Ex-Girlfriend Party

"No problem, but I don't think it's that simple," Natalie said lightly.

Jonas said: "Come on, hurry up."

At an upscale Western restaurant, Jonas ordered two dishes and paid hundreds of dollars, which he had spent for more than a month.

Natalie enjoyed her meal. Jonas joined in the laughter, "Well?"

"Yeah, it tastes good." Natalie nodded.

"I can give it to you every day if you want." Jonas said.

"Jonas, when did you become so thoughtful?" Natalie blushed prettily.

"I've always been thoughtful." Jonas took Natalie's hand.

"Have you thought about it?"Natalie asked.

Jonas laughed, "So do I."

Natalie immediately understood, "I see, that's why you're here."

Jonas immediately replied, "It's not just that, I want you to be happy.

Natalie looked at Jonas, "It's okay, I'm not in as much of a hurry as you."

Jonas cut to the chase, "If you don't want to, we can talk some other time."

Natalie took Jonas's hand and looked at him expectantly, "Yes."

Jonas asked, "What's good?"

"Today will do." Natalie murmured.

"What can I do?" asked Jonas in mock disbelief.

Natalie nodded, "Then we can't go to the hotel, your house is poorly soundproofed and I can hear the uncle next door watching the yellow tape."

Jonas quickly agreed. "..."

Back at the hotel, Jonas took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then waited in the hotel for Natalie.

But Natalie seemed to be demanding, and she had to get Jonas to take a shower before he did.

Jonas lay on the bed and looked at Natalie:"Can you do me a favor?"

"no." Natalie looked at Jonas.

Jonas looked helpless, "What is wrong with you, he will do many things."

"It's my business, I can't do it," Natalie said proudly.

Jonas stood up and pointed to the shins of Guidekomi.

Natalie kissed him and said, "It's sticky, it hurts."

Jonas looked morose, "Uh, no?"

"It's already great that you got Momo, don't go too far," Natalie said, unamused.

Jonas asked, "What are we going to do now?"

"Take your time, you don't want to change a pair of pants every month, do you?"

J: "Okay, I won't be so violent. I'll talk to you and give you a hug."

"Well, it's fine." Natalie said.

After more than half an hour of chatting with Natalie, Jonas finally spoke. It had only been eight minutes since J, probably from too much excitement.

He was like a pig on a ginseng, and he didn't feel much. As for Natalie, she wouldn't let Jonas go, and it was too bad Jonas hadn't tasted her yet.

Monday was another long, boring week. Li Mingxia is also very interested in Jonas, and the monotony of life in Jonas has become interesting.

Li Mingxia said to Jonas after work, "Come, I have something to tell you."

Reaching Li Mingxia's office, Jonas was about to talk to her and say some obscene things when suddenly, Jonas found a person who shouldn't be there. It was Cecilia.

"J, it's been a long time." Cecilia said to Jonas.

"why." Jonas asked.

Cecilia looked to Jonas, "My novel is almost finished, all my girlfriends are going to appear together."

Jonas looked helpless, "Can't you be a little professional?"

Cecilia smiled, "Okay, I'll be more professional."

Cecilia thought for a moment and asked Jonas, "Jonas, can we borrow a step?"

"Sorry, I'm going out with my girlfriend, bye." Jonas replied flatly.

Jonas turned to leave, not sure what to make of his entanglement with her.

When Jonas returned home, he told Natalie about the incident, and then said to Jonas, "It is strange, we have all been separated, why contact again?"

Jonas face helpless: "the ghost just knows, this group of women are psychopaths, good feelings do not cherish. Wait until the other side has a new life, will cling to."

"I'm not that kind of person, anyway," Natalie said firmly.

Jonas sighed, "So do I."

The next day, when he went downstairs with Cayce, Ceciliashi had returned.

Jonas left Cecilia with Cayce Si and went to a cheap noodle shop.

"J, we haven't seen each other in a long time." J's cell phone rang.

Jonas set his eyes and saw that it was Sagan!

Jonas wondered, "Why are you here too?"

Sagan looked to Jonas, "Cayce, can you let me talk to Jonas?"

Cayce asked with some concern, "What are you doing, not too much."

Sagan reassured, "Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid for him."

Cayce nodded and turned to leave. Sagan looked at Jonas. "Jonas, we have a new employee," she said.

Jonas looked stunned, "What's so special?"

"We have a boyfriend."

Jonas looked up and saw that it was Cecilia. Cecilia sat next to Jonas, "Jonas, I talked to Sagan Siqian for so long, can't just forget it?"

Jonas looked stunned, "What are you doing?"

Sagan looked to Jonas, "Jonas, we need to talk to you."

"Talk about what?" Jonas asked coldly.

"It's about love," Sagan said bluntly.

"I have a girlfriend." Jonas answered quickly.

Sagan sneered, "Sun Pepe, Ouyang Xiu, and that bitch Song Yuyan, all for you."

Jonas looked helpless, "Why do you care so much about me?"

Sagan took Jonas 's hand, "I never left you.