New brothers and more improvement

<1 year 6 months timeskip, Jai is 3.5 years old>

Last year was awesome. After Tsuru-san's donation we got proper food. She even sent money this year. If she maintains her yearly donations, it will not be difficult to sustain this orphanage.

Other than building my body physically like I did earlier, this time I started meditating and feeling every part of my body. I wanted to try seimei kikan. I kept doing it again. I had no idea to proceed but I had to try ways I could think of, fan theories, ideas from fan fictions, anything that can work.

Eventually, I started having success and one day I just digested my entire dinner just after eating. I never tried digesting my entire food after that. We did not have a scarcity of food but even with Tsuru-san's donations, affording another 10 people's food daily will be difficult.

I must say physically I am very strong. Strongest among the children, and by a decent margin. The oldest among us Santiago-ni was only 10 years old now. If I am making an assusmption, I am as strong as a teenager.

Along with my intelligence and my previous life's knowledge, everything that was taught as "school curriculum" was very easy to me. Surprisingly laws of physics, biology, chemistry etc are still the same, considering anime logic. Devil fruits most likely ignore such laws, but Usopp pulling out his "10 ton" hammer, or Garp's huge ass cannon ball which bigger than the marine ship were pulled out of nowhere clearly.

The information exclusive to this world like history, geography, etc was a bit more difficult but it was not much. I had genuine curiousity to learn them.

Grandmas had nothing more to teach me. They could definitely teach me combat or navigation skills but they didn't choose to do it.

They even started treating me like some 10-year-old child, given my both physical and mental maturity.

Wolf too visited us once, and we all had a chat with him. He was impressed by my knowledge and intellect. I deliberately impressed him since he is an inventor. I wanted to work with him as well.

Once I was 3 years old, I met asked grandmas' permission to work with Wolf and earn some extra money and learn new things. They were hesitant but agreed none the less. They knew about Wolf's past but also knew his present.

I helped wolf a lot. In my past life, even though I was not an inventor but I knew the basic working mechanisms of many machines, and the general science behind it.

Wolf was a former pirate too, and he didn't exactly hide his strength. I also had spars with him. And that improved me a lot. I still could not even force Wolf to exert himself.

I even trained marksmanship under him. He had his own rifle which was of the highest quality, but also other flintlock guns and pistols. I obviously trained in the flintlock pistols, while holding them as rifles, since, for my small body, pistols seemed like rifles.

The reason for using flintlock pistols was simple, they used round bullets and those bullets had no shells, so after running out of it, all I had to do was pick them up and use them again.

Gunpowder was the only resource that was consumed but compared to earth, gunpowders here have much higher performance. Only 1 cm^3 (cubic centimeter or cc) amount of gunpowder could last 1000 shots. No wonder Izo was able to fire so many bullets.

Wolf also taught me swimming since he was not a devil fruit user unlike grandmas. I knew swimming, but the adults will not let me jump into the sea unsupervised. Not everyone were as reckless as Garp.

I actually had a thought. With the grandmas present, how could Wolf's son use his devil fruit to take over the pleasure town. Anyone of them could have taken care of those pirates all alone, and they will definitely not hide their strength in such important matters.

I also learnt fishing this last year, allowing me to catch more food. It was not enough for my appetite, but, still the more the better.

Today we are fishing. It is a relaxing activity. I was accompanied by a few brothers and sisters from my orphanage. We were talking, chatting and laughing. The location we chose was definitely not the main port but a small cliff. The water was slightly deep here, and had more fish, but there are no dangerous creatures, at least none were seen thus far.

When we looked into the horizon we saw a small boat and something on that boat. It was far so we could not make out what it was. But eventually a huge wave wave decended on it and the boat flipped.

But I noticed something moving near the boat. Concentrating on the figure, I was sure it was some person. Without hesitation, I threw my fishing rod away and jumped into the sea. I started swimming towards the person.

Once I reached there, I didn't see anyone on the surface. I knew what had happened and dived underwater. I saw two small figures drowning. Without hesitation I swam towards them and pulled them up. They had lost consciousness. Getting them to shore with their heads above the water while swimming the entire distance was difficult. I am strong and I have stamina, but that is considering my age. Even if I am as strong as a teenager, any average teenager could not nesessarily pull off the same thing.

I focused on keeping their heads up and swim at a slow pace. But God was gracious, eventually 2 red and blue bird like beings decended and flew us to the shore. I was not scared of them. With my [observe] skill I used earlier I knew who they were.

Putting us on the shore, they transformed back. The children were shocked, I had stars in my eyes and looked at them with awe. At least that's how I acted. They both started to do the nesessary actions to get the water out of the children.

Once they realized it was safe, Dorothea came up to me and slapped me. It shocked me since Catherine was the one who specialized in fist of love, Dorothea liked using words. What happened next was something I didn't expect. She started weeping and hugged me.

"Do you know how much you worry us, you little brat? How come you don't do something that does not invlove risking your life? Do you never even think of us?"

I started feeling bad now for real. I had my quest of power but that doesn't mean I should stress them out. They are my benefactors and old ladies.

"I am sorry baa-san. I just could not see them drown like that, knowing that I could save them. And I jumped without thinking of anything."

Dorothea sighed. She understood the sentiment. She still hugged me tightly.

We got the boys inside the orphanage. There was also a discussion regarding the old ladies' transformation but the ladies just said that they consumed the devil fruits when they were young. There was also a discussion around devil fruits in general, and every kid now seems to want one.

