Another Girlfriend

Cayce looked worried, "I can't let you, I'm coming with you."

Jonas said hurriedly, "don't come, I'm drunk, I'm horny, you leave quickly."

Cayce thought, but with a stubborn face: "You are welcome, they are our own people, I will help you."

Entering the room, the two stumbled to the bed, only to lose one of their footing and fall both onto the bed.

Cayce sat with his back to J. It felt really good, Jonas hadn't been with a girl in a long time, especially when he was pinned down by Cayce.

Jonas noticed that Cayce, too, looked drunk, her face a little flushed, and her gaze fell on Jonas.

Cayce wondered what he was thinking.

Jonas seemed to have one hand on Cayce's shoulder and the other on J's neck.

Cayce was close enough to Jonas to see the pink and veins on her face. Cayce's breath was like J's. Jonas seemed to catch sight of Cayce's lips and wanted to bite them to pieces before sticking out his tongue.

Jonas wanted to give Cayce's mouth to her.

But Jonas still put up with it. After all, Jonas is very fond of Cayce Si-si. If Cayce Si-si with him, then he will be miserable!

Jonas snapped back to himself just as the two were about to explode. Jonas shoved Cayce aside, and Jonas looked at him, "I'm sorry I hugged you for so long."

Cayce hesitated, or replied, "Are you crazy?"

Jonas immediately apologized, "Sorry, we're friends, I was wrong."

Cayce came over and took Jonas in his arms, "Jonas, think about what you just did."

Jonas thought back, suddenly remembering something.

Jonas wanted to push her away again, but he couldn't help himself at the sight of Cayce's pretty little face. He wrapped his arms around Cayce's head and kissed it.

Cayce seemed reluctant to break free from J's arms, but her strength was not as strong, and Jonas held her close and kissed her for several minutes.

Jonas kissed it before standing up. Jonas forgot about it.

Jonas quickly apologized to Cayce, "I'm sorry.

"Jonas, am I..." Cayce lowered his eyes.

Jonas hastily explained, "Why don't you treat me as my friend and pretend that nothing happened?"

Cayce looked at Jonas, "Okay."

Jonas picked up a glass of boiled water and handed it to Cayce, "You are a good friend of mine and I will cherish it, we will always be friends."

Cayce looked at Jonas, "Jonas, we can be soulmates for life if you want."

Jonas was overjoyed, "That's more like it, hurry back."

Cayce thought reluctantly, "I want to be with you. You're in a concert, just sing."

Jonas said: "Okay, we'll sing here."

"No problem." Cayce nodded.

When Jonas awoke the next day, Cayce was holding his little hand, and Jonas quickly put her down. He glanced at Cayce and saw that she was also sleeping in a way that made him want to go and see her.

Jonas quickly climbed onto the balcony and began to freshen up. By the time he returned, Cayce was awake.

"Good morning J, why am I sleeping here?" Cayce asked J.

Jonas looked at her and smiled, "We did a lot last night."

Cayce looked incredulous, "Really, is that you?"

Jonas laughed, "Just kidding, we're not drinking, we're singing, and if you don't believe me, you can go yourself."

Cayce thought with a sad face, "J, should I compliment you, do you have a phobia of love?"

Jonas said: "I prefer the latter."

"I'm going back to work," Cayce fumed. "My God, my hair is all uncombed and I have to put on new makeup. How am I going to face people from now on?"

Jonas pulled a comb and toiletries from his bag and handed them to Cayce.

Cayce answered, "J, you have many girlfriends."

Jonas sighed, "That was before, never mind."

Cayce was doing her makeup, and Jonas Googled her profile just in time to see a video. Jonas opened a point. Cayce thought, close to Jonas's ear, "Jonas, what are you watching? I think this is an oriental television show, very good. What movie?"

Jonas quickly turned off the video and said to Cayce, "If you don't like it, let's go check it out."

Out of town, a group of neighbors pointed at the two men, "J, look, this is a good girl."

Jonas thought that this bunch of losers, if they didn't say something nice, were looking for death.

Jonas looked at Cayce and thought, "These people are like this, don't mind."

Cayce looked to J, "They think I'm your girlfriend."

Jonas wondered, "Who knows what they think?"

"That's because, look at you." Cayce said somewhat sheepishly.

Jonas fixed his eyes and saw only Jonas and Cayce thinking together.

By the time they got to the office, Cayce had already left, but Jonas looked blank.

As for the relationship between Cayce and Jonas, Jonas is still unclear, it feels like love and friendship. All in all, in the early stages of their relationship, they had done everything and were just waiting for the official announcement. But Jonas always pays attention to a person's stuffy gourd. Cayce did not ask, Jonas would not say naturally.

Li Mingxia called Jonas into her office.

Li Mingxia looked to Jonas, "Jonas, we are together."

Jonas looked puzzled, "You're not looking for a boyfriend are you?"

Li Mingxia smiled, "Cayce?"

Jonas was surprised, "How did you know?"