Multiple Temptations

Natalie looked at Jonas and asked, "Isn't this fun, is this scary?"

"You have the nerve to tell me you haven't opened your eyes since I came down here," Jonas said sourly. "If you're so scared, don't fight!"

Natalie curled her lip and said, "I want to play, okay?"

Jonas replied knowingly, "Fine, you can be my game."

Natalie said sourly, "You think you're human?

Jonas looked serious, "You think I'm kidding you?"

Thankfully, the horses were taking their time, and Jonas was relieved.

It wasn't that Jonas was afraid of death, it was just that he didn't see any point in spending his time on such a diversion.

If he had been allowed to drill for oil in Iraq, in a million years, Jonas would have said yes.

Jonas rolled onto his horse and followed Natalie. Not that either of them was much of a rider, just that neither of them knew how to ride a horse and had to let the horses pull them along.

Natalie said to Jonas:"Jonas, you see, this horse is very slow.

Jonas told her, "I want you to win the next one."

Natalie added, "We're going to the prairie sometime?"

Jonas looked puzzled, "How can we come to the grassland? We can ride horses too."

"You are a good man," Natalie said simply, "except for being mean."

"I'm not mean, I'm just bored," Jonas said hurriedly, "I think I'd rather go on a human journey than a horse ride."

"Honestly, I'm the opposite of you, I prefer nature, especially the islands," Natalie said dismissively.

Jonas asked, "Either Madai or Hawaii."

Natalie smiled and said, "You're smart."

Jonas: "It's a place to spend money, I'm not up to it."

"Jonas, why do you always talk about money? Even if you don't have that kind of money, you don't have to remind yourself all the time."

"That's self-awareness," Jonas replied.

"Aren't you going to change your identity and increase your worth a hundred times over?" ventured Natalie.

Jonas looked glum, "It's not like everyone has money like you."

Natalie smiled and said, "I'm not saying that when you were born, you didn't think about what you could accomplish by always working for someone."

Jonas sighed, "Who doesn't want to work for someone else these days, who can be the boss himself, even less."

Natalie thought for a moment and said seriously to Jonas, "Jonas, I usually take care of my father's accounts and can use some of the funds, if you want, I can lend you a loan to start your own business, don't you think?"

Jonas looked worried, "That's not okay, we're real friends, and it's scary that you're just giving me money."

"I just think it's a shame that you're such a loser living a life with nothing to do," Natalie asked with concern. "You actually have a lot on your mind and don't want to be mediocre. Am I right?"

Jonas thought for a moment and said, "Yeah, me too, but we don't have enough money, just to think."

Natalie added, "How about if I lend you a loan, no interest, as an investment?"

Jonas: "How much?"

Natalie gestured with her finger. Jonas looked at it and asked, "One million?"

Natalie shook her head.

Jonas immediately replied, "Definitely, it's enough to put me in a building here."

Natalie immediately said, "Did you say yes?"

Jonas hesitated and said, "It's important, I can't just let it go, it's not Nuremberg, it's a few hundred dollars, it's not fancy stuff, it's important to get one for one!"

"You must be decisive or you will miss this opportunity, and maybe my money will be used in other ways," Natalie said hurriedly.

Jonas quickly refused, "I'll let it go first, this is so sudden, I don't even know what to do. Even if I win the lottery, I'll take my time."

Natalie wanted to say something, but saw the two of them walking in a circle with the help of the staff.

Natalie came out of the stable, took Jonas by the hand, and said to her, "Jonas, shall we row together?"

Before money, now beauty, how can you bear it?

Jonas grinned and looked at Natalie. "

When you say rowing, it's actually electric, but the atmosphere is great.

Natalie got on the boat and put her hand on Jonas's shoulder. As soon as Jonas took the stage, Natalie pulled Jonas along, looking like they were on a date.

Natalie came up beside Jonas and said, "Jonas.

"why." Jonas asked doubtfully.

Natalie smiled, "What game are you playing?"

Jonas looked speechless, "If you call me that, that's all I can say."

Natalie sighed, "I never thought I'd be sitting in a boat with you."

Jonas followed suit, "Me too, we were never meant to be."

Natalie said sweetly, "It's all your fault for making me so angry, why are you so annoying and trying to mess with me?"

Jonas retorted, "I didn't mean to offend you, you made me angry."

Natalie smiled and said, "Well, let's talk about the future.

"I thought about it," Jonas said firmly, "and if I did, I'd owe you, and I don't want to."

Natalie said hurriedly, "Jonas, don't be so polite.

Jonas straightened, "Even if you are a good friend, you can't do that, you have money, it's none of my business."

Natalie looked helpless, "I don't know how you sound like such a poor soul."

Jonas looked defiant, "Yes, I really don't have that kind of money, but that doesn't mean I can do anything."

"Yes, you have courage, I admire you!" exclaimed Natalie.

Jonas was humble, "Don't envy me, I'm just stating the facts."