<6 hours later>

The boys gained consciousness. They were very sad. We also noticed the younger of the two had no pupils, meaning he was blind. We asked them about themselves.

"Hello, my name is Thor and this is my brother Hodur"

I was shocked. Are they not from the Norse mythology? I immediately used observe on them


Name: Thor

Personality: immature, stubborn, caring, reckless, proud

Talents: Hammer weilding[SSS], Armament Haki[SS], Observation Haki[S], Conqueror Haki[SS], Leadership[SS]



Name: Hodur

Personality: Stubborn, caring, responsible, mature, humble

Talents: Spear weilding[SS], Archery[A], Armament Haki[S], Observation Haki[SSS], Conqueror Haki[SS], Leadership[SS],


Now that is called potential. If they did not die in the original, they would probably be one of the supernovas. Thanks to my interference that they survived. But let's hear them out.

"We are the sons of Odin, from Valhalla merchant group."

Another bomb was dropped. This group was very famous. They dealt with transportation of goods across the seas. They were famous, and successful because of they provided protection from pirates better than any other group. It was started by Odin and Loki, both brothers.

Pirates infact used to run away when they spotted any of the Valhalla's ships.

"Recently our family was attacked multiple times. Father and our guards are strong so we survived"

"I heard my parents discussing once that it was probably my uncle Loki. But there was no proof of that"

"Next we got an important contract so father had to personally board the ship. He didn't leave us at home this time, so both of us with our mother tagged along"

"But this time we were attacked by a pirate ship. But after looking at the pirates, my father asked us to get on a small boat and escape. We protested but our mother dragged us onto the small boat and left. She was crying a lot"

"My father was not afraid of pirates so I didn't understand why he asked us to run, but once we saw the fight between them, I understood why he did that."

"No matter how many times the enemy captain was attacked, his body turned into vapor and reformed"

"Some of the pirates then shot us, when the enemy pirate captain and his lackeys were holding back my father and his subordinates"

The brothers started crying and Thor continued

"Mother saved us from the bullets with her own body. She died soon after that."

"We had no choice but to keep rowing the boat"

"Later I saw an Island and started moving to that direction, but a huge wave collapsed our boat"

"We don't know swimming so we started drowning, I tried my best to stay a float but we could not do anything"

"Next I know we woke up here. Thank you very much for saving me and my brother."

We all had solemn look on our faces. Some of us weeping. Both of the brothers were very sad. The younger one looked 2 years old, but he still seemed to understand the tragedy. Dorothea first hugged Thor and Catherine hugged Hodur.

It was already dark by then so we just moved to shore, and closed our eyes to pray for them. This is how the we bid the final farewell in this world when people die in the sea and there is no dead body.

All of us were sad, but after the kids slept, I had to talk with Catherine in private.

"Catherine, I think we should do what you said."

"Yes nee-chan, he will always get into trouble. The best way is to train him. Atleast he has a better shot to survive that way."

"But how shall we train him? We cannot say anything about our past to him, not for now."

"Shall we say something like we learnt it in a dojo or something when we were young? He doesn't know how strong an average adult is so it should be ok. Wolf is after all above average."

"Hmm that is a good idea. By the time he realizes that it makes no sense, he will be mature enough to know our true past"

"Shall we start it from tomorrow nee-chan?"

"Yes, best not to delay any longer"

"Nee-chan, we must also keep the existence of Thor and Hodur a secret. If that logia user comes after them, it might blow our cover"

"Hmm... Which fruit do you think it is?"

"It can be Smoke-Smoke fruit, Gas-Gas fruit or the Mist-Mist fruit"

"They do not have an elemental weakness as far as I know. We will have to expose our haki then."

Even though it was a sad day, we slept.

Next morning at 4 am, I suddenly woke up when Catherine-baa-san threw me on the ground outside. It took me a while to realize what was going on since I was deep asleep.

Catherine-baa-san, had a smug on her face and she said

"You want to be strong ,right kid?"

I didn't get what was going on. It was still in shock. She had a tick in her forhead and shouted this time.

"When I ask something, answer me."

I simply nodded.

"Good, so I will train you from today. You might not know, but both of us sisters trained in a dojo when we were young"

She said that with a smug.

That was the explanation they could think of? It was lame. Probably works with small kids, but hey I am a small kid now.

Time passed, and Thor and Hodur too joined us after 3 months of my training.

Thor had revenge in his mind. He started training in all the exercises he saw his father and their guards do. Hodur, even if he was blind, he did the exercise following his brother. No child wants to feel left out.

Grandmas saw this and included him in the training as well.

Thor was 2 years older than me, and Hodur was 1 year younger than me.

They could see revenge in Thor's eyes. Hodur was too young to properly understand what had happened to them.

Dorothea probably decided to teach Hodur haki since he was blind. She was building his stamina for now, making him run on a plain field in rectangular laps. She gave him directions when to turn. He eventually, turned after running for a distance like he memorized it. He was still young so he was not given any harsh training other than running.

My and Thor's training was much difficult. Running, swimming, fighting, survival training inside the forest, to name a few.

If it was the past me, I would have quit on the first day itself, but in this life, with the will of D, I kept going. I had an ambition and an unyielding will. It kept me going forward.

I must say Thor and I became buddies over the time. We didn't train all day. We worked with Wolf. Me on the lab and Thor on the farm. He was not the tech-smart guy for a lab, but he would still be in awe after looking into the different machines.


A.N: If you guys feel there are (m)any plot holes please do let me know here.