "I don't want an old man driving such a nice car."

Cecilia's father said: "OK, I do not want to pay a large sum of money, you want what you want! As long as you let Cecilia, you can do whatever you want, no one dare to fight you again!"

Jonas refused, "I'm not good enough for you."

Cecilia's mother also opened up: "It's really worrying that my daughter is so old and making so much noise. Also, we see you're fine and want you to go back. We're our own people. We have some stocks and bonds at home. Oh yeah, we have some antiques here, Jingdezhen china. You saw that before. It's just a small part of it. We have other things."

Jonas quickly interrupted him: "stop, I'm not looking for you, I'm here to have a relationship with Cecilia. If you think you can exchange money for affection, you are mistaken."

"Jonas, your family is in very bad condition," Cecilia's father said. "If you can stay with Cecilia, your life will be better and you will think about our children and grandchildren, won't you?"

Jonas said firmly, "I can forgive the others, but I will never make you feel better."

Cecilia's father said: "Do you want to think about, is my suggestion too much?"

"It would have been tempting before," Jonas said sourly, "but now I feel sick!"

Cecilia's father sighed, "Oh, Cecilia will never be married in his life. This girl is usually very clever. never thought she would be so stupid when she came across something so important."

Jonas sighed, "It's not your fault, it's mine."

He looked at Jonas and asked, "What are your obligations?"

Jonas reflected: "First, I shouldn't have let her go. Second, I didn't get to be with her after I let her go. Also, I used to be a philanderer. Cecilia lived with other men. It's a causal cycle. It's a causal cycle. Haha."

Jonas wasn't sure how they left. When Jonas came home, he was all bad.

Maybe this is his own retribution, he is very difficult to be with a woman, Jonas this life, his luck is really bad, the stock market met the economic crisis, work in this kind of shitless place, and now finally to get married, but still nothing, it seems, it is necessary to go back for food.

Jonas played the game all night and didn't go to bed until after one.

Just as she was wondering if she wanted to play a game or write a novel, her phone rang.

It was Cecilia, Jonas hesitated, or connected the call.

"Jonas." Cecilia said to Jonas.

Jonas snorted coldly, "Why?"

"I'm sorry, you're framing me," Cecilia said softly.

J: "stop! Stop saying such contradictory things! Are you apologizing or are you being set up? Can you just say so?"

"I'm innocent, not what you think," Cecilia quickly pled.

Jonas sneered, "You still want to deny it?"

Cecilia still does not die, "I have nothing with him, is just a friend."

Jonas said lightly, "former colleagues, now friends. Will it be our cousin, will it be qiongyao opera?"

"I was wrong, spare me," Cecilia begged bitterly.

Jonas looked at her, "If the ancients want to apologize, they will kill themselves. Do you have sincerity?"

Cecilia begged, "Are you sure?

Jonas said lightly, "You can toss and turn all you want, but I won't believe you again."

Cecilia burst into tears, "Jonas, you are so heartless, I still like you!"

Jonas laughed, "Really?"

Cecilia was scared out of his wits. "Don't laugh at me, it's too scary. Why are you so scary?"

Jonas looked at her hatefully, "I like you, I like you, I hate you."

"How can you forgive me?" asked Cecilia in a pleading voice.

Jonas said lightly, "If I may say so, would you agree?"

Cecilia looked expectant, "What do you want?"

Jonas gritted his teeth and said, "I can let bygones be bygones now that you admit you did something wrong and promise you won't do it again, because you can come clean about your infidelity, and then I can stay with you, and I'll be disgusted if you keep denying it!"

"This way." Cecilia hesitated.

Jonas made an instant decision, "I'll give you two minutes to think this through."

"Okay, let's see!" Cecilia said hurriedly.

Jonas looked stunned, "You had an affair with that man?"

'I'm sorry. ' Cecilia was silent for a long moment before he spoke.

Jonas asked coldly, "Is there?"

"is." Cecilia mused for a moment.

Jonas said emphatically, "Well, our feud is over!"

Cecilia looked puzzled, "You just said you want to forgive me, now you want to break up with me?"

Jonas looked at her sadly, "I lied to you! How else am I going to get anything out of you? If you're dead set, I'll be suspicious. Maybe you're innocent and we can spend more time together. Now that you've admitted it, it's non-negotiable. Once you're caught, you're a criminal and there's no chance!"

Cecilia looked helpless, "Why do you do that, you know, I just want you to be with me."

Jonas finally spoke, "I'm sorry, you're useless, you should have known this would happen, and once you say yes, that's the end for you and me!"

"Jonas, J." Cecilia still said in a pleading tone.

Jonas swallowed hard and said, "Don't say it, I'm in a good mood, I'm lucky to have recognized you earlier, I'm lucky, I don't want to be a burden to you, and besides, if I can, we'd better not see each other again, before someone says anything, and if you want to save face, don't come looking for me."

"Jonas, you!" Cecilia's voice trembled.

Jonas said in the end: "I'm fine, you will get better soon, wish you an early family, bye